Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4317: Demon Rat

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Chapter 4317 Devil Rat Clan

Just a soldier's cultivation is the pinnacle of domination, but the breath of his body is about to catch up with the powerhouse of chaotic domination.

Is Xuan Ling City so powerful, an ordinary soldier is a terrible genius.

Zhao Yuande felt the blood and blood in the opponent's body surging like a sea, as if a horrible wild beast lurking in his body.

"Look what! Thousand Yuan Yuan will be paid into the city!" The soldier glanced at Zhao Yuande, and a small slap mirror in his hand swept over him, then said coldly.

Zhao Yuande smiled slightly, and after paying a thousand yuan, he walked into the city.

"Hey! No, this person just put some of his companions into the body world. Why didn't he look in the mirror?" Zhao Yuande heard a voice behind him.

Zhao Yuande turned his head to look and saw a young man with a thin face, a short stature, and small yellow down on his face.

A pair of eyes is very small, and the two eyes in the pupil of the eye seem to be the size of mung beans, in which the cunning and cold light flashes, which is obviously not the blood of human beings.

"Yes, I saw it! Is there any privilege for this person, or what's wrong with the mirror?" Someone was coaxing behind him, but the voice was erratic, and he was not sure who it was.

Many people did not speak, just watched quietly.

They do not want to cause trouble, but they are very fond of watching.

"What? Is there someone in your body?" The soldier's eyes suddenly became cold. "You stop, I will check again!"

Zhao Yuande smiled slightly and stopped.

The soldier glanced at Zhao Yuande once again, and nothing was found.

This time, the magic mirror released a divine light, almost all of you Zhao Yuande up and down.

"Isn't it broken?" The young, skinny demon youth was stunned, and some could not believe it.

"Are you kidding me!" The guard eyes suddenly became very sharp, and a terrible momentum rushed out.

Although the strength of the young and thin demon clan is also the pinnacle of their peak, when they are watched by the guard, they suddenly feel cold all over and pale.

"No... no! At that time, many people saw it!" The young and thin demon clan hurriedly turned their heads to look behind them, their faces showing help.

A few people nodded silently, apparently helping the young and thin demon youth.

"Oh! Is that your problem?" The guard saw everyone's eyes and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes a bit strangely. "You stay! Let's figure it out and go!"

"Why should I stay, the entrance fee has been paid, and the mirror has been taken, just because they said I hid someone, I will stay? If they had hatred against me, what would they do if they deliberately framed me?" Zhao Yuande at this time The voice is already cold.

"You... justified!" The thin young youth of the demon race was even more vicious and fierce.

"Even if I hide people, it's not illegal to check the mirror. It's not a violation of your business. Isn't it afraid that I will trouble you?" Zhao Yuande originally concealed his own repairs. For, the performance is nothing more than the **** of the peak.

But now he can only use his strength to deter the other side, so that the other side retreats.

"Ah..." The thin and thin demon youth suddenly felt the power of terror sweeping, and the whole person flew out like a scarecrow.

And the few people who nodded just now seemed to be shocked by the huge waves of terror, and all of them looked miserable.

Even the guard couldn't help changing his face at this time, his eyes widened.

I have just detected a lot of information in my hands, especially the age of the other party, but I am 100 years old!

However, at the age of 100, he could already be promoted to the Chaos Domination Realm. This... I am afraid that it cannot be found in the Xuan Ling City.

Even in the entire Holy Lotus God Realm, there are not many people!

Was this person a super-powerful demon disciple who came out to hide his identity?

He is not a real guard, but a genius disciple of the royal family of Xuan Ling City. Every big family will send the genius of the family into the city guard army for training. He is one of the three geniuses sent by the Wang family this time. winter.

Thinking of this, Wang Dong's face changed suddenly, and his face was all smiles.

"This Xiongtai, as you said, even if there are thousands of troops hidden in his body, it doesn't matter if he looks in the magic mirror! Just now I was a little reckless! Please also Xiongtai don't be surprised!" Wang Dong confronted Zhao Yuande arched his hand.

"Oh! In that case, then I can enter the city?" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

As the so-called time-conscious person is Junjie, this guard clearly sees something, so he changes so fast.

However, the person who did not make a smile on his face, and the other party's approach just now was not out of the ordinary. Now that he has changed his attitude towards himself, he will not show a cold and arrogant attitude.

"It's okay!" Wang Dong nodded again and again, "But Xiongtai is probably the first time he has come to Xuanling City, and he is certainly not very familiar with Xuanling City! In order to make a guilt, I am willing to take Xiongtai to walk in Xuanling City, Can Xiongtai give me this opportunity to apologize."

"Oh! Brother, you are too polite, and your duty was just now." Zhao Yuande was like a mirror at this time, but he would not refuse, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face, "But brother, you are so kind, How can I refuse, and then trouble brothers!"

"No trouble!" Wang Dong smiled all over his face.

Immediately he greeted another soldier to take his place and said to Zhao Yuande that he entered the city with a smile.

The group of people who were overturned by Zhao Yuande's terrible breath just now were all regretful.

I knew that the opponent was so powerful, they wouldn't speak at all.

The youth of the thin and thin demon clan who had fallen in the distance was bleeding at the corner of the mouth, and they looked at each other and walked into the city with both faces full of resentment.

Many people can't help feeling cold when they see the eyes of the young and thin demon youth.

"Is this guy crazy? It seems that even the guard is resentful! You know that this guard's identity is invincible!"

"I know this guard, called Wang Dong, but a genius of the Wang family."

"The origin of this guy is even more terrible. It is the Devil Rat Clan! This group is very evil, and recently a super genius called the Whale Whale. It is said that the Devil Rat Clan has stolen the scary genius of the Whale Clan.

"Mouse whale! It turned out to be him, the figure of Xuan Ling City, and the top ten geniuses ranked fifth!"

"It is said that the strength of this whale is already in the mid-term of chaotic dominance, and its combat power is almost invincible among its peers, which is terrible!

"Then this guy has something to do with whales?"

"It should be the cousin of rat whale, rat bee!"


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