Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3322: Chaos Demon Lord

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"Brother Zhao! Let's go! Watching you kiss me and me all day, I... where are my dream fan fairies!" Dongfangqiao urged.

Zhao Yuande also felt a little embarrassed. This time, he said that he was accompanying Dongfangqiao to find Zhang Mengfan, but he did not expect to live in Xinghe Sect for one month.

"I let you go to see if you don't go, is there any embarrassment?" Zhao Yuande looked at Dongfangqiao and couldn't help laughing.

"This...I..." Dongfangqiao, who has been talking about tuberculosis, was squeezing at this time. "I have never told her, I am afraid that she has..."

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande was helpless, "we set off."

After saying goodbye to everyone and promising to come back often, Zhao Yuande and Dongfangqiao left Xinghezong.

In the Fortune City, they found the place where Zhang Mengfan and the little witch were closed.

But at this moment, Sister Zhang had already left.

They soon heard about news from Sister Zhang.

Because Sister Zhang’s Master Liuguang Island’s longevity is about to start, they went out in advance to prepare for the birthday ceremony.

However, they didn't find out exactly where they went.

However, there are only ten days left until the day of Dashou. Zhao Yuande and they are too lazy to look around, just go to Liuguang Island and wait.

Liuguang Island is not an island in the sea, but a giant continent floating in a vast empty sea.

Because of the approaching date of the longevity of Liuguang Island, there are many people on Liuguang Island.

Countless powerful practitioners arrived early.

This Liuguang Island owner is one of the few Taoist powerhouses in the hundreds of millions of realms, with an extraordinary status, so almost every major force will send people to celebrate their birthdays.

It was not too late for them to come and barely found an inn that was not full.

They come first and can only go out and hang out every day.

"Anyway, there are still more than ten days now. Let me take you to a good place first!" Zhao Yuande confronted Dongfangqiaodao.

"What a good place?" Dongfangqiao couldn't help eyes shining.

He also felt a little depressed here.

"Hell! Eighteen layers of hell!" Zhao Yuande had a smile on his face, "but he needs to be wronged and pretend to be my servant!"

"Hell!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help blinking his eyes, "What is fun in hell?"

"Hell..." Zhao Yuande explained the situation in **** to the other party slightly.

"Oh... there is such a good place!" Dongfangqiao's eyes lit up, "Go, be sure to go! Maybe you can get something rare as a birthday gift!"

"Then we have to change it." Zhao Yuande summoned Xiao Qing and transformed himself into Hei Linfeng.

Under the transformation of Xiaoqing, Dongfangqiao slightly changed his temperament and appearance.

From the aspect of appearance, Dongfangqiao is now also a demon of the Black Fire clan, but he cannot leave Zhao Yuande's side, otherwise he will be exposed.

Under the cultivation of Zhao Yuande's infinite resources in the hell, Zhu Shan has truly awakened his bloodline, cultivated all the way up, and now has been promoted to the realm of the holy,

By this time he had become the master of the entire Black Wind City.

"Zhushan!" Just when Zhushan was full of ambition and did not know how to develop next, a voice rang in his ear.

"Young Master Heilin!" Zhu Shan turned around and found a familiar figure!

"Well! Yes, you have already been promoted to the Sacred Realm!" Zhao Yuande looked at Zhu Shan unexpectedly with a slight shock on his face.

Although he knew that Zhushan's qualifications were extraordinary, he did not expect the progress to be so fast.

"If you don't have your resources, I don't know how many years it will take to cultivate to this level!" Although Zhu Shan has reached the state of the Holy Realm at this time, he still feels a strong oppression from Zhao Yuande. Breath, I was shocked.

His original arrogant emotion was gradually let down. Although he was a genius, he could only look up at the young master of the Black Forest.

"Well! Not bad." Zhao Yuande nodded. "This time I came back, and I just came by to see how you developed."

"Let the young master be disappointed. In addition to cultivation, the development is not smooth. With the help of the Mo family brothers, we have basically controlled the Black Wind City, but we are not so easy to think about expanding outward. Among them, the strength is intertwined..." Zhu Shanshan probably described the basic situation.

"It's no problem, you can develop freely. I believe that after your cultivation is improved, there should be greater development." Zhao Yuande nodded. "This is a batch of fire dragon Mingsha, which can be used as a resource for you to recruit the strong."

"Thank you young master!" Candle Mountain was surprised and hurried to take the storage ring.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Yes, has anything happened recently?"

"Important!" Candle Mountain thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Recently, a mysterious cave house gate appeared in the void of Demon Mountain Range. This mysterious cave house does not seem to be left by our demon cultivators, but The human race cultivator has appeared for nearly a month now, and no demons can open it. At this time, the Devil Soul Mountain has gathered countless strong men, and it is the most lively."

"Devil Soul Mountain Range, Mysterious Human Race Cave House? This is a bit interesting." Zhao Yuande turned to look at Dongfang Bridge.

The sight of Dongfang Bridge also shone with different light, obviously also very interested in it.

"This cave mansion will appear, there won't be any powerful presence!" Zhao Yuande is still most concerned about this issue.

"No, absolutely not! And I can guarantee that there will be no strong attention." Zhu Shan said very surely, "Because this month's time is the day when the chaotic demon opened the sermon, the demon above the deity As long as he is alive, he will rush to the Chaos Mountains!"

"Chaotic Demon Lord!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the name.

This name represents a legend, a myth!

This chaotic demon is the guardian of the eighteenth layer of hell. Without his existence, the whole **** might have been captured by the chemical world!

He is the most powerful ruler in the eighteenth layer of hell, incredible and powerful.

Even many masters of the chemical industry are very afraid of it.

This horrible existence will open the forum every 100 years, the purpose is to train the next generation among the demons.

As long as you cultivate to reach the realm of God Venerable, no matter what your identity is, you can go to Chaos Mountain Range to hear it.

Moreover, fighting is strictly prohibited in the Chaos Mountains, even some fierce evil heads will go to the Chaos Mountains at this moment.

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