Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3897: Things between men

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"Unable to stop, the other party is too powerful, even the magic eagle is easily beheaded by the other party. My gods and souls dare not spy on him!" The wicked voice was not angry because of the other party's questioning.

"What... the magic eagle is dead!" The angry voice was also shocked. "The way it controls space, its speed, even I can't kill it!"

"So... give up those puppets!" Evil voice said, "I am already contacting the master, and if we get a reply we will evacuate here, that human being is too dangerous!"

"There are also a group of people who are also very powerful. Now I am trapped by my thirty-six puppets...what...not good, I am going to join hands with these puppets to kill him!" The angry voice seemed to find something, The figure disappeared instantly.

"Hey! Why doesn't the master reply..." There was a little helplessness in the evil voice.

Without the master's order, even death is here.

As for disobeying the master's order... he didn't dare to imagine what would happen.

Even if I left or left here, I am afraid it would be better to die!

Looking at the battle in front of him, Zhao Yuande could not help nodding slightly.

The three of them have fallen into a wonderful state. Although they are desperately, their hearts are very calm.

Although there were terrible wounds on their bodies from time to time, their eyes remained firm.

All three have their own goals and are all geniuses, plus Zhao Yuande spares no effort to help. At this time, they have gradually entered the right track, and they are all undergoing a wonderful transformation.

Their state of mind has been tempered and gradually completed.

As the puppets fell one by one, the battle became a little easier.

But in exchange for the scars of the three people, in exchange for the huge consumption of the strength of the three.

When the twenty puppets fell down, the three of them suddenly reached their limit.


Xuanyuan Tianren's body fell directly to the ground.

At this time, his body was covered with horrible wounds, and almost no piece of flesh was intact. At the end of his return to his ancestors, I was afraid that an ordinary person could kill him.

But at this time there was a touch of joy on his face, and he felt his change.

In this terrible battle, he felt himself sublimated.

He felt that he had practiced too leisurely before. No wonder the same talented big brother, and even several siblings, were stronger than himself.

This is the real cultivation. Experience between life and death, and progress between life and death.

Zhong Li Yunhai is now clenching his teeth, standing on the spot.

He closed his eyes slightly, although his body was trembling constantly, but he stood upright.

At this time, his mind reached an empty state. He quietly operated Zhong Lijia's mentality, and began to gradually strike the dream state.

Xuan Bing also sat tired on the ground with her knees exhausted. She didn't have any trace of strength. She didn't start practicing directly, but glanced at Zhao Yuande, her face slightly blushing.

She didn't feel anything during the fight, but at the end of the fight she discovered that all of her clothes were torn, although her body was scarred at this time, and her attractive body was also showing in the air.

"Cough..." Zhao Yuande coughed a little embarrassedly.

He naturally saw Xuan Bing's body as well as the other's shy face, and hurriedly took a dress from the space and draped it on the other's body.

At the same time, an undead force is poured into the opponent's body.

"This..." Xuan Bing felt that his body was recovering at an incredible speed, and he couldn't help revealing an incredible look in his eyes.

"Don't say more, start practicing immediately to shield your miscellaneous thoughts!" Zhao Yuande said at this time.

Xuan Bing hurriedly calmed her mind. She knew that this was the best time to practice. If she missed it, it would be difficult to get it back.

"Well! It's about to break through!" Zhao Yuande suddenly turned his head to look at Zhong Li Yunhai, a strange light appeared in his eyes, "It really is a Yu-level talent!"

"You can't let him break through here, I'm afraid it will affect the other two people's cultivation." Zhao Yuande swept his sleeves and took Zhong Liyunhai directly to the spot.

His divine space has now extended beyond the starry sky, and his trace appears above a barren little star.


Thunder bursts in the void, terrifying coercion came down.

Zhao Yuande also infused an undead force into the other party's body.

"Don't worry about crossing the robbery!" Zhao Yuande passed a thought into the other party's sea of ​​knowledge.

This clock has already woken up from the sea of ​​clouds. He had previously felt that his realm was about to rise, that the Heavenly Tribulation was coming, and he was still worried that his body was too exhausted to successfully cross the robbery.

But I felt a vast vitality pouring into my body, and my body began to recover instantly.

In surprise, he opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Yuande in addition to gratitude and strong determination.

"Don't be distracted!" Zhao Yuande said again.


