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Chapter 4327 Food

"It turned out to be the deputy lord of the city!" Zhao Yuande slightly arched his hand. "We walked around the Zhenlong Baolou, because my friend had some hatred for the dragon, so when he was on the eighth floor, his eyes were somewhat unfriendly to the dragon ten. After we left, the Dragon Ten suddenly appeared in the void, and wanted to kill us! All of these things are seen in the eyes, and I don't need me to explain more!"

"Vice-City Lord, I just collected intelligence, and the audience also said that Long Shi was attacked by the void, and there is no scruples! If it is not blocked by this son, I am afraid that many people will be killed together!" Captain Jia said Shi stood up and said.

"Long Shi is openly killing in Xuan Ling City? Is this unrealistic!" Long Fangheng frowned.

"He didn't reveal his real body at first, but turned into a giant beast. If this son did not take Long Shishe out of the void, no one would know him!" Captain Jia said.

"This..." Long Fangheng heard this, even if he wanted to take cover.

He hated that Dragon Ten was too arrogant!

"Okay! Now that things are falling out of the way, let's talk about the issue of compensation!" said the old man in gray robe. "Because of the battle between you two, the buildings of thousands of miles have completely disappeared, and I don't know how many strong people have died. , How much property has been lost! You two must fully compensate!"

"I admit! I'll pay!" Long Fangheng couldn't refute at this time, but nodded.

"If it weren't for our strength, we already died in the hands of the Long family. I won't compensate. I am the victim. I still want the Long family to compensate me!" Zhao Yuande shook his head.

"If you don't fight Longfangheng, how could there be so many losses? You can't do it without compensation!" The gray-haired old man said with a blank expression.

"All of this is because of the Dragon family. Why should I compensate? Senior, you say it unfairly, I want to see the master of the city!" Zhao Yuande still shook his head, his attitude was very determined.

"Oh! Since that is the case, then you will follow me!" The old man with long hair in gray robe had a sharp look, and his big hand came towards Zhao Yuande, so he had to capture him.

"Seniors are so unfair, then don't blame the juniors!" Zhao Yuande looked at the palm of his hand and felt that the world around him had now become a cage, and the chaotic world under his control had been compressed to an insufficient number. The range of Zhang.

He believes that if the opponent's palm actually falls, he will definitely fall into control, and there will be no chance of overturning.

At the moment when he wanted to exert his means and escaped control, a figure appeared in the void, blocking him in front of him.

"Brother Mogu, why do you have such a big temper, this little friend is a valuable guest of my royal family, you give me a face!"

This is a middle-aged man dressed in white. His body is upright, with a trace of fortitude in his soft face, and there is endless power in his body. He easily blocked that palm in front of him.

"Wang Jun! It's you!" The gray-haired long-haired old man known as Mogu, when he saw this middle-aged man, couldn't help staring, but then he seemed to think of something at once.

His eyes fell on Zhao Yuande and stared at him for a long time.

"Hey!" the gray-haired old man with a long hair sighed. "Since this is the case, the king will take him away!"

After some meetings in his heart at this time, he adopted Wang Jun's attitude towards Zhao Yuande, and he instantly guessed Zhao Yuande's identity.

It was the legendary friend of Saint Pauline, the master of the city, who originally wanted to invite this young man. If it was really Saint Pauline’s girlfriend, it really needed to make friends, or even stagnate.

Thousands of great cities of Holy Lotus Domain, Xuan Ling City ranks at the bottom, and is not valued at all.

If you can take the line of Saint Pauline, Xuan Ling City may fly into the sky and get more resources.

What's more important is to be able to get more qualifications to enter the Broken God Realm.

The Broken God Realm is a chaotic void. It is said that before the evolution of the Holy Lotus God Realm, there is a stronger God Realm here.

This piece of God's Domain does not know what caused it to break apart, but there are countless broken continents in the broken God's Domain, with many remains on it.

The Holy Lotus of Chaos sealed this piece of broken **** realm town, and every thousand years, some places will be released to explore.

Every time the strong man who enters the Broken God Realm is as long as he does not die, he will inevitably gain huge opportunities.

At that time, the young master of Xuan Ling City, now the master of the master, entered it and walked out alive.

He was not considered to be the most powerful genius in Xuan Ling City, but since he walked out of the Broken God Realm and sang along the way, he was promoted from the early stage of Chaos Master to the peak of Chaos Master in thousands of years. .

Whoever doesn't want this kind of big chance doesn't want to fight for it.

In Xuan Ling City, hundreds of millions of powerful people, Chaos dominates millions, but only three places are allocated.

The top cities such as Shengyang City and Tianhao City have hundreds of places.

And the Saint Pauline will also control some places in the hand, as long as she has a good relationship with it, maybe you can get a few places from her hands.

At this time, the deputy mogu of the mogu seemed to have eaten a dead mouse, and the depression in his heart could hardly be said.

"Leave Dragon Ten!" At this time, Long Fangheng saw the **** dog dragging away Dragon Ten, and he couldn't help but hate it, but he couldn't dare to do it in the face of the owner of the Wang family. He could only shout and ask for help. Eyes turned to Mogu.

Mogu felt very depressed at this time. He pushed all the responsibilities to the Dragon family. How could he have a good look at Long Fangheng.

"Huh! Your Dragon family violated the rules of Xuan Ling City. You shot on the street! At this time, you don't know how to repent. I will limit you to send compensation to the city's government tomorrow, otherwise your Dragon family..." Mogu snorted and turned around Just go.

"I..." Long Fangheng gritted his teeth and wished he could rush up to kill him.

But even if he was bold, he wouldn't dare to do it. He wasn't a young man. I'm afraid it would really bring disaster to the Dragon family.

"Food, you take good care! I will come to harvest you soon!" At this time, the **** dog turned his head, grinning at Long Fangheng, showing his white teeth, and his voice was full of greed and provocation.


Long Fangheng felt that he must be crazy if he stayed here again, he bit his teeth and turned to disappear.

"Okay! Shut up!" Zhao Yuande patted the **** dog's head. "You are flicking him like this, I don't care about you!"

"Wang!" The **** dog grinned, showing a smug expression.

At this time, Long Shi was still wailing, tearing his heart and tearing his lungs, making people feel a bit creepy.

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