Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3319: Heavenly Tribulation

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"Shenwu...Is this what you think of him?" Wanfan couldn't help but slightly surprised.

"Good! I have seen the side of Divine Martial Arts. At that time, when she was weak, at that time, he was just entering the realm of the Holy Lord, but he was already able to kill the strong middle-aged God." Jinpao middle-aged man His face is very solemn.

"Okay!" Yuanfanwan was speechless now, "We don't understand the world of genius!"

"Your friend is about to break through!" The middle-aged man in Jinpao smiled a little on his face. "I feel that the breath in his body has reached the limit, so I'm close to the door! How about I help him? ?"

"Seven elders can naturally get what they want!" Nodded roundly.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had really reached the limit, and the power of terror gathered in his body, as if a volcano could erupt at any time.

However, at this time, the old man could not cause any pressure on him. He had a feeling that he couldn't step on the door.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a terrifying breath and locked himself.

It was as if he was being stared at by a terrible beast, a pressure hit at the same time, reducing the speed and speed of his suppression by at least half.


At that moment, the old man chopped off with a palm, he didn't escape at all, and fell to his chest with a palm print.

Suddenly he felt that all his internal organs were broken, and a powerful crisis came to him.

At this time, the infinite power lurking in his body seemed to find a catharsis outlet and burst out at once.


There was a loud noise inside him.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying breath swept out of him.

The layers of void ripples spread to the four sides, and the oldest person closest to him seemed to be cut by a terrible blade at this time. His body was cut into two halves by this void ripple at once!

"'s so rare to be against the sky!" The Seventh Elder looked at the layers of void ripples incredulously. "What he cultivates is the void sky, and this is a sign that the void crystal nuclei are beginning to transform!"

"The Void Nucleus begins to transform!" Yuan Wan's eyes widened, "Isn't that what happened when you practiced in the Venerable Realm? He just entered the Venerable Realm and was able to transform for the first time!"

"Pervert!" Seven Elders just jumped out two words.

The thirteen prince Lin Qingzhou, who was caught round by round, was shocked by the conversation between the two of them at this time.

He really heard the name of Shenwu, the legend is the first genius of the chemical industry, the hope of the entire chemical industry.

Even the strong men of the Saints Alliance highly respected it, and this person could be compared with Shenwu!

What kind of horrible existence has this caused you?

Although the old man was cut into two halves, he did not worry about life, but flew backwards in horror.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande felt that an unprecedented power of terror filled the body, and the void crystal nucleus in his body collapsed completely, turning into a chaotic air mass, in which endless light flashed continuously.

Zhao Yuande could feel as if it was really a starry sky, and as long as his heart moved, the infinite power of the void would rush out of it.

"Thank you seniors for your help!" Zhao Yuande looked at the old man who was hard to retreat. Instead of chasing, he turned to look at the elders around him.

"Don't thank me, without me you will be able to break through smoothly in a few days." The elder Seven's voice was very kind, full of friendliness.

"Brother Zhao, this is the Seven Elders of the China Chamber of Commerce. Together with my third brother, I am responsible for the business of Dongsheng Shenzhou!" Yuanwan hurriedly introduced to both parties. "This is my friend Zhao Yuande. We have established a cooperative relationship. , I believe that I will become a major customer of the China Chamber of Commerce in the future!"

"Zhao Yuande? Zhao Yuande, the ascendant who was wanted by the Saint Alliance?" Hearing the round introduction, the voice of the seven elders suddenly became hurried.

"Yes, it's the juniors!" Zhao Yuande didn't need to taboo these, he nodded.

"Good! Good! The group of fools in the League of Saints is really a group of fools!" Seven elders laughed at the hands, "No wonder they only deserve to be puppets, it is difficult to get to the hall of elegance!"

"It turned out that he was Zhao Yuande...the other party turned out to be the Qiantong Chamber of Commerce! It seems that our Saint Alliance is going to take the lead this time!" The old man heard the conversation and couldn't help but feel shocked.

The little bit of hatred left in Zhao Yuande's heart also vanished!

As long as the principal of the Chamber of Commerce is not a fool, he will definitely invest heavily in Zhao Yuande. The Saint Alliance wants to start with Zhao Yuande... First of all, we must consider whether we can bear the anger of the Chamber of Commerce!

The Qiantong Chamber of Commerce is known as the fourth largest force in the chemical industry, and its power is still on top of their **** Shenyang.

If this level of existence is to protect a Zhao Yuande, it is easy.

As long as they let out a word, the Saints Alliance will obediently pick up their tails to be a man.

"Boom! Bang!"

Suddenly a bright thunder lit up in the void, and huge meteorites fell with a long fire tail. The terrible breath instantly enveloped the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles in Yunshui City.

"Heaven is coming! Let's go!" Even the Seventh Elder saw this situation and couldn't help but change his face slightly, "Xiaoyou immediately find a place to cross the catastrophe! This is a city of human beings. Will bear huge causes and effects."

"Thank you for reminding me!" Zhao Yuande naturally knew this, and his body disappeared in a flash.

The next moment he had appeared in a wild mountain range hundreds of thousands of miles away.


The huge meteorite fell and smashed him hard into the ground, and the powerful force almost crushed him alive.

"How could it be so fast..." Zhao Yuande's undead power turned his wounds to recover instantly, and his body rushed out of the huge crater.

"Crush me!"

He raised his fist to smash a meteorite, but the meteorite fell like a rainstorm at the next moment!

Zhao Yuande felt endless pressure...


"Come on!" Yuan Cunwan was not interested in killing Lin Qingzhou at all, and left him aside with a disdainful expression on his face.

Lin Qingzhou felt that he had received an unimaginable blow, and at this moment his worldview had collapsed.

He used to feel that he was unparalleled in talent, the first genius of the entire Dalin Empire, and was successfully accepted as a disciple by the Netherworld God of the Alliance of Victors.

He felt that the time when the famous continent and the continent were not far away.

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