An electric light ignited in the void, and the terrifying thunder suddenly enveloped the entire desolate little star.

Zhao Yuande's body appeared in the starry sky, away from the little star.

Thunder, flame, ice, meteor...

Countless disasters came down, and instantly covered the barren little star.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but see a bitter smile on his face.

This is the result of the aptitude too high, and the disaster that came down is also extremely powerful.

However, Zhong Li Yunhai was the genius of Zhong Li's family after all. His father once excelled at Zhong Li's, and naturally left him with many life-saving things.

Although his hole card is not as many as Xuanyuantian, but it is also enough to cope with this promotion.

Zhao Yuande's body flickered back into the underground cave of the God Meteor, but his space of God's domain still enveloped the starry sky.

It takes some time to cross the robbery, during this time he will also pay attention to the cultivation of the other two.

"Huh...I'm almost there!" Xuanyuan Tianren opened his eyes after an hour, and there was a helplessness in his eyes.

"It's okay, this time it won't work, there's the next time, the next time it won't work and the next time!" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"Hey! Yeah!" Xuanyuan Heavenly Man grinned, but he looked around and found that Xuan Bing was still practicing with his eyes closed, but there was only one less person. "But... did Zhong Li Yunhai go there?"

"He... broke through, and I sent him to the extraterrestrial star crossing!" Zhao Yuande slightly smiled.

"What... this guy turned us into that realm first!" Xuanyuan Tianren's eyes showed an incredible look.

"Really powerful talent!" At this time Xuan Bing also opened his eyes, a smile appeared in his eyes.

Her smile was so beautiful that she felt a little dazzled.

"Hey! Sister, you should laugh more. It's really uncomfortable to have a straight face!" Xuanyuan Tianren said at this time.

"I will!" Xuan Bing's face was slightly red, but he recovered quickly.

Zhao Yuande saw a change in her eyes. He felt that Xuan Bing had changed. The change of state of mind made her change. She became like a woman, and the vigilance in her heart gradually disappeared!

This is exactly what he wanted to see.

But this change may only be in front of them, and others may not see her smile.

"Sister Brother, what do you think of Xuan Bing?" Zhao Yuande secretly whispered to Xuanyuan Tianren at this time.

"Sister Sister is pretty good, and even more so, even my sister-in-law is even worse than her! Although she is indifferent in appearance, she is not so ruthless in her heart." Xuanyuan Tianren couldn't help but be puzzled. what?"

"Don't you have any thoughts about her?" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"I... I'm a rough man. Sister Sister wouldn't like it!" Xuanyuantian was slightly embarrassed.

"How do you know if you don't try it, and I observe that Xuan Bing is not a person who judges people by appearance. She pays more attention to connotation. Although you are a rough person, there are many advantages!" Zhao Yuande said.

"However, I am not as good as Zhongli Yunhai. Even if Sister wants to choose one from us, I'm afraid that she will choose Zhongli Yunhai!" Xuanyuan Tianren couldn't help laughing.

"Zhong Li Yunhai is not here at this time. He has a longing in his heart and wants to surpass his cousin." Zhao Yuande said, "You know why you are not improving as fast as he is because of his heavy weight! Here Under the obsession, he will not consider the personal affair of his children for the time being. But you and Xuan Bing are different. Although you are also struggling, you are not as urgent as he is."

"This..." Xuanyuan Tianren's face hesitated.

"If you can marry Xuan Bing home, I promise that you two will have a place in the family." Zhao Yuande laughed.

"But...she..." Xuanyuantian thought, "If she doesn't agree, how can we get along in the future."

"Don’t worry about this, you have to give her sincerity if you want to get her. I don’t think she is a hard-hearted person. Even she lacks someone who gives her sincerity. According to my observations these days, you are likely to succeed "Zhao Yuande said, "Of course, even if it was an unsuccessful one, and there are the second and third times, women are afraid of stalking. As long as you are cheeky, I promise you will succeed in the end!"

"Really!" Hearing Zhao Yuande saying this, Xuanyuan Tianren couldn't help but widen his eyes, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"What secrets are the two of you talking about?" Xuan Bing on the side saw that the two seemed to be communicating, and their eyes were still falling on their bodies from time to time.

But even if she was dreaming, she could not think that the two were talking about such things, otherwise he would not ask in this way.

"Oh! It's nothing. Let's talk about some things between men." Zhao Yuande smiled, embarrassed.

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