Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4351: Great difference in strength

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Chapter 4351: The difference in strength is too great

But he knew that this moment was the edge of life and death, and the **** sword in his hand was still madly cut.


In the end, King of Light God is a strong man who is dominated by Chaos, and its strength is more than ten times stronger than that of Guang Wanli.

The other big hand grabbed the crimson sword that had been chopped off and smashed it with one hand.

Guang Wanli could not see at this time, knowing that the general trend was gone, and turned and flew away towards the distance.

At this time, a golden flame was burning in his body. Obviously, he knew that ordinary speed could not escape at all, and directly burned the original power of the body.

"Sin barrier! You can't escape!" The King of Light God's voice was cold and ruthless.

Instead of chasing him, he urged the momentum to restore his head, and this was the point where the void escaped far away.

There was a ripple in the void, and Guang Wanli hit a layer of invisible barrier, and his body was bounced back by a force.

"You old thing! You have long wanted to get rid of me, I fight with you!" Guang Wanli made a beast-like roar, and rushed towards the King of Light God again.

The golden flame on his body became more intense, lighting up the entire void.

"It's useless, don't forget, you are my grandson, everything is under my control!" The King of Light God sneered and swiped his fingers in the void.


A series of explosions exploded on Guang Wanli, causing him to tremble and look miserable.

" old've already calculated it!" Guang Wanli screamed in horror. He only felt his body was disintegrating, and his strength was passing by quickly.

"Sin obstacles! Your skills are all taught by me. Do you think you can escape my control?" The King of Light God sneered repeatedly.

"No... Grandpa! Forgive me, I won't dare anymore!" Guang Wanli couldn't hold on at this time, finally knelt in the void and bowed to the God of Light repeatedly.

"It's late! You have died and completed me, and it is considered that you died well!" The King of Light God was indifferent and merciless, and did not hesitate at all because the other party was his grandson.


In the end, Guang Wanli exploded into a blood mist.

But the power in his body is absorbed by the King of Light as if it were all returned to the sea.

"It's cool!" The voice of King Light God is full of evil, which is incompatible with the word light.

"Boy, you can die now!" Guang Wanli's eyes turned to Zhao Yuande at this time, his voice cold and ruthless.

"Why!" Zhao Yuande felt the other party's terror killing, and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

"The chaotic oath has been broken, you have no value, so you can die!" The King of Light God sneered again and again, stepping under his feet just appeared in front of Zhao Yuande, and scratched his head in the void.

"Old things!" Zhao Yuande looked ugly, but his figure disappeared in place.

"What! You even have this kind of means!" The King of Light God looked at Zhao Yuande in the distance.

"Old things, you didn't expect much more!" Zhao Yuande sneered, his figure disappeared again.

"Hum! This void has been imprisoned by me. Even if you have the ability to pass the sky, you can't escape my palm!" The King of Light God sneered, and his body disappeared.


Zhao Yuande only felt that an irresistible force of terror bombarded his body, and he bombarded him from the shuttle void.

There was blood spraying in his mouth, and the bones in his body did not know how many broken.

This is the most stifling battle since he was born, it is not the opponent of the opponent at all, their strength difference is too far.

The other party was obviously just a random blow just now, and he has been hit hard.


But the King of Light God at this time was very surprised.

Although he was just a random blow just now, his power is also capable of smashing Tianyu and destroying one side.

Not to mention a cultivator in the mid-terms of Chaos Domination, even a strong man who has just entered the pinnacle of Chaos Domination may be shattered.

But the other party was just hit hard, which made him suddenly interested in Zhao Yuande's body.

He felt that the other party must have a terrifying big secret and great chance, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate the flesh to this point.

Suddenly he didn't want to kill Zhao Yuande anymore. He wanted to capture him and get a secret.

But before that, he wanted to try where the opponent's limit lies.


Zhao Yuande's body was just recovered by the power of undead, and he was again hit by terror.

This time his body exploded directly, flesh and blood flew, and bones were scattered.

"Just now it was only 20% strength, now it is 40%, his physical limit is 40%! This is enough to contend with the Chaos-dominated peak and mid-level strongman! What secrets does he have...but this secret is now mine "The King of Light God looked at Zhao Yuande's torn body with his eyes burning, and he would grab all the flesh and bones with a big search.

But at this moment, his body reorganized all at once, and he escaped from the cracks of the King of God of Light in the intermittent time.

"What! This kind of resilience! This is the immortal body!" The King of Light God saw this scene first and then was extremely excited, "Undead body! Undead body! If you can get the undead body..."

Zhao Yuande's reorganized body appeared not far away, but at this time his eyes were staring at the void.

Because the agreed time was soon reached, this was his only chance to escape.

"Haha! Come over to me!" The King of Light God laughed loudly.

The body suddenly became taller and did not know how many times, and took a big step towards Zhao Yuande.

A terrifying coercion permeated the entire void, and Zhao Yuande only felt his body seemed to be nailed into the void at this time, and chaotic chains wrapped around his body, making him unable to move at all.

"It's broken! You can't go on like this!" Zhao Yuande knew this was a critical moment. If it was really locked, there would be no chance of escape.

He can imagine the scene of being caught by the other party, absolutely miserable.

"Void gourd! Hurry and help me cut the chain!" Zhao Yuande's only hope at this time was the void gourd.


The Void Gourd has been prepared for a long time, and as Zhao Yuande calls for help, a brilliant dark green light flew out of Zhao Yuande's sea of ​​knowledge.

The dark green light is a vine, but it is as sharp as a sky sword, and all the imprisonment on Zhao Yuande is cut off between sweeps.

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