Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3312: Heaven eats the elderly

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Zhao Yuande was relieved.

But the next moment, he felt a pity.

This is a deity powerhouse, there must be a lot of resources and treasures, and this time they must have come to pick medicine in the field of spirit medicine, and they don't know how many rare spirit medicines have been picked. This explosion is nothing.

The power of this explosion is almost comparable to the full blow of a six-product chemical treasure.

Maybe there is something on the opponent's body that can withstand the power of the explosion, Zhao Yuande feels that he still needs to search.

He is the space of God's domain, covering thousands of miles in an instant.

"Huh, there is really something left!" Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared instantly.

Soon he grabbed a slap-sized quaint token in his hand.

This token looks as if it is made of bronze, a quirky character that looks very mysterious, forming a simple gate shape on it.

"It could not be identified!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the soul, but found that there was no way to identify what it was.

This discovery made him ecstatic and could not be identified, which shows that the bronze token is very high-level, and he is really a baby.

"Who knows this thing?" He quickly returned to the crowd and showed the bronze token to everyone.

"Don't know!" Everyone shook their heads.

"I seem to have seen the character above on a treasure." Roundness pondered for a moment, then said.

"What treasure?" Dongfangqiao couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It seems that we are the Fengshen Ding who suppresses the luck of the Chamber of Commerce!" round and round, "But I have only seen Feng Shending from afar, and I'm not completely sure!"

"Feng Shending! That is beyond the nine treasures of the Xianbao Xianbao treasure!" Hearing the round said, Xiao Baiqiu and Dantai Yanshuang could not help feeling a little suffocated.

"If it is really the same text, it may be the same thing of the same era!" Continued roundly, "According to the chamber of commerce records, Feng Shending is the treasure of Fengshen Realm that has disappeared, is this token also a seal of Gods? Things in the world? If this is the case, then the value is too great! Brother Zhao, if you intend to take action, I am willing to make 50 billion! No...80 billion!"

"80 billion!" Hearing this number, everyone couldn't help trembling.

Eighty billion don't mention them, even the strongest who respects the pinnacle of the Lord may not be able to take it out.

For eighty billion, you can already buy four or five pieces of Seventh-Generation Chemical Immortals.

It's a real gamble!

"No, I have to stay and study this thing first!" Zhao Yuande shook his head.

Not to mention that he does not lack the Holy Crystal now, even if he is not missing, he will not sell.

The fact that it cannot be identified alone means that this treasure is definitely not simple.

"Okay! If Brother Zhao intends to make a shot, he must think of me first."

"Relax, we are partners, no matter what I will think of you first." Zhao Yuande smiled.


At that time, the white tiger had gradually recovered, and the continuous * beside Mo Qilin revealed the gratitude in his eyes.

"Okay! Let's go!" Mo Wu was not interested in it. He pulled it apart with a paw and returned to Zhao Yuande's side.

"Hey! Mo Wu, it's mother!" Dongfangqiao lowered his voice in Mo Wu's ear, "Not bad! Tall and powerful!"

"I killed you!" Mo Qilin bit the arm of Dongfangqiao in one bite.

"Hey... hurt... you tap... I'm wrong..." Dongfangqiao wailed constantly.


"Dongfangqiao, you also have today, Mo Wu gave him some color to look at!" Round and round this time the expression of gloating on his face.

"You...Brother Zhao...Help!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help Zhao Yuande.

"Okay, this is not a crazy place, we have something to do." Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Humph! Good luck!" Mo Wu let out reluctantly.

"I...I want to bite you..."


"Thank you two girls for coming to help." Zhao Yuande looked at Xiao Baiqiu regardless of them.

"We actually did not help." Xiao Baiqiu smiled bitterly.

If Zhao Yuande didn't respond quickly and took them away, they would be hit hard even if they didn't die now.

"Well, I wrote down Zhao Yuande's love between the two." Zhao Yuande nodded.

They soon separated, and Zhao Yuande and they returned to the chaotic mist-filled medicine field.

"You really came..." At this moment, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a slight fluctuation into his sea of ​​knowledge.

It turned out that the old man who ate the sky contacted Zhao Yuande through the secret method.

"Master, you... you are awake!" Zhao Yuande was delighted and hurriedly passed the message. "We are now before a medicine field shrouded in chaotic mist. I feel your breath inside."

"I feel you too!" The voice of the old man in Tianchi was weak, as if the candlelight in the wind might be extinguished at any time.

"Master, this chaotic mist is so overbearing, how did you get into it?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"In the beginning... Hey! I ran in with a life saving card!" The old man of Tianchi sighed, "I was attacked by the wicked man, and I almost died, but I was forced to reluctantly rush into the mist of chaos. Saved my life!"

"Shen Buyi!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help gritting his teeth, "Master, can you still persist?"

"Here I am consuming my power all the time, thanks to the dark jail ancient lotus around me when I rushed in. This has allowed me to persevere for so long. Time." The old man ate back.

"Master, rest assured! I will break through the fog of chaos and let you go!" Zhao Yuande firmly said, "Please wait patiently!"

"Good! Good!" The voice of the old man in Tianchi was full of excitement.

Zhao Yuande withdrew his mind and looked at the chaotic mist in front of him, and he could not help showing a firm look on his face.

"Yuan Yuan still needs your help!" Zhao Yuande looked at Yuan Yuan, "As long as the Master can be rescued, this is a great relationship!"

"Okay! This is also my investment." Yuanwan didn't hesitate to take the volume of forgiveness again.

As soon as the forgiveness came out, the chaotic mist around him rolled again.

The explosion just did not cause any abnormalities in these chaotic mists. This pardon forgiveness has surpassed the power of the Seventh-Generation Chemical Xianbao with only a little deterrence.

"All standing behind me." The round voice was full of dignity.

Everyone nodded, knowing that this is not an ordinary thing, and dared not neglect it.

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