Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4413: Fear of Thunder

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The group of scorpion-tailed witches had already arrived over the Cape City, and they shot a dark green spear in their hands and bombarded them towards the large array.

"Kill! Kill out and destroy this group of bird demon!" I don't know who was the first to break out of the cape of Cape Town and into the scorpion tail witch group.


A series of golden thunders exploded in the scorpion-tailed witch swarm, and a large number of scorpion-tailed witch's bodies fell down anxiously.

"It's Senior Lei Zhen! Kill!" Someone recognized the first strong man who rushed out and shouted in excitement.


Countless powerful people have rushed out of the large envelope, rushed into the scorpion tail witch group, and fought.

Zhao Yuande and their four beasts also rushed out.

Zhao Yuande saw Thunder, the first strong rusher, and it worked well.

There are also small Thunder Towers in his palms, and Thousands of Thunders are draped over him, turning into a Thunder Giant.

The Thunder Giant swept his hand, and a thick golden Thunder shot from his finger to form a huge thunder net, as if a huge fence was caught in the scorpion tail witch swarm.


A large number of scorpion-tailed witches seemed to be thrown into the hot oil, and the whole body began to scorch, making a cry of screams.

"I rely on! Boss is amazing!" Remy Martin could not help shaking when he saw this scene, and then showed a very excited expression.

"Kill! Kill the Birdman!" The voice of the black mouse behind the Centaur was also a little excited.


The body of the human horse was inflated, but it turned into a huge height in a flash, and the four huge hoofs seemed to have turned into four mountains and began to trample around.


The black mouse followed the Centaur, and the big bow in its hand shot a black light.

These rays of light melted into three in mid-air and shot at three targets.

The black mouse has an incredible rate of fire. Thousands of arrows can be shot in a blink of an eye, three points for each arrow!

That is, you can attack three thousand targets at once.

How horrible this is!

Moreover, the targets attacked by the black mice are the targets that the big horse hoof trodden down and panicked.

Although there is no guarantee that one arrow will be fatal, it is certain that the injured combat power will be greatly damaged.


Huang Laoxian heard a cry of sheep at this time.

Even Zhao Yuande felt a little weird when listening to this sheep cry, and seemed to have a feeling of wanting to sleep.

The group of targets attacked by the black mice seemed to be confused at this time, and they all fell from the sky.

"Huang Lao Xian, can you take us together!" Rentou complained.

"Hey! I'm sorry, my state is not enough!" Huang Laoxian said it was embarrassed, but there was no embarrassment, all eyes were proud.

"Wang Wang!"

The **** dog has opened his mouth at this time, almost covering the whole space.

The scorpion-tailed birds and witches all fell into its mouth.

"Fuck, this **** smell!" The **** dog smacked his mouth, his face full of pain.

"The boss is grilled!" Remy Martin pointed to Zhao Yuande in front of him.

As long as all the people in his thunder were burnt, they screamed again and again.

"Wang Wang!" The **** dog could not help seeing this scene, his eyes suddenly excited.

Zhao Yuande's team, except for him, is all dominated by Chaos, and it really killed the Quartet.

However, there are too many scorpion-tailed witches. They kill thousands in a flash, but there are hundreds of thousands in this group.

They can't kill even if they are exhausted.

More importantly, their strength attracted the central leader of the scorpion bird witch group.

At this time, the scorpion-tailed witch who had the strength to reach the peak of chaotic **** appeared in front of them.

These scorpion bird witches are very powerful, and they can control ordinary scorpion bird witches, allowing them to form a variety of terrifying battles.

It was impossible for Zhao Yuande to want to massacre the scorpion bird witch again.

They must first slash the scorpion tailed witch leader before they can break through the large array, and the difficulty is greatly increased.

At this time, defeats have gradually appeared in other places. Many strong men have been stung by the tails of these scorpion-tailed birds and witches. Although they are not fatal, they have slowed their actions.

Suddenly, tens of hundreds of scorpion-tailed witches rushed up to tear them into pieces.

Of course, the vast majority of people still have the opportunity to escape back into the big envelope.

However, there are more and more injured people, and it takes a certain time for those who escaped to detoxify.

The number of people fighting outside also began to decrease.

But in just half an hour, there were only a few half-step powerhouse outsiders, as well as a few powerful teams.

Zhao Yuande they are also in these squads, their fighting power is the most powerful, let countless scorpion tail witches gather towards them.

Even if they are powerful, so many scorpions and witches are starting to lose support.

There are too many scorpion-tailed witches, and even more ants can bite an elephant, not to mention this evil and poisonous dark dimension monster.

Moreover, Rémy Martin doesn't know how many poisonous scorpions and witches have been poisoned at this time, and has already begun to stiffen, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

"Return! Rest!" Zhao Yuande sent a message to the **** dog.

The figure of one man and four beasts disappeared in the battlefield in an instant.

In this half hour, they beheaded seventy or eighty thousand scorpion witches, almost occupying one-tenth of the scorpion witches.

The results of the battle are spectacular, and their scores have increased like a rocket.

With nearly 10 million points, they can also get 2 million points evenly, which is not too fast.

"Aoao! This poison is terrifying! It can't be removed at all!" After a long time of hard work, there was a scream from the Centaur.

At this time, Zhao Yuande also looked at the Quartet. Many cultivators turned green, and they were all poisoned. They couldn't be cured, so they couldn't fight.

When this kind of poisonous poison started, people could not feel anything, but following the fierce fighting, the poisonous activity entered the limbs and the sea of ​​meridians became more and more scary.

Now those poisonous poisons seem to be corpses of tarsal maggots all over the body, making the poisoned people weaker and weaker, and their fighting power getting lower and lower.

"What should I do? Who can solve this kind of poison?" At this time, the master of the city had already appeared in front of everyone, and even he was at a loss at this time.

"This kind of poisonous poison seems to be afraid of thunder! I have been poisoned many times, but now I don't have any discomfort." Lei Zhen, the strong man who rushed out at the beginning, could not help saying this time.

"Oh! Then you try." The city master heard this and sent a relatively poisoned cultivator to Lei Zhen.

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