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"Okay! Let's not do it for now!" Chen Baolian nodded.

She pulled the mirror girl back.

By this time Lin Zhuo and Wang Zhen had already arrived.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!" Yu Lansen, the Excalibur, looked coldly at Zhao Yuande.

Regarding the strength of the opponent, he felt that he could easily kill the opponent.

"Wait!" Zhao Yuande suddenly stopped.

"What else to say before dying?" Yu Lan, the Excalibur, didn't do it directly. He wanted to see what trick the opponent was playing.

In the face of absolute strength, any tricks will be crushed.

"Sword Yulan, you are a peerless genius! You should have your own pride! I am only now in the late chaotic domination. You are a little higher than me. How about you fighting to seal us from the same realm war?" Zhao Yuande Smiled.

"Huh! My high realm is my advantage. Your low realm shows that you practice slowly. Why should I abandon my own advantage? Don't dream!" Excalibur Yu Lan sneered.

"Hey! Since that's the case, then I'm at ease!" Zhao Yuande heard the other person saying this, and couldn't help showing a light smile on his face.

"You can die with peace of mind!" Yu Lan, the Excalibur, sneered.

"King God of Light, this guy has given it to you! If you can't crush him, don't come back to see me!" Zhao Yuande summoned King of God of Light at this time, and sent the Jinlong Pagoda to his hands.

"Master, rest assured!" The King of Light God held Zhenlong Pagoda, and a pair of eyes stared at Yulan, the opposite sword.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but take a breath.

This is a strong man with a half-step breaking path, and the pagoda's obvious rank has surpassed Chaos Divine Soldier, at least one Daoyan Divine Soldier!

"This guy... is really unexpected!" Chen Baolian looked at King Guangshen and the precious pagoda in his hand and couldn't help but sigh gently.

"That man is so powerful! I have reached the limit of a half-step breaking path, I am not an opponent!" Mirror Girl is also staring at the God of Light, her eyes full of dignity, she suddenly thought of something, and secretly passed on to Chen Baolian Road , "The man's physique is very special, it seems to be... the person of the dimension of light! This Zhao Yuande will not be the dimension of the light...criminal!"

"What are you talking about!" Chen Baolian hurriedly shook his head, "This man of the light dimension is his servant, a strong man who broke into the light dimension of my origin. After being captured by a powerful presence behind him, he sent Give him self-defense!"

"Oh! That's what it is!" The mirror girl also breathed out, her face calmed down.

"I know the person Zhao Yuande very much. His dimension was attacked by the dimension of light, but he hated the dimension of light!" Chen Baolian secretly said, "And that thing was also passed on to him by Baoyu. Without him, I am afraid that the spy will continue to deceive us!"

"It turns out so..."

Excalibur Yu Lan was also extremely unsightly at this time.

He can obviously feel the strength of the opponent, and he may not necessarily be his opponent.

Especially the pagoda gave him a strong pressure, so that he had an impulse to escape at this time.

"Wow! Haha!" The **** dog laughed at this moment, his voice filled with pride.

"You are so despicable that you have sent such a strong man to fight me." Yu Lan's voice was full of anger. "You dare to fight me upright!"

"Go to your mother! What did you say just now!" the **** dog grinned. "My high realm is my advantage. Your low realm shows that you are slow to practice. Why should I abandon my advantage? Don't dream! "

"You... you will regret it!" Yu Lan, the Excalibur, gritted his teeth.

It was the first time in my life that someone was so stout.

"We don't regret it and don't know it. Anyway, we will make you regret it now!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again, "King God of Light crushed me!"

"Yes!" The King of Light God stepped out in one step, and his body was instantly divine, turning into a bright divine day to shine in the void.


A huge portal appeared and the door opened, and billions of golden sword lights rushed out like tide.

The whole piece of void, the whole piece of heaven and earth was suddenly filled with these terrifying sword lights.

Zhao Yuande looked at the hundreds of millions of golden sword lights and couldn't help but sigh.

If you urge the first door, I am afraid that even the other party's 1% power is not as good.

A terrible breath swept down, even the spectators who were far away felt a chill at the neck.

Someone as strong as the mirror girl, Chen Baolian, Lin Zhuo, at this time also felt that he could not bear this kind of terror, and his body retreated.

After watching all of them, and then retreating for tens of thousands of miles, I felt that breath gradually disappeared.

Their eyes were horrified and shocked.

At this time, this breath has also radiated to Yunhai City not far away.

A large number of strongmen of Yunhai City appeared one after another.

However, these powerful men discovered Chen Baolian, and all of them immediately came up to salute.

Although they all have a strong breath, the realm has already exceeded Chen Baolian, and even a few cultivation bases have reached the breaking state, but the kind of respect is from the heart.

This was not their respect for Chen Baolian, but the respect behind her.

Although the powerhouses who broke through the roads tried their best to suppress themselves into strength, they still rushed out of terror, causing people around them to retreat one after another.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuande, not far away, also felt envious for a while.

"Sir Lady, what kind of people are fighting! That's wrong...that's Yu Lan, the heir to the Iron Sword God!"

"Yu Lan's opponent seems to be... a man of the light dimension? Did the light dimension come to invade as well?"

"No, Yu Lan is not the opponent of this light dimensional powerhouse, shall we..."

"Don't act rashly, seniors, this light-dimensional strong man is just a servant, not an invasion and a spy!" Chen Baolian hurriedly explained.

"That's all right!" Several powerful players in the Daodao nodded slightly.

"Then let's go back! We are not easy to intervene in the battle of the younger generation!"

"Yes, we still have to guard Yunhai City!"


The figures of some powerful players in the Dao Realm disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving some other people looking at the lively.

At this time, Yu Lan, a sharp sword, showed a look of terror in the face of the golden sword light.

When did he encounter this kind of danger, when was he crushed by others with his realm, and now when he feels the pain of those people who were crushed by himself before.

The tide-like golden sword light rushed in, and the whole world suddenly became the sea of ​​sword light.

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