Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4370: Chaos Yuanquan

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However, in the middle of the grotto, there is a small pool the size of a well, and in the middle of the pool there is a fist-sized spring.

In the eyes of the fountain, the rumbling gurgles blistered with milky blisters, and the refreshing aroma was released from it.

"This is... Chaos Yuanquan!" Zhao Yuande swept the appraisal technique and exclaimed suddenly.

"You have a lot of insights, and even know this kind of thing." Even the ink-colored unicorn was a little surprised at this time.

"Oh! I happened to have seen an ancient book that introduced Chaos Yuanquan." Zhao Yuande could only explain like this.

"It turns out so!" Mo Se Qilin didn't care, just nodded slightly, "This thing is probably the main purpose of the Devil Rat Clan to occupy here! But they haven't had time to collect it, they were captured by you!"

"This thing can only produce a pool for thousands of years. It can cleanse the body, purify the soul, and change the qualifications. It can be said that it is a treasure of the world, which is more precious than the magic medicine! Seniors can choose one from the Kirin tribe. The strongest genius, I believe that after the chaotic change of Yuanquan, he should become the pillar of the Kirin family." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but envy.

"No! I plan to let you use this thing!" Ink Kirin shook his head slightly. "Our life is extremely long. Ten thousand years is not a distant time for us, and your strength is a little weak now. If you have undergone the transformation of Chaos Yuanquan, I believe your cultivation will surely go to the next level."

"This..." Zhao Yuande's face was grateful.

"Don't refuse, my body can't come out of the Qilinyuan. If there is any danger in the future, you will need to help me protect the Qilin family. This is the right to pay you in advance!" Is beyond doubt.

"Okay! Those who are hypocritical from time to time, I promise to seniors! As long as I don't die, the Qilin family will be fine!" Zhao Yuande's voice was clanging, which had already made his own promise.

"I will protect the law for you, you can absorb it with all your strength!" The ink-colored unicorn blocked the whole grotto.

Zhao Yuande was not too long-winded, he walked directly into the pool and sat cross-legged.

He opened his pores and began to absorb the chaotic Yuanquan.

"It hurts..." At the next moment, he was suddenly stimulated by the huge pain from the pores.

Even he almost couldn't hold back, feeling that every pore seemed to be pierced with a pointed cone, and a huge pain from the soul spread throughout his body.

However, after all, he practiced the resurrection of Yuanshen, but he was familiar with this huge pain during his breath, and even depressed this huge pain, and began to urge the body to continue to absorb the power.

"Really... Peerless genius! This kind of character, this kind of tenacity, rare in the world!" The ink-colored unicorn on the side saw Zhao Yuan Desha free from that kind of great pain, and couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Obviously he knew what was the consequence of absorbing Chaos Yuanquan. He didn't remind Zhao Yuande that he wanted to see how long Zhao Yuande could get rid of that huge pain.

This is related to his state of mind, mentality, and even Zhao Yuande's future achievements can be seen through this matter.

Now this result makes him extremely satisfied, nodding and smiling.

After the huge pain, Zhao Yuande gradually felt intense itchiness all over his body. He knew that this must be a gradual change in his body.

After the itching, he felt refreshed and refreshed. He even felt that his speed of absorbing the origin of the gas was also increased many times than before.

Just when he was somewhat intoxicated in this state, some changes were gradually taking place in his knowledge of the sea.

The Tongtian tree continues to grow, and the branches and leaves at the top of the tree are becoming denser and denser, as if transformed into a huge umbrella, covering the entire sea of ​​knowledge.

The branches and leaves are still growing crazy, and even gradually extended to the other side of the sea, gradually covering the whole sea of ​​knowledge, forming a huge tree cocoon!

The cocoon glowed, and it seemed that some kind of slow transformation was taking place.

But this transformation seems to take a very long time.

"This kid really has a lot of blessings, and there is a tree of heavenly gods growing in the sea, and he will even be transformed soon..."

The ink-colored unicorn was so powerful at this time that he could see through Zhao Yuande's knowledge of the sea at once, even if it could not help but slightly shocked.

"I'll help you!" A bright light in the ink-colored unicorn eyebrows directly shot into Zhao Yuande's eyebrows.

This divine light seemed to be a pot of cold water poured directly into the boiling oil pan, and the slowly decaying tree cocoon suddenly began to boil.

Numerous dark green essences erupted from the tree cocoons, forming a circle of dark green halo...

I don't know how long it took, the tree cocoon suddenly made a clicking sound.

The next moment the tree cocoon collapsed, and the entire sea of ​​knowledge became a sea of ​​divine light.

At the very center of the Shenguang Ocean, there is a golden **** earth, on which grows a small tree shimmering like jade and surrounded by glass **** light.

At this time, the small tree was only three feet tall, and was slowly twiging and sprouting. A ray of golden rays of light rose from the branches to the sky. This is the source of the light of the sea.

"It has already been done!" The ink color Qilin's avatar is a little vague at this time, obviously consuming a huge amount of divine power.

Zhao Yuande opened his eyes abruptly, and his eyes were now full of incredible light.

"Senior, I...I am..." Zhao Yuande's voice shivered a little.

"Your transformation is complete! The body is as pure as a glass, and the celestial **** tree in the sea of ​​knowledge has also transformed into a real chaotic **** tree." There was obviously a little excitement in the ink-colored unicorn voice, but it was hard to hide fatigue.

"Senior you... just helped me just now, and it won't affect your cultivation!" Zhao Yuande naturally knew what had happened, and his face showed gratitude.

"Oh! How can your current achievements affect me, but it's just that my avatar's soul power is very expensive!" Mok Qilin showed a rare smile.

"Thank you, Senior!" Zhao Yuande bowed down again to express his gratitude.

"Okay! Just remember your promise!" Ink Kirin shook his head slightly. "Okay, let's go! Your practice is five days, don't affect your next trip."

"Five days!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help being anxious when he heard this number.


The ink-colored unicorn waved its claws, and suddenly the void was broken, and a channel appeared.

Zhao Yuande nodded and stepped into the void channel in one step.

When he walked out of the passage, he found that he had returned to his closed chamber.

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