Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4333: Return plan

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"I also have this idea." Zhao Yuande nodded. "The owner of this treasure building intends to turn to me. He was originally operating a treasure building. It has a history of tens of thousands of years! I plan to let him be your start, you two. Come and run together."

"Really!" Quan Juyou heard Zhao Yuande say this, and his eyes lit up.

"It's just that I don't know this person! You can send someone around to find out how this person's heart is. If you can, let him work with you for a while. If you are satisfied with him, he will be able to run with you here on my behalf. "Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay! This is no problem, everything is left to me!" Quan Juyou nodded again and again.

Song Feng came back quickly, and he brought back most of the materials, but there are a few rare ones that will not be found for a while.

During this time, Quan Juyou also came back to report. Many people around the shop and treasure house had some understanding of Song Feng, and they were fairly honest, temporarily letting Zhao Yuande rest assured.

"This is my friend Quan Juyou. After this treasure building, the two of you will jointly operate it!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! Son!" Song Feng's face showed a beam of joy.

He knew that he might have passed the level for a while, and then his performance will be related to his status in the future.

Now that there is a treasure building, and the material treasures are massive, now we only look at the methods of Quan Juyou and Song Feng.

The Baolou matter was temporarily resolved, and Zhao Yuande was temporarily idle.

He began to wonder how he should improve his strength and how to become stronger.

"Perhaps it's time to take a look at the main world!" Zhao Yuande smiled at the corner of his mouth.

When he entered the main world, when he really looked at the world in a dominant position, he couldn't help but be shocked by the development of the main world.

What was once a chaotic world has now become vast.

The main body of the anti-sky hoist in the center of the main world is not as huge as before, and all the vines it stretched out now extend into the void.

Without a vine, it is like an invisible big hand, controlling an evolving world of dimensions.

"How is it! The development of the main world is good!" At this time, the empty gourd appeared in front of him, and there was a trace of pride in the voice.

"Yes, it's good, but..." Zhao Yuande was a little dissatisfied. "But you never promised me my strength but I didn't get any."

"That... don't worry!" Void Gourd seemed a little embarrassed, "I can indeed give you some power back now, so that you can greatly improve your combat effectiveness, but it is not a qualitative leap for you. If you believe me Wait until the peak of Chaos Domination is promoted, and then it is likely that these forces will be used to break through the imprisonment and achieve the path of breaking the road."

"This..." Zhao Yuande hesitated. "You know that I am not strong enough to protect myself in the origin. Many strong people can easily kill me, especially the Dragon family. I have already offended, and the Dragon family ancestors are almost half. You will be able to advance to break through the steps, and if you disregard the rules, you will easily kill me."

"In fact, there is a way to improve your strength." Void Hulu said.

"Hurry up!" Zhao Yuande was very anxious.

"That is to go back to the Xuanhuang Realm and get the Jinlong Pagoda." Void gourd said, "Although this Jinlong Pagoda is not a peerless treasure, it is also the hard work of a powerful person who has broken the Dao Realm. The pinnacle of the strong will not kill you. But..."

"But what?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"However, if Zhenlong Pagoda wants to resist Chaos and dominate the peak powerhouse, it will drain your power all at once. There is only one low-end chance and then you can only escape." Void Hulu said.

"If I can stop a blow, I have a chance to live." Zhao Yuande said, "But now how do I go back to the Xuanhuang Realm? Can the Void Channel travel between the origin and the Xuanhuang Realm's Void Barrier?"

"It's a little difficult, but it's not impossible." Void gourd said, "You have destroyed the origin of the Void Barrier before, although it was restored in an instant by the incarnation of Chaos Saint Lotus, but that moment is enough for us to shuttle back!"

"But... how to return to the origin?" Zhao Yuande said.

"This...I didn't think of it." The Void Gourd was a little embarrassed.

"Well! Call me when you think about it!" Zhao Yuande was a little disappointed.

"Right! I remembered, do you remember that unicorn. The unicorn in the unicorn abyss." Void gourd said.

"Remember! Don't..." Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, we will find it immediately! Only through it you can go back and forth between the two realms." Void gourd said.

"Yes, I will arrange it and go." Zhao Yuande focused on it.

It is very difficult for them to break the void, but it is as simple as breathing for the unicorn. As long as the other party is willing to help, there is absolutely no problem.

He told Quan Juyou to say that he was going to retreat and practice soon.

And told Song Feng that it is best to gather the materials as soon as possible before he retreats, he will heal the soul for Song Qian.

Song Feng is now in contact with some large chambers of commerce in a secret channel, exchanging precious Xuanhuangjie materials for origin materials.

With this convenience, he has gathered the materials listed by Zhao Yuande.

These materials were originally just supplementary delicacies. After Zhao Yuande made them, they put Song Qian in the gourmet soup, and then secretly used a trace of undead power to restore the other's soul consciousness.

Everything was very successful, and Song Qian quickly woke up and regained consciousness.

But she was extremely weak at this time, and the spirit of the soul seemed to be lighted in the wind, which could go out at any time.

Under Song Feng's explanation, Song Qian soon completely believed Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande also guided the huge spirit power in the gourmet soup to gradually stabilize the spirit for the other party.

It was through this that the mysterious method of spiritual rejuvenation, such as Yuanshen Resurrection, was passed to the other party.

"Well, Senior, the next thing depends on her character. As long as he succeeds in practicing this secret method, he will not only fully recover, but also get huge benefits. In the future, the soul of the gods will be immortal!" Zhao Yuande Nodded to Song Feng, "Senior guard her well! Don't disturb her."

"Thank you, Master! The old grace of the Master is nothing to repay, and I can only use my second half of my life to bow down for the Master!" Song Feng bowed deeply, his face showing gratitude.

"Okay! I'm going to take a break. The consumption just now was too much!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

Three days later, Song Qian appeared in front of Zhao Yuande.

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