Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4381: Dogs sitting at home, delicious heaven

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Chapter 4381 The dog sits at home, delicious heaven

"Count it down, today is the time when the tide of the void is the weakest. Is there really an alien attack?" There was a sensation in the mirror girl's voice.

Her whole body was trembling slightly, and there were already silver-white lights in her eyes that were constantly flashing. These silver-white lights seemed to be stars, making her eyes look like a sea of ​​stars.

"Okay! Your war will stop immediately, and there may be aliens!" Lin Zhuo's voice boomed and reached the battle platform.

The two of the original fierce battle heard Lin Zhuo's words, and immediately stopped fighting.

The attack of aliens is more important than the dispute of spirits, and the two leaped off the battle platform after a brief look at each other.

"Congratulations to Brother Wang!" Zhao Yuande saw Wang Zhen fall, although he was panting, but there was a faint excitement on his face.

"Thank you!" Wang Zhen nodded and smiled at Zhao Yuande.

"Cousin, are you okay!" Wang Jue also came up at this time.

"Nothing!" Wang Zhen shook his head, wondering, "What the **** happened?"

"Dimensional barriers are being attacked. I'm afraid there will be aliens coming!" Lin Zhuo's voice was solemn.

Although he was answering, a pair of eyes still stared at the void in the distance.

"Wang Zhen, you didn't disappoint me!" Luo Xiaoxiao in the distance also came over and gave Wang Zhen a deep look.

"Girl Luo, I'm afraid I don't have time to fight with you now!" Wang Zhen looked at the other party, a helpless expression appeared on his face.

"It's okay! I will come to you again after the event!" Luo Xiaoxiao said.


The sound became louder and louder, and the void began to distort.

It seems that a huge balloon is being continuously pressed with a finger. As long as a certain pressure is reached, the balloon will be crushed.


In the depths of Yunhai City, silhouettes flew into the sky.

The breath of these figures is stronger than one, and terrible one.

"That's... the lord of Yunhai City!" At this time a young man pointed to a figure, and the figure shivered a little.

"It is indeed the master of the Yunhai City! The powerful existence of the broken Dao Realm!" Lin Zhuo also looked at the figure at this time, and shot the Dao Mang in his eyes, "When will we be able to reach that level!"

"Wang! Sure enough, Ben Sheng's heart will be frightened out!" The **** dog saw the figure, and his voice was shaking, but then whispered, "But... it seems that he has just entered The Dao Realm is a bit weaker than the Kirin! There is no way to compare it with the old man who eats the sky."

"Yunhai City really deserves to be Yunhai City, one of the top ten cities in the Eastern Region, and there are really powerful players in the Dao Realm!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Seeing the strong man who broke the road, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel relieved.

If a real alien strikes, with such a strong man present, there should not be much danger.


At this time, Chen Baolian grabbed her hand, and the small mountain-like clock trembled softly, and then turned into a small bell-sized bell that dragged into her palm.

"It turns out that the Holy Lady really came to my Yunhai City!" The city owner in the void seemed to have a sense of looking in this direction, and naturally saw Chen Baolian among them a group of young people.

"City Lord!" Chen Baolian nodded slightly, a faint smile on her face.

"Also invite the saint to come to me, I want to ensure the saint's safety."

"No! If there is an alien attack, I must be the first to serve as a saint." Chen Baolian shook her head slightly, and the Divine Bell held in her hand released Tao Dao Shenhua to wrap it up. There will be problems."

"Since this is the case..." The voice of the Lord of the Cloud City hasn't fallen yet, and a loud and loud noise came from the void.

Almost everyone felt dizzy and staggered in this loud noise.

The sky they had been paying attention to shattered at this moment, and a huge crack appeared.

A shocking roar came from that rift, a huge figure rushed out, and swooped down in the direction of Yunhai City.

"What kind of race is that?" Zhao Yuande saw the huge figures, and he could not help showing a dignity on his face.

These are horrible monsters with heights of hundreds and thousands of feet. They have three heads and six arms, a tiger head and a terrifying scorpion tail behind them!

Although they are not very high in cultivation, they are all in the middle of the **** of chaos. In the latter period, their breath is very fierce. An invisible evil gas surrounds their bodies, making people feel deep inside. There was a wave of fear.

"It's the Dragon Clan!" Lin Zhuo said with a deep fear in his voice at this time, "This is the product of the Devil Dragon Clan and various evil races. They have powerful fighting power, incredible speed, and even a genius belt. With a terrifying evil aura, and such a large group of invading breaths connected, the strength will be improved thousands of times!"

"Wang! Wangwang! It's really a dog sitting at home, delicious heaven! Ben Sheng is a little excited!" And the **** dog was screaming excitedly at this time.

Its state at this time seems to be a big wolf who saw a little sheep, and the light in his eyes was shining.

"Is this dog crazy?" Many people couldn't help but look strange when they looked at the **** dog.

"This dog is really powerful, but it is just a strong man in the late chaotic domination. What is it going to do?"

"I think it should be frightened!"

"Look, Yan Gongzi is back. He didn't leave. This is to return to fight with the aliens!"

"Yang Gongzi deserves to be Yan Gongzi..."

At this time, Yan Gongzi went back and returned. At this time, he had changed his white clothes and returned with a sword.

His eyes looked at the Dragon Sin family who had washed down densely in the void, and there was a powerful fighting intention in it.

"How about we make a bet on that dog?" Yan Gongzi looked at the **** dog at this moment, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Oh! That demon, you are back! What do you want to say." The **** dog returned without a word.

"We come more than the Dragon Clan who killed, and those who lost have to apologize, three knees and nine knocks!" Yan Gongzi's fighting spirit was high, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

"Oh! I thought your little white face had no guts. I didn't expect you to dare to come back at this time!" The **** dog looked at Yan Gongzi and grinned. "According to what you said, we will compare! But lose. Don’t cry your nose!"

"Humph!" Yan Gongzi heard a promise from the **** dog and couldn't help showing a sneer on his face. "The broken sword that I cultivated is the most suitable for group attack. I'm afraid you will cry this time!"

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