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"Good!" Quan Juyou's face showed a happy look.

Zhao Yuande and Big Black Dog left the Quan family for the time being, and they flew towards the battlefield.

At this time, the army of the dark dimension has arrived in the central area of ​​Lezhong, and the infinitely powerful existence is crushed.

The battle circle of the Xuanhuang Realm gradually narrowed, and finally gradually approached before a broken galaxy.

One side is an intruder and the other is a guardian.

Both sides have their own beliefs and persistence.

Although the infinite blood was scattered in the starry sky, and countless powerful people died, they all fought for their own beliefs and ethnic groups.

"Wang Wang! There are really strong dragons of the Hailong tribe in this group!" The **** dog's eyes sharply saw the strong dragons of the dragons with claws and claws in the heterogeneous group.

They are mixed with the strong among the aliens, and they continue to devour the human flesh and blood, cruelty is better than the aliens.

"So many sea dragon clan strongmen, they are definitely more than the prince's affiliation, only so many sea dragon clan strong men who nodded after the old dragon king would appear here." Zhao Yuande said incomparably.

"The three of them are... aren't they in danger!" Big Black Dog's eyes widened.

"I hope that Prime Minister Guicheng can really keep them in mind!" Zhao Yuande looked at Sen coldly, "If they are really in trouble, I must have slaughtered the Hailong tribe to avenge them!"

"I want to eat them all!" The **** dog grinned, showing a vicious image.

"Now let's go for a meal first!" Zhao Yuande's voice fell and rushed out first.

He held the Thunder Tower in his palm, and when he rushed into the battlefield, he had turned into a Thunder Godman.

Thousands of tall bodies were killed in the enemy group, as if the tigers were in the flock. In a short span of time, large groups of aliens were killed.

"Wang Wang!" The **** dog barked as well.

Under its voice, a circle of visible ripples in the void appeared, and it was rippling towards the alien group.


There was a blast of flesh that continued to sound.

And those strong dragons mixed in the heterogeneous group, when they heard the stiffness of the bark of the bark, they lost the idea of ​​rebellion at this moment.

"Ben Sheng will eat you all today!" The **** dog opened his blood basin wide mouth and blinked a big mouth to cover a void.

Thousands of strong sea dragons were swallowed by him. Although other strong aliens were also deterred by barking, they did not lose their fighting power.

Most of the strong aliens fled, while the strong dragons of the sea dragons were stupid like mud-carved wood sculptures standing on the spot and dared not move, letting the terror swallow.

Many powerful Xuanhuang realms behind him saw this scene, and there was a look of hope on their faces.

"Are the two super powerhouses hidden in our Xuanhuang Realm? Why are there still a dog?"

"That man is so powerful, and that dog is really scary! It would be nice if they could show up early."

"Hey! It's useless. No matter how powerful they are, they can't stop the footsteps of aliens. Our Xuanhuang Realm is about to end!"

"Fart... your **** spy, shake the military heart at this time!"

"Kill him... the one who shakes the military heart is dead!"

"Do not……"

The blood splattered and the man was cut off his head by a sword.

Blood rushed up the old high!

"Kill! Xuanhuang Realm will never fail!"

"Kill! Xuanhuang Realm will never fall!"


Countless Xuanhuang Realms are crying, they charge towards the battlefield.

A cloud of blood was draped over their heads, and many people burned their own blood in exchange for strength.

At this time, in a void far away from the battlefield, the aura of extremely powerful digital stood.

And in the middle of this group of aliens, there are two sea dragons of exceptionally large size, and one of them has a horrified look in its eyes.

"What! Xuanhuang Realm shouldn't have such a horrible existence!" the sea dragon shouted.

"Long Xu, your imperial guard has suffered heavy losses, and I see how you will explain to the Crown Prince." The other sea dragon looked a little old, and its mouth smiled gloatly.

"Humph! I'll take the opponent personally!" Long Xu snorted and strode out.

"Don't even be eaten by yourself!" the old dragon sneered.

"Humph!" Long Xu's huge body rushed out, and he jumped into the void into the battlefield.

"Here's a big one!" Zhao Yuande had already seen the sea dragon rushing.

"His mother, I'm afraid I won't be able to take him by myself. The two of us joined forces!" The **** dog knows his weight. I'm afraid he is not really an opponent of the half-step powerhouse.

However, it is different for Zhao Yuande to cooperate with him. As long as Zhao Yuande resists the other party, it can take the opportunity to launch its own deterrence and let the other party briefly appear to fail.

"Kill!" Zhao Yuande naturally knew the meaning of the **** dog, and he rushed up and collided with the sea dragon without hesitation.


The terrifying impact caused the entire void to collapse, and the two powerful players in countless battles around them were shocked by the aftermath.

Long Xu only felt as if he had hit an ancient mountain, and his body could not help being cramped.

And a lot of thunder rushed into his body through a shock, making his body start to become a little stiff.

It is also a strong man of native origin and has never experienced Thunder baptism, so its resistance to Thunder is very poor.

At the moment of the spasm, the **** dog that made him sick suddenly shouted at himself.


Long Xu felt the depth of his blood, as if a deep fear came from him. This kind of terror could not be suppressed at all, so that he, a half-strength strong man, began to tremble constantly.

"I didn't expect you to be so weak!" Zhao Yuande flew out a small turquoise gourd in his body at this time, and the gourd mouth sprayed a blue sword light.

The blue sword light circled around Long Xu's neck, and suddenly Long Xu's head flew up.

Zhao Yuande also made quick battles and quick decisions, so he cast the Chaos Qinglian sword.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to kill the other party, which was beyond his expectations.

However, after using it, he regretted it a little, worrying that the other person with knowledge and knowledge would see the secret of Chaos Qinglian sword.

"Wang Wang!"

The **** dog bites Long Xu's head with excitement, and then the click of his brain splatters, and he chews it up and eats it.


Long Xu's huge flesh fell in the void, and he didn't know how many alien strongmen he killed.

"Come here for me!" Big Black Dog opened his mouth wide and bit Long Xu's flesh.

Then a terrible swallowing force came out of the body, sucking Long Xu's hundreds of thousands of feet into the body world at once.

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