Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3308: Jun Tianzong

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But he didn't expect that he just took a punch lightly, as if he had no power at all.

"What is he doing?" Dantai Yanshuang couldn't understand it, he couldn't help but anxiously said, "This is the monster equivalent to the pinnacle of the Lord. Is he planning to tickle each other?"

Dongfang Qiao saw Zhao Yuande shot, but took a long breath. He almost forgot Zhao Yuande's existence just now, thinking he was going to die here.

"You know what, just look at it without screaming!" Dongfangqiao glanced contemptuously at the other party.


The original giant snake didn't put Zhao Yuande's punch in his eyes at all, but he didn't expect it to suddenly feel a strong crisis at the next moment.

Only then did he want to retreat, but it was too late.


Zhao Yuande's punch seemed to be shattered.

With this fist as the center, hundreds of miles of endless pool of water was emptied instantly, and here became a vacuum.

The huge tongue shattered directly under this fist, turning into countless flesh and blood flying out.

The body of the giant snake came with a crackling sound, and the whole huge body suddenly piled up like a pile of meat!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Baiqiu swallowed hard, and her brain seemed to stop turning at this moment.

What a terrible power this is! How powerful is this man!

It was a giant snake approaching the pinnacle of the Lord, and his flesh and body were even more powerful.

But the punch that the other party downplayed directly turned into a mess of mud!

I am afraid that even ordinary ordinary gods in the family may not be able to do it!

Is this person a humanoid monster, a powerful holy beast transformed?

Dantai Yanshuang's mouth was wider and her face was a bit out of shape.

"Hey! Now you know! I don't know!" Dongfangqiao looked at the expressions of Dantai Yanshuang and Xiao Baiqiu, and couldn't help but show a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Zhao, you are...too powerful!"

Although he knows Zhao Yuande's strength, this punch still makes him feel incredible.

The power of this punch is enough to confront the powerful man who has just entered the realm of God.

However, it is only able to fight against it. It is impossible to win.

If you are not specializing in the physical body, even a deity might not have such a terrible blow.

"Hey! It's still not perfect!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a trace of regret, "If it was changed to Shenwu, she might be able to directly annihilate this giant snake with one punch!"

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was interested, Zhao Yuande said the word Shenwu, and suddenly everyone except Dongfangqiao Baifeng was stunned.

This person is actually related to Shenwu?

At this time, even if it was round and round, they almost rushed over to shake hands with Zhao Yuande and re-examine their cooperation.

The two women were shocked by Zhao Yuande's breath. When they heard the name of Shenwu, they almost glared out their eyes.

Who is Shenwu!

That was the first genius in the entire chemical industry, as if it were a big sun hanging over the heads of many powerful men, so that they could only look up and not reach.

Countless big men are optimistic about Shenwu, thinking that she will inevitably become the master, and may even go further and become the guardian of the entire chemical industry.

I don't know how many people want to have a relationship with it, but they have nowhere to go.

Now this person is actually related to Shenwu, and may even have a close relationship with it.

At this moment, the two women's hearts were full of thoughts, and they couldn't calm down.

"Okay! Although the bones of this giant snake are all broken, but the flesh and blood are big supplements, I will leave it to me if I have time to make food." Zhao Yuande put the huge snake body in his pocket, "Go! Go to the next level."

Dongfangqiao winked at Yuanyuan, turned around and followed Zhao Yuande into the whirlpool.

Fairy Bai Feng and Mo Qilin also hurried to keep up.

"Come on!" Yuanyuan glanced at the two women who were still in shock, and could not help sighing.

They appeared in a huge drug garden, but the elixir in the drug garden was basically all lighted up, leaving only some elixir that was not enough for the year.

"In this third layer, there are huge fields of spirit medicine. A large part of the field of spirit medicine has been opened by people, and the spirit medicine has been plundered. There are only a few esoteric medicine fields. Exist." Xiao Baiqiu has gradually returned to calm at this time, and has begun to explain to everyone.

At this time she finally removed the tightly wrapped helmet, revealing a peerless look that did not lose to Bai Feng.

"Sister, your heart is spring!" Dantai Yanshuang knew the meaning of Sister, and could not help but secretly murmured.

"Hey! Who doesn't yearn for such a strong man, it's no wonder that Bai Feng has always been by her side, and he is dead on him!" Xiao Baiqiu was not embarrassed and said directly, "If he can accept me, I can serve him immediately Give."

"Sister, you are too direct!" Dantai Yanshuang couldn't help but grow her mouth.

"This kind of man can't ask for anything. It's a great fate to appear before us. Even if he can't be his woman, it's absolutely necessary to be a friend!" Xiao Baiqiu is very realistic.

"Don't you also want to find elixir on this floor? Do you have a field of elixir?" Dongfangqiao asked curiously at this time.

"Yes! We Jun Tianzong do control a magic potion field, and only our Jun Tianzong disciples are eligible to enter!" Xiao Baiqiu nodded, "What the **** are you doing this time? If you want to find a magic potion You can tell me, as long as there are some in our Tiantianzong's spirit medicine field, we can help you collect them."

"No! We are not here to look for elixir." Zhao Yuande shook his head, "but thank you, Miss Xiao!"

"Brother Zhao saved our lives, we haven't said thanks, what a little elixir is." Xiao Baiqiu said, "We are still familiar with this third layer, if Brother Zhao has any need, he can open his mouth."

"Well! I will." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"The place where the golden light shrouded is the spirit medicine field controlled by our Jun Tianzong. At the beginning, thirty-two deities of Jun Tianzong came here, and it took three months to open the formation of the spirit medicine field. A gap." Xiao Baiqiu pointed at a distance at this time.

Everyone looked at it and found that an eggshell-shaped golden light hood enveloped a field of spirit medicine. I was delighted to see that all kinds of exotic flowers in the field of spirit medicine were competing to open, and countless spirit medicines were full of vitality.

"Huh?" It was at this time that Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a little familiar breath fluctuate in the distance.

It's the old man's breath!

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