Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4439: Target break

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Chapter 4439 Target Breaking Realm

"This restaurant is from other **** domains. It seems that it is a million years... or ten million years ago. At the beginning, there were branches in the **** territory city. Since the business was so good, it gradually opened branches in various big cities."

"Why are they so secret?" the **** dog interjected and asked.

"It's really delicious, and it's very beneficial to practice after eating! But it is very cumbersome to make and needs to be booked in advance... There is no way to popularize it!" Nan Lidao, "And the price is extremely high, not at all. Ordinary people can afford it, so even ordinary people will sigh.

"I don't know who is behind this restaurant?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"This... I really don't know! But I think that Fairy Mirror must know, it's better to ask her later!" Nan Li said.

"Mirror Fairy?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering, "Why would she know?"

"This restaurant is from the Huntian Divine Realm, and the Fairy Mirror is the daughter of the Heavenly King..." Nan Li lowered his voice.

"It turns out that the legend is true!" One person and four beasts suddenly widened their eyes.

Other people enjoyed this meal, but Zhao Yuande and Big Black Dog felt a little bit clawed. They really wanted to know if the Taoist people were behind the restaurant.

How is that old guy now? Are you still alive?

Finally, after eating this meal, the sky gradually became darker.

Although the taste of this kind of food is very good, but the effect is not as good as the food made by Zhao Yuande, it is good to have 1% effect.

However, the price is ridiculous, which is equivalent to eating half of the 9th-order Chaos Divine Soldier. If it was not Nan Li's guest Zhao Yuande, he really could not afford to spend so much Yuan coins for a meal.

The sky gradually darkened, and they also rushed to the main palace.

At this time, a large number of practitioners had already gathered in front of the city's main palace.

Nan Li saw Mirror Fairy at a glance, while Mirror Fairy was talking to a bearded old man.

"Fairy! We're here!" Nan Li rushed straight up, his eyes full of expectation.

"Brother Nan, Brother Zhao..." Mirror Fairy saw two people and four beasts and could not help but nodded slightly to them, and then said to the old bearded man, "Senior Senior, this is Nan Li, this is Zhao Yuande and his companions This predecessor of locks is the deputy lord of East Lake City and is in charge of combat command against aliens."

"Oh! Long-cherished name!" The old man Qiuxiang heard the names of the two, and his eyes suddenly lighted up. "The two can come to our East Lake City, it is our blessing!"

Nan Li felt that the old man of Qiu Bear didn't look at himself at all. When he looked at Zhao Yuande and the **** dog, they seemed to see the treasure.

What did this group of guys do before, so that this old guy pays so much attention.

"If it is necessary for us to do anything, the seniors will tell you!" Zhao Yuande smiled politely.

"Okay! Okay! With you, the old man will be more confident to fight back tonight!" The old man with a long beard stroked his beard with an excited expression on his face.

"..." Nan Li felt that he had been ignored, speechless for a while.

Anyway, he is the sixth genius of the Holy Lotus domain.

"Senior, this is Nan Lijun!" Zhao Yuande naturally saw Nan Li's speechlessness, and couldn't help pointing to Nan Li around him.

"Oh! Nan Lijun, don't blame me. The old man's problem is that my eyes are a little flowery!" The old man, Qiu Bear, seemed to have thought of this and hurriedly handed over.

But no matter what anyone can tell, Nan Lijun's name does not seem to make the old man Qiu bear feel.

Never mind!

Nan Li felt that he was a little nervous, and this old guy would know his strength soon.

Only respect achieved through strength is true respect.

Thinking this way, Nan Li's mood finally got better.

"Fairy, I have something to ask you!" Zhao Yuande and Big Black Dog leaned in front of Mirror Fairy.

"Oh, what's wrong with Brother Zhao?" Fairy Mirror felt a little curious.

"That...I don't know if the fairy knows a restaurant that came from Huntian God Realm?" Zhao Yuande said.

The **** dog's eyes are also staring at the mirror fairy, his eyes full of endless hope.

"You should be talking about the restaurant that inherits the mystery! I naturally know, but I promised that others can't say it." Jing Xianzi said a little apologetically.

"Can't say? Why?" The **** dog jumped up and down anxiously. "Isn't that an old man, called Tianchi Taoist!"

"How do you... how do you know?" Fairy Mirror is also somewhat incredible.

"Thank you Fairy! We know!" Zhao Yuande arched his hand at Mirror Fairy, and then pulled the **** dog away.

"Wang Wang! Ben Sheng still has many questions to ask!" the **** dog barked, his voice full of anxiety.

"People have helped us just now, and I won't say anything else! You can calm down and we will talk to her after we discuss it!" Zhao Yuande said secretly.

When the **** dog passed by Zhao Yuande, he soon understood.

As a super master, is Mirror Fairy so shocking?

The other party is limited to the oath and cannot express it, and uses shock to tell them the correct answer.

"Da Sheng, what's wrong with you? Why are you so absent-minded!" The Centaur saw the **** dog being dragged back, all with a complex look in his eyes.

"Wang Wang! Ben Sheng wanted to understand!" The **** dog yelled twice, and he felt a lot more comfortable. "It's the best news to know that the old guy didn't die. What does Ben Sheng demand?"

"Da Sheng, your performance really surprised me!" Zhao Yuande scratched the **** dog's head, and there was a smile on his face. "Since we know that the old guy is still alive, then wait for something here. Go find him!"

"Wang Wang! Yes, go to him! Ask the old guy why he didn't say goodbye, why he didn't contact me for so many years, and why he kept me in that abandoned place so hatefully..." The **** dog said more and more , "You can't tell why, Ben Sheng must bite him fiercely!"

"Da Sheng, I support you!" Zhao Yuande said, "but if you want to bite him, it is better to fix it to a higher point, such as reaching the Dao Realm!"

"Wang! The target breaks through, the target bites the old guy!" But the **** dog was strenuous and his eyes shined in an instant.

"It's such a big heart!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help being happy for the **** dog's self-regulation.

He also has many questions that he wants to ask the Tianchi Taoist.

"Brother Zhao, what did you do to find Fairy Mirror just now? How can I listen to you being obedient?" Nan Li looked a little puzzled.

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