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Chapter 4403 Offended and Dead

"1.81 million!" The woman gritted her teeth and her face was grim.

Zhao Yuande knew that if it was not an auction site, she would have rushed.

"1.9 million!" Zhao Yuande was not afraid, and even looked forward to it.

"You... you are looking for death!" The man finally couldn't help it, and a cold squirted in his eyes.


The voice came from the void.

"You see what this is!" At this moment, the man held a gloomy token in his hand, but his eyes were looking at Zhao Yuande.

"This is... Black Iron Order! Iron Sword God's Black Iron Order!" Many people suddenly took a breath in shock.

"What is Hei Tie Ling, and who is the Iron Sword God?" Zhao Yuande saw Vice-City Master Liu beside him, and the other party's face was also shocked at this time.

"The Iron Sword Divine King is the second strongest person in the Divine Realm of the Holy Lotus. Cultivation can only take a last step to take the last step! The combat power is even more powerful! Even the Chaos Holy Lotus is very valued by it and is called the most likely to cross out The last step," Vice-Chancellor Liu said with some concern in his voice at this time. "This young man holding the Iron Sword of the Iron Sword Lord is necessarily a disciple or bloodline of the Iron Sword Lord. This time I am afraid it is really not good. It's over."

"I said why it is so arrogant, it turns out that there is such a backstage!" Zhao Yuande was not worried.

As for his current strength, as long as he is not shot by a power-breaker, he can easily escape.

And even if he didn't run away, he couldn't help him, because he had the King of Light in his body.

As for the strong men above the Dadao Realm, if they dare to appear to kill him at this time, it is really dare to risk the world.

Now, but at a crucial moment in the battle with the aliens, the other party will never be stupid at this time to send a strong player to deal with him.

With such a thought, he was relieved.

The man took out the black iron order, looked around, and suddenly felt a lot of fear in his eyes.

Even the strong man who spoke out before closed his mouth at this time.

Then he turned his attention to Zhao Yuande, looking forward to seeing regret, fear and other expressions from Zhao Yuande's face.

But what disappointed him was that the other party was still in a hurry at this time, and there seemed to be a trace of indifference in the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't bid, don't bid this immortal pill is mine!" Zhao Yuande said.

"You... dare..." The woman looked at Zhao Yuande in disbelief.

"It's really noisy. If you have points, continue. If you don't, get out!" Zhao Yuande sneered. "This is not your home, here is Yunhai City! This is the place where our Holy Lotus God Domain resists the invasion of the dark dimension, not your masters. A place of great prestige!"

"You... good!" The woman gritted her teeth, "Then I will give 2 million!"

Speaking of this price, even a woman is pale for a while.

The son gave them two million in total. She had photographed a few small things before, but now she doesn't have that much.

"Wait!" The man said with a sneer at this time. "How can a cultivator in the late stage of chaos dominate you, with so many points on my body, I suspect you are bargaining wildly!"

Hearing the man's words, many people couldn't help turning their eyes to Zhao Yuande.

This man is right. How could the practitioners in the later stage of Chaos dominate so many points?

"Humph! You doubt me, I still doubt you!" Zhao Yuande snorted coldly.

"Okay! I will send people to check separately." The voice sounded again in the void.

"Humph!" The man snorted dissatisfiedly, but he didn't object.

The woman showed a nervous look in her eyes.

"Really less than two million! I spent some before." The woman's voice shivered a little.

"It doesn't matter, points and origin coins are also exchanged. It's not a big deal for us to lose money, just exchange some!" Men's Road said.

As the man said, his practical currency exchange points are very inappropriate.

In order to encourage fighting, the points are quite outrageous, almost ten times the true value.

It’s like buying a medicinal point for Dan is one hundred, and the origin coin is one million.

The approximate ratio should be 10,000 points of origin currency for one point.

But if you really want to use the origin currency to exchange points, you need 100,000 origin coins to be able to exchange one point.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, which is not the case with the exchange ratio.

There is naturally no problem with Zhao Yuande. He has more than two million yuan himself. When he was on the move, more than 700,000 loans were given to him by Situ Xiaomi's brothers and sisters, and he had a total of 2.8 million.

One hundred thousand was consumed just now, and there are still 2.7 million.

And the pair of men and women naturally made up 2 million points with the origin coin.

"Okay! There is no problem with the points of both parties. Let's start!" The voice in the void was already the host of the auction at this time.

"2.01 million!" Zhao Yuande grinned and looked at each other.

"You're fine! Fine!" The man put out a hard breath and calmed down slowly. "I'll pay 2.1 million. If you raise the price again, I won't want this thing!"

"Senco!" The woman's eyes widened when she heard the man say this.

"Okay! Listen to me! I will bear all the consequences!" The man called Senge stopped the woman's words and shook her head slightly.

"Oh! Since that's the case, I'm not good at grabbing people, then this panacea is yours!" Zhao Yuande grinned and leaned back against the soft hair pad.

"We will remember you!" Although the man took a deep breath in his heart, he also felt a burst of pain.

The extra 100,000 points, but he exchanged for the original coins.

Carefully calculating these 100,000 points is equivalent to the price of five 9th-order Chaos Divine Soldiers!

Ten times the difference made him instantly bankrupt.

"Hey! You can offend these two people!" Vice-Chancellor Liu sighed, "They certainly won't let you off easily, you have to be careful!"

"Seniors are at ease!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and a sneer appeared on his face, "If they dare to find me, I dare to take their immortal pill!"

"This..." Vice President Liu was frightened by Zhao Yuande's words.

Suddenly he found that it was a mistake to come here with Zhao Yuande.

However, although he thought this way in his heart, he didn't say it. He also wanted to be face-to-face and could not leave alone when Zhao Yuande was in danger.

And more importantly, he knew the strength of Zhao Yuande and the forces behind him.

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