Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4410: Everything under control

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"Oh! There are even such strange treasures!" A voice came from the black sword shadow.

"Master! Save me!" Hearing this sound, Yu Lan, the sword, shivered.

He was shrouded in white mist at this time, unable to see, and unable to detect the soul, just like a blind man, filled with infinite fear.

"Humph! You let me down!" The voice was cold and ruthless.

"Master!" Yu Lan's body shuddered. He knew what Master's words meant.

"If you can't regain your heart, just go out and die!"

"Yes!" Excalibur Yu Lan's voice was low, seeming to be full of despair.

How difficult it is to regain the Dao heart!

Unless you can kill that person!

Excalibur Yu Lan turned his head to look in one direction, which was exactly where Zhao Yuande was.

This person is the initiator, and only by killing him can he regain his heart.

Of course, the premise of wanting to kill Zhao Yuande is that he cannot die!


Black Sword Shadow no longer ignores Yu Lan, but shakes gently towards the depths of the mist.

"It turned out to be just a formation!" But in the blink of an eye, the sound of black sword shadow came from the silver gate.


The silver gate collapsed with a bang, all the white mist disappeared, and the whole world rushed back to Qingming.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel nervous.

This black sword shadow is obviously the sword spirit that the iron sword lord kept in the body of the sword Yulan. Among them, there is only a trace of the soul of the iron sword lord. The real strength may not even have one millionth of the iron sword lord.

Even so, there are such horrible means, how terrifying this iron sword **** is.

"Huh!" Zhao Yuande suddenly discovered that the black sword shadow seemed to have undergone some slight changes, and it seemed to be a lot weaker.

There is really no way to discover this if you are not focused.

It seems that this sword shadow is not as powerful as imagined, but the next portal is known for its defense, and the other party may need more consumption to break open.

Even if the door is finally opened to the opponent, I am afraid that the remaining strength is not enough to kill the King of Light.

Thinking of Zhao Yuande here, a dangling heart gradually calmed down.


The earthy door opened at the same time that the silver door collapsed.

The earthy yellow light rushed out of it, and was blocked in front of the black sword shadow.

Although these earthy yellow rays seem ordinary, when they appeared, the ground began to collapse downwards.

"What! The earth is collapsing! What are these yellow rays?"

"This heaven and earth are extremely stable, even the Order 9 Chaos Divine Soldier can't break it. It is more solid under the ground, unless..."

"Unless anything..."

"Unless it is the Xuanhuang Qi that was originally born in Tiandi! The development of the Tiandi is completely under the pressure of the Xuanhuang Qi. A ray of Xuanhuang Qi can crush the world, and so many... It is normal to crush the earth!"

"Really Xuanhuang Qi? This seems unlikely! What level is this treasure? Daoyan Divine Soldier?"

"I don't know, I can't estimate..."


"Sure enough, it is Xuanhuang Qi, but it is not pure! There should be a ray of Xuanhuang mother gas deep in the door. These Xuanhuang gas have evolved from Xuanhuang mother gas!" There was a trace of dignity in the voice of the black sword shadow .

"The impure imperial yellow gas is also enough to block your attack!" The voice of the King of Light God came, and there was some confidence in it.

"It's true!" Black Sword Shadow said, "But I have written down what happened today. You can do it yourself!"

The black sword shadow was also downright, and Yu Lan, who was directly curled up on the ground, disappeared in place.

"Hey! It seems to have a grudge against this old guy!" Zhao Yuande grinned.

"Wang! This old guy won't do anything to us regardless of his identity!" Big Black Dog said with some fear.

"You can rest assured that the Iron Sword Divine Sovereign has its own pride, but in the future you will have to be careful of the Yu Sword of the Excalibur!"

The King of Light God has returned to its original shape at this time, and respectfully sent the Zhenlong Pagoda to Zhao Yuande.

"Yu Lan is indeed a strong opponent, but after this time he has lost his heart and his fighting power is not as strong as it was originally. I think I can cope with it." Zhao Yuande was very confident, and a light smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Zhao is really in control." Chen Baolian couldn't help laughing.

"One more opponent! What a pity!" Mirror Girl sighed slightly, with a trace of loneliness in her voice.

"Soon you will not be alone!" Chen Baolian pointed at herself with a smile, and then pointed to Zhao Yuande.

"I look forward to it!" There was a flash of light in Mirror Girl's eyes.

"I won't let you down!" Chen Baolian smiled faintly.

When things were over, everyone returned.

Zhao Yuande and Big Black Dog also returned to Cape Town.

"Brother Zhao, you are back!" Situ Xiaomi saw Zhao Yuande and threw himself excitedly.

"I'm back!" Zhao Yuande took the Fangtian Huaji and sent it to her.

"Thank you, Brother Zhao!" Situ Xiaomi took Fang Tianhua halberd and waved it admiringly.

"Brother Zhao, is this?" Situ Lingzhi saw the **** dog and asked curiously.

"This is my partner, Dasheng!" Zhao Yuande introduced, "Dasheng, these are my teammates, and you will be your teammates in the future!"

"Oh! The strength is still good, and the Holy Saint will cover you in the future!" The **** dog Da Lala came over, big paws raised and patted the shoulders of several people.


Everyone felt awkward.

This dog is too familiar!

"Dasheng is very strong and not under me. He will kill the aliens with me in the future!" Zhao Yuande pulled the **** dog back and laughed.


Everyone's eyes on the **** dog were different at this moment.

The strength is not under Zhao Yuande. This **** dog is really right. It will be covered by this guy in the future.

"Wang Wang!" The **** dog felt the change of everyone's eyes, and suddenly showed a smug expression.

"Okay! I'm about to start!"

Zhao Yuande took out all the materials he had collected, as well as the flesh and blood of the half-step break-through monster from the auction.

As soon as the **** dog saw this posture, he knew that Zhao Yuande was going to make food.

It immediately glared its eyes and hurriedly stepped forward.

"Don't patronize your drool and help distribute the material!" Zhao Yuande shot the **** dog on the head.

"Wang Wang!" The **** dog was so happy, so diligent.

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