Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4479: Life is more important than freedom

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"I... I have a younger sister Guoxianxiang, one of the top ten beauties, and I admire you very much, if you spare me..." Dongfang Ming said and kept blinking at Zhao Yuande.


Zhao Yuande slapped him on the back ladle.

"What's the use of women! Give me honestly." Zhao Yuande really wanted to slap him to death.

In order to survive, this guy will sell his sister.

"I... I have many Order 9 Chaos Divine Soldiers, as well as several magic medicines, some materials..." Dongfang Ming hurriedly presented his storage ring.

"This is mine!" Zhao Yuande took it directly. "You have become my captive, these are all mine!"

"I..." Dongfang Ming felt his toothache.

Today, I’ve fallen into the pit, I’m afraid I can’t get out of it without losing two pounds of meat.

"I have a powerful miraculous fighting skill, which is passed down from the Destruction King!" Dongfang Mingyou said again.

"I haven't been able to practice many exercises, how can I use this kind of thing, change it!" Zhao Yuande waved impatiently.

"I...I..." The Eastern Meditation couldn't think of anything else that he could do.

"What I need is powerful materials, such as the essence of the flesh and blood of the Dao Dao Realm, the high-level Daoyan Divine Soldier, the Holy Spirit-level magic medicine... Start from these aspects!" Zhao Yuande gave the other party a reminder.


Hearing Zhao Yuande's request, Dongfang Ming couldn't help but change his complexion.

"You... I didn't have what you asked for!" Dongfang Ming almost cried.

"Oh! Have you seen this kind of thing?" Zhao Yuande suddenly moved his heart, showing the image of the silver sword in front of the other party.

"This... this kind of thing~!" Dongming Ming's face showed a look of doubt.

"If you can find a small sword like this, I will spare you the unreasonableness of this time. If you find two handles, I will let you go! This thing is cancelled." Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and the image of the silver small sword disappeared.

"I... I may have really seen it, in a chamber of commerce that destroys God Realm! I remembered it, in the Nanhai Chamber of Commerce in the God-destroying city!" Dongfang Mingdao said.

"Oh! How do I know you are not lying to me." Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Do not believe you can ask the kid of the Kirin tribe!" Dongfang Ming points to Linfeng, "The Nanhai Chamber of Commerce is the Kirin tribe!"

"Oh! So...then trust you for the time being. But this is the only one, and you can't change your freedom. Do you have nothing to say?" Zhao Yuande said.

"I... I really don't know!" Dongfang Ming almost cried. "Will I help you to publish a bounty message? That's a God Soul Realm that breaks the Divine Realm. Everyone's soul can enter it. We The Eastern House has its own territory in it. If there is such a thing in the Destruction God Realm, there will be news soon."

"Then act!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "But before there is any news, you still have to be my captive and follow me."


Dongfang Ming dare to say anything at this time.

Life is more important than freedom!

They now have a very long life, but it is simply that this world is immortal, they will not die.

Those who have been imprisoned for thousands of years are nothing compared to a long life.

They waited for three days here, Lin Feng finally opened his eyes.

There was a hint of excitement on his face, and this time the body quenching benefited him a lot.

Soon he saw the Eastern Ming next to Zhao Yuande, his face showing a difference.

But although he was young, he was a hundred or ten years old, and he instantly understood what was going on.

The worship of Zhao Yuande in my heart is a little more.

"Are you going with us, or are you returning now?" Zhao Yuande looked at the other party.

"I can still travel some distance." Lin Feng said.

"Well! Let's go!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "That's right, I heard that the Nanhai Chamber of Commerce is of the Qilin family."

"Yes! The Nanhai Chamber of Commerce is indeed of our Kirin family, but... our Kirin family is gradually declining. Many people are also eyeing the Nanhai Chamber of Commerce. Before I came here, there were wicked people coming to the door. I don't know what is going on now." Lin Speaking of this, Feng couldn't help showing a sad face.

"Oh! After the matter here, I will go with you!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Have you seen this?"

He said that he showed the image of the silver sword.

"This...I did see it, it was in the treasure house, but it didn't seem to have any great effect. It was sold in several auctions! But the third grandfather refused to lower the price, saying that this thing is very mysterious, it must be mysterious. Hidden in it." Lin Fengdao.

"Oh! It seems that I really have a destiny with me! I ordered that little sword! You will send a message back now." Zhao Yuande said to Lin Feng.

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded.

An excited expression appeared on his face.

The other party has helped him many times, and is still guarding himself at this time.

He wanted to repay, but his strength status could not help him at all.

Now the other party asked for the little sword. He was really happy to help.

"The three grandpas agreed, but it was only after this time that they could get it back." Soon Lin Feng nodded.

"Okay! Keep going!" Zhao Yuande waved.

This way Linfeng happy twitter, constantly chatting with Zhao Yuande, talking about some happy things.

Zhao Yuande also kept asking about some things in the Destruction God Realm.

Only the Eastern Ming Yan followed his head.

Half a month later, Lin Feng finally reached the limit, and then left the space node and returned directly to Shenlian City.

And Zhao Yuande and Dongfang Ming continue to move forward.

Among the space nodes, the space is infinitely large, and the wider it is, the more it looks like a gourd.

There are not many people they met along the way. Most of these people are practicing individually and experiencing the thunder baptism.

These people are usually guarded by powerful formations, and no one will put their lives in the mind of others before they come in.

They all made a thorough preparation and purchased a powerful formation to enchant.

There are even a team of three or five people, not only guarded by formation formation, but also guarded by others in the team.

Anyway, the empty tide will persist for at least half a year, and a person's real cultivation time is more than ten or twenty days.

Several teammates take turns practicing time is enough.

"Isn't there any information from you yet?" Zhao Yuande asked.

He saw the thunder around him becoming more and more terrifying. Dongfang Ming could not bear it at this time, and was about to reach its limit.

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