Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4469: Refining city

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There is a small city on the floating continent at this time.

Limited by the area of ​​the floating continent, the city is not very large, but it is very prosperous, and I don’t know how many cultivators are in and out of it.

Zhao Yuande stepped out of the teleportation gate and found himself in a teleportation hall.

There are thirty-six teleportation arrays in the hall, and each teleportation array has its own mark.

For example, Zhao Yuande saw the nearest teleport, surrounded by cyan lotus flowers.

"It turned out to be a large teleportation group owned by Qinglian Divine Monarch!" Zhao Yuande secretly called out of luck.

And not far away is a very large teleportation array, above which is a white lotus blooming in divine light.

One can guess at a glance that this must be the teleportation array to which Chaos Saint Lotus belongs.

He looked down, there was a Kirin **** pattern on the teleportation array under him, which should be a teleportation array of the Kirin family.

"Are you from the Kirin family... people?" No one from the other teleportation arrays in the teleportation hall came over. A strong man outside the hall saw Zhao Yuande appear and came over immediately.

This town guard is the strong man who dominates the summit of Chaos, and his breath is very powerful.

The town guard was a young man, and Zhao Yuande couldn't help but look up and down.

"Yes! I'm a person of the Kirin family." Zhao Yuande changed his appearance long before he entered the teleportation group, and he was not afraid to be recognized.

"Humans of the Kirin family! Ha ha, for the first time in so many years!" The tone of the youth did not ridicule, it was just an amazement and incredible.

"Oh! I have a good relationship with a senior of the Kirin family. The senior gave me this opportunity!" Zhao Yuande explained.

"It turns out so!" The youth nodded.

"Don't know the name of Xiongtai Gao?" Zhao Yuande is not familiar with the situation here, so I want to find someone to inquire.

"Oh! My name is Xue Wuyang, Xue Family of Huntian God Realm! I don't know you brother..." The youth replied with a smile.

"My name is Zhao Dong." Zhao Yuande randomly edited a name.

Xue Wuyang has no shelf and is very talkative.

Zhao Yuande quickly got specific information about the city from his mouth.

There are still ten days before the tides of the void, so most of the geniuses have not yet come.

Zhao Yuande can now easily find restaurants or rent them to Dongfu.

Although this floating continent floats in the void, it cannot be found in the outside world, nor can it fly.

The entire suspended continent is shrouded in a huge enchantment, which is arranged by the powerful of the four gods.

Even as strong as Chao Shenglin will not necessarily open this enchantment.

Therefore, it is impossible to come here without the teleportation array, and there are restrictions on the cultivation behavior and the number of people who enter here, that is, the practitioners under the Dao Dao Realm.

In other words, the Qinglian Divine Sovereign cannot find it even if he has a great ability. Of course, he can not afford to waste this opportunity.

Zhao Yuande wandered on the street for a while. There is no hustle and bustle like other cities, and the people here are very scarce.

Most of the Baolou shops are operated by one person.

They will differentiate many avatars to entertain guests.

This is also very easy to understand. Every major force can only enter ten places here!

If these ten people do not leave, they will not be allowed to enter.

Even if you want to go here to run a shop treasure house, it is the same to occupy these ten places.

So in fact the whole city is now less than a hundred people, it seems empty.

Only when the tide of the void begins, the genius disciples of the major forces will arrive. At that time, there will be more talents.

However, the 36 teleportation arrays represent a powerful force, and at most only 360 people can appear here at the same time.

Of course, this is not absolutely unchangeable. The city needs people to maintain it. For example, the transmission hall needs people to guard.

Someone needs to do this work. If there is no reward for who likes to do this kind of thing?

So people who come to do these things have rewards for contribution. If the contribution is accumulated to a certain amount, you can get an additional quota.

However, such a small number of actors can also contribute a lot, which is almost negligible.

He is not bad money, not only the origin coin or treasure is not lacking, so he does not want to wrong himself

Dongfu District is actually a stone mountain in a small town.

The host here hollowed out the stone mountain, built many cave houses in it, and arranged the formation of the aura to form a cave house.

He wanted to rent a cave house, but there was no one outside the cave house.

"This brother, where are the people here?" Zhao Yuande asked the owner of a shop next door.

The owner of the shop is a bearded man who looks lazy. He points to the end of the street and does not speak.

Zhao Yuande looked suspiciously in the direction pointed to by the other party and saw a group of people gathering there, as if a dispute was taking place.

"What are you going to do! Want to violate the rules of the Shenlian City?" A young man with red skin and a short antlers on his forehead looked at the other side with anger.

"Hehe! Why are we violating the rules of Shenlian City? We didn't say you won't pay rent, but now we are very tight and want to slow down for a few days!" A young man wearing a pale gold robe across the face mocked color.

"Linfeng, we are regular customers. We used to rent Dongfu when you were here. Now we just want to stay for a few days. You look like this, and you want to continue to operate here!" The folding fan looked breezy, but the young man smiled indifferently in his eyes.

"Okay! Don't bother us! Your business is here again, how can we be repaying the debt, isn't it just tens of thousands of Yuan coins? It will be sent to you in a few days." The last is a curvaceous figure, flamboyant. The woman of color, although she speaks softly, but there is also a color of contempt.

" have lived with me for thirty-two days, how could it be tens of thousands of coins, you are too much! I'm going to sue you!" The young man called Lin Feng blushed, fingers All three people were shaking.

"Okay! Don't be ignorant, don't blame us if you catch up again!" The voice of the young man in pale gold robe suddenly became cold, and a powerful murderous intention came out of him.

"Your Qilin tribe has fallen, and your old man is dead! If you surrender to the forces behind us, we will shelter you, and you will not be so embarrassed!" The young man with a folding fan laughed.

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