Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4462: It's your business

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Chapter 4462 of your bird

The military camp is in the west of Poseidon Island, where there are military camps of the Navy, and there is a small city beside the military camp.

They are now in this city.

The builder of this city is actually the Qinglian prince behind the navy. The city is basically divided by three types of people.

The first category is the lineage of Qinglian Divine Sovereign, that is, the commander of the navy.

The second category is the major families, most of the generals in the navy are the genius of the major families.

They were sent for the purpose of getting a piece of soup from the navy.

The third category is the ruler of Neptune Island, the people of Neptune.

The Poseidon line was originally a member of the Hai tribe, but after countless wars and aggressions, they resigned to Chaos Saint Lotus.

Although they were surrendered, they were not convinced of Qinglian.

Because it was the Red Lotus God who defeated them!

Don't underestimate the Neptune, their power is the most powerful on this island, although they will not openly oppose the navy, but they are not friendly to the navy.

Just like in the previous battle, the group of people did not look at the sailors at all, and had a hatred towards them.

Zhao Yuande's chariot was finally carried to the navy station by several sailors.

"Let's go, let's go!" Zhao Yuan's eyes that saw those sailors questioned, could not help waving.

If the sailors were forgiven, they turned and ran.

They are both fearful and ashamed!

This General Yan is simply a neuropathy, or a neuropathy that he cannot afford.

They can only stay away!

"Haha! Laozi is back!" Zhao Yuande put away the strange chariot and laughed and walked into his own barracks.

"General Yan! Your old man is back!"

"General Yan..."

"General Yan..."


Many sailors saw Zhao Yuande and hurried to say hello.

They knew that Yan Zhuanghai's brain seemed to have some problems, and if he didn't move, he would be furious.

However, it also has the advantage that if you reach out and don’t smile, you will respect him and he will not embarrass you!

"Cubs, come to my camp and have a lot of fun when I just came back!" Zhao Yuande opened an elixir bottle, and the pill-sized elixir sprinkled on the sailors like raindrops!

"Thank you General!"


Suddenly, the sailors robbed and thanked again and again.


Zhao Yuande is sighing in his heart at this moment, this guy really can win people's hearts.

Blame him for being so cruel and arrogant, but he can be loved by his sailors.

"General! Seven Princesses teach you to go!" After returning to the camp, a sailor walked in and respectfully reported.

"Well! You go!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

He quickly changed into a body armor and strode out.

"General! It seems that General Song is telling you, you need to be careful!" Walking out of the barracks, a captain of the sailor hurried up.

"Oh! Thank you brothers! This is the panacea I brought back, which is of great benefit to cultivation, you take it!" Zhao Yuande took out a bottle of panacea and handed it over.

The captain of the sailor is the seven princess, but because Yan Zhuanghai is generous, he has a good relationship with him.

The soul of the sailor captain dived into the pill bottle, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

"The general had made a fortune, this is a good medicine! Thank you, thank you!" the captain of the sailor smiled.

"Oh! What kindness are there between our brothers! What information will tell me more in the future!" Zhao Yuande patted the other person's shoulder and winked at him with a smile.

"Yes! It must be!" The captain of the sailor smiled deliberately. "Oh, general, there is another thing! There was a secret order, then Zhao Yuande might mix in and assassinate the seventh princess. The hero saves the beauty in front of the princess..."

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande's face suddenly showed a look of surprise, "Lao Tzu has long wanted to meet this guy! Thank you, brother, this is a little meaning, don't be polite!"

Zhao Yuande handed another bottle of Elixir to the other party.

But at this moment, he couldn't help thinking.

Who exactly exposed the whereabouts?

How did the other party know that he was going to join the navy and kill the Seven Princesses?

Is it possible that there is also the eyeliner of Qinglian Divine Sovereign next to Our Lady of Red Lotus?

Or the messenger's side... even the messenger has a problem?

Or is there a problem with Yan Zhuanghai?

At this time, he was unable to determine, but he did not have too much fear.

There are only two strong players in the Dao Realm. He can even kill directly and escape.

These two strong players in the Dao Dao Realm couldn't stop him at all.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh of relief, his confidence reappearing in his face.

"General, what's wrong? Wasn't you afraid to see that you were not keeping your soul?" Captain Sailor smiled.

"Fear! Lao Tzu will be scared, but I was thinking just now, how would I humiliate if I captured the kid, would Her Royal Highness... Hehe!" Zhao Yuande laughed strangely.

"Then congratulate the general in advance!" The captain of the sailor blinked, his face also showing a smile that he understood.

"Haha! Together with joy! As long as Lao Tzu succeeds, your benefits are indispensable!" Zhao Yuande patted the other person's shoulders and gave a smug laugh.

They soon came to a huge palace, which was the only palace in the barracks, and one can imagine what the identity of the owner of the palace was.

"My Royal Highness Princess is here!" Zhao Yuande strode into the palace with a loud voice.

After he entered the palace, he was not alone in the palace.

The top seven princesses were shrouded in mysterious light, making her unclear.

The lower part is full of strong men, all generals.

"General Yan!"

"General Yan!"


Many people nodded at Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande glanced at these people one by one, grinning at them.

"Good guys, it's not bad to see you in a few days!"

"Humph! You talk a lot, haven't you just waited for you?" Princess Qi's left hand, a slightly gloomy young man, snorted coldly when he saw Zhao Yuande coming in, and seemed very dissatisfied.

"It's your bird business!" Zhao Yuande sneered at the other party without looking at him.

"You... daring!" The gloomy young man stood up suddenly, a pair of eyes staring at him, and the flames seemed to be burning.

"You look at what Lao Tzu is doing, is it interesting to Lao Tzu?" Zhao Yuande evil smiled, "Hey, but Lao Tzu is a normal man, I can't help you like this hobby, Lao Tzu likes a princess!"


Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, the group of generals suddenly showed surprised expressions on their faces.

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