Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3504: Second floor

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Most of them have injuries, apparently caused by the failure to challenge the Beastmaster.

However, the first level of Tongxuan Tower is still more humane. In the end, the challenge of Beastmaster will give you two chances. It doesn’t matter if you fail once, you can also challenge once.

However, if it fails again for the second time, it will be sent directly out of Tongxuan Tower.

So these failed people gathered here, they dare not easily challenge the second time.


There were rounds of roars in the valley, as if someone had already fought against the Beastmaster in it.

However, Zhao Yuande's soul wanted to penetrate into it, but was found to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and the mist in the valley was so heavy that his eyes could not penetrate.


A few breathing hours, several figures flew out of the valley, their blood was dripping, and several were miserable.

But they are still alive, seeing that the first floor of Tongxuan Pagoda is not so cruel.


Among the few people who flew out, one of them just flew out and worshipped a white light, and disappeared in the next moment.

"That man has failed once!" Everyone understood.

"It's finally our turn!" Qian Fang shouted, rushing into the valley first.

"Kill!" Zheng Yang was also excited.

Zhao Yuande followed behind the two unhurriedly.


As soon as Zhao Yuande entered the valley, he immediately felt that the temperature here was extremely hot, and a giant flame giant was watching them with his burning eyes.

"It is indeed the strength of the pinnacle of the Holy Realm." Zhao Yuande felt the breath of the flame giant and could not help nodding slightly.

"Kill!" At this time, Qian Fang had shouted and rushed up, and a set of pale gold armor appeared outside his body, which was the set that Qian Shun had just contributed.


The flame giant was provoked and suddenly shouted in shock. He slaps towards the money that rushed in.

Suddenly the whole space was enveloped by a terrible flame, and a suffocating feeling instantly enveloped everyone.

"Stop it for me!" Qian Fang held a broad-edged sword and chopped toward the palm of the flame giant.

This broad-edged sword looks very ordinary, but the sword is cut out, and the void that is several feet away is frozen by a strong cold.

Qian Fang actually controlled the Heaven of Ice, and also condensed the Frost Crystal Core, which was just a little restraint against the Fire Giant.

No wonder Qian Shun would choose him as a meat shield!


Although Qian Fang is powerful and has restraint against the other party, his cultivation is only the pinnacle of Dao Zun, but there is a big difference between them!

Qian Fang flew out dozens of feet, which stabilized his figure in mid-air.

Although the opponent's strength is strong and has a crushing effect on him, it is because the suit of armor he wears is really a bit high, so although this slap shot him out, it was only an internal abdominal vibration , And did not suffer too much trauma.

"Beast! You can't help me!" Qian Fang found confidence in this blow confrontation, shouted and rushed up again.

"Don't watch it, Brother Zheng immediately arranged the formation, the water girl drives the demon, Brother Zhao..." Qian Shun arranged in an orderly manner.

But when talking about Brother Zhao, the whole person stayed in place.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Yang, who was about to stop playing, heard Qian Shun's voice stop, and he looked up with some doubts.

"This..." Shui Ling'er just summoned a huge black monster, and the whole person stayed in place.

Qian Fang just rushed in front of the huge flame giant, and made a loud roar of silence, but his body froze at once, and a grunting sound came out of his throat, as if being pinched by his neck.

They were all stupefied at this time, and their eyes looked incredulously as a golden figure slowly fell to the ground.


Then came the sound of two huge halves hitting the ground.

Everyone just felt like they were dreaming.

"You...he...this..." Shui Ling'er pointed at Zhao Yuande and looked at Qian Shun, with infinite surprise in his eyes.

She knew that the most correct choice she made in her life was to promise Qian Shun to come and stand against the Beastmaster together!

Otherwise, how can you know Zhao Yuan, otherwise how can you pull him into the Demon Palace!

"You are all done!" Zhao Yuande walked back with a smile on his face and nodded slightly to the four.

"Brother now...that was..." Qian Shun felt stuttered and didn't know what he was asking.

"Just now! That is the supernatural power of Kunpeng's heritage. I call it Kunpeng Wings!" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"That... the cooperation we just talked about, I think Brother Zhao is a bit disadvantaged! I plan to send two gods of the pinnacles to help you sit in town, and there is no time limit." Shui Ling'er said.

"No, now that we've made up our minds, let's do as we said before!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

There is basically no difference between the peak of a deity and the two, because this combat power is already extremely high in Xuan Jizong.

"Okay!" Shui Ling'er looked at Zhao Yuande strangely.

Although she looks like a girl, she is still in her seventies or eighties, and she is always intriguing in the family. She has never really seen people like Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Zhao... You really... let us have a good meal." Zheng Yang was only reacting at this time, his eyes showing joy.

The successor of Kun Pengzi is really super powerful, he believes that the other party will grow up one day, and the strength is comparable to that of Kun Pengzi.

You must seize this opportunity and make friends with it.

Apart from Qian Fang, everyone else has this idea.

As for Qian Fang, a pure warrior cultivated by the Qian family, he only knew about cultivation. They have always been infused with a belief that their own strength is the real strength, so their ideas are somewhat different from ordinary practitioners.

But this did not delay his worship and admiration for Zhao Yuande.

At this moment, a white light swept across the void.

The flame giant beheaded by Zhao Yuande was resurrected in the light, and Zhao Yuande and they also disappeared into the valley with white light.

When they appeared again, they found themselves in a magnificent palace.

A huge stone monument stands in the palace, which is the Tongxuan monument.

"This should be the second floor!" Qian Shun observed the hall and said, "I remember the information, this second floor is larger than the first floor, and it is also dangerous. I don't know How many people are now on the second floor."

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