Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4481: Little Yuer

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And the further forward, the more powerful the silver-winged snake is, and the more energy the corresponding thunder ball produces.

He killed all the way, and did not know how many silver-winged thunder snakes he beheaded, and finally stopped in an area.

He could vaguely see that there seemed to be a little light ahead, and he seemed to be approaching the end of the space node.

At this time, the thunder was thick like a mountain, and the tumbling fell down. The entire space node was constantly shaking, and it seemed that it could not meet this horror thunder.

He also felt the horror power contained in the Thunder, which could already hurt him.

It was too late, so he stopped immediately, intending to refine his body here.

But he was not ready yet, and he heard an angry roar from the deep sky.

A huge figure of thousands of feet appeared and swooped down towards him.

"This guy is too big!" Zhao Yuande could not help seeing this huge figure, his face also changed slightly.

This is also a silver-winged snake, but ordinary silver-winged snakes are tens of feet long and the bucket is thick and thin, and this head has completely exceeded his imagination.

But he was not afraid, because he also felt that this silver-winged snake was powerful, but he hadn't reached the breaking point, he could still cope with it.


Instead of retreating, he rushed towards the silver-winged electric snake.

The war is about to happen, the thunder splashes everywhere, and the horrible sound can easily break the eardrums.

Zhao Yuande originally wanted the Thunder Hardened Body, and this silver-winged electric snake came just right.

The battle between the two had a half hour, but it was always inseparable.

At this time, even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked. This silver-winged electric snake has not yet been promoted to the breaking ground. Why is it so powerful?

But he was even more excited. It hasn't been a long time since such a comparable opponent could fight him. This time it was really the most vivid.

Even more shocking than him is the far side of the space node.

In a huge imaginary furnace.

A woman in a red dress was also showing incredible looks on her face.

"Lao Niang...I don't believe this girl! Someone can block me!" There is a light curtain in front of the woman in red, which is the picture of the battle between Zhao Yuande and the silver-winged thunder snake.

"Little Yu'er! Don't swear, remember you are a girl! Who would dare to marry you if you spread it like this!" A kind old lady stood beside the woman in red, although she was educating her, but her face But they are all doting colors.

"Grandma! Who is this guy? Why can I fight the silver-winged Razer that I control for so long! Doesn't that mean he is stronger than me! I don't understand." The woman in red heard the old woman's words and couldn't help it. Grieved puckered.

"Okay! There are people outside, and there are days outside. Are you still ranked third in our eternal dimension?" The old lady touched her hair and comforted, "Maybe this person is born with Thunder's physique, So there is a natural advantage when playing against the silver-winged thunder snake! If he really meets you, he is not necessarily your opponent!"

"Well! Grandma is right! He must not be my opponent!" The woman in red nodded. "I will continue to fight him, and I don't believe how long he can persist!"

"Little Yu'er, come on! Grandma supports you!" The old woman's face was doted.

"Ah! This guy is really powerful, it seems that I can't hide it!" Zhao Yuande was more and more shocked during the war and couldn't help but have a heart of vigor.

He began to change his methods, put on the Tujia, and began a more crazy attack.


After dozens of breaths, the huge silver-winged thunder snake was suddenly shattered by him.

The thunder and thunder flew over the sky, and a thunder bead full of houses slowly landed.

"Fortune!" Zhao Yuande excitedly put away the huge Leizhu.

"The other party used a powerful treasure to kill God Armor! You lost it injustice." The old lady persuaded her to see the woman in red feeling somewhat depressed. "And this young man is not easy! It is obviously that this kind of treasure is the origin of a super. Descendants of great people...Maybe they are descendants of the Four Great Saints!"

"Grandma lost or lost! I entered the body of the silver-winged thunder snake with my soul. The strength of this silver-winged thunder snake has reached a half-step breaking path, and the other party is only the peak of chaos. This is already unfair! Tu Shenjia... is not bullying me! It seems... this person is really very powerful! Even stronger than his brother... who is he? I really want to really face to face with him!" The woman in red is first Some eyes were bleak, and then a strong war was shot in his eyes.

"That's basically impossible. He can't come to our eternal dimension through this node. You can't go through for the time being. If you want to sharpen, you can continue to settle in the silver-winged thunder snake." The old woman laughed.

"I don't believe I can beat him!" The woman in red gritted her teeth.

Zhao Yuande is now moving forward, and the Thunder here has made him feel satisfied.

But soon he felt something was wrong, and Yu Shi, a huge silver-winged thunder snake, appeared and rushed towards his open teeth and claws.


Zhao Yuande had no choice but to face it, fierce battle with it.

He was wearing Tu Shenjia, and he didn't worry about injuries at all. Every punch and every foot was a trick to change from injury to injury.

The same is true of the silver-winged Razer on the opposite side, which is completely a play.

So after a dozen breaths, the silver-winged Razer was killed at once.

Another huge thunder bead appeared, and Zhao Yuande hurriedly put away.

"It's so annoying! Why is this guy so powerful!" The woman in red tried hard to hide her feet, her face unwilling.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. You used to have trouble in the wind and water. It is not a good thing to lose. It is most important to find shortcomings and move on!" The old lady comforted.

In fact, the old woman was shocked at this time, because Zhao Yuande was struggling to kill the silver-winged thunder snake with a terrible thunder, which increased the difficulty several times.

Perhaps only the brother of Xiao Yu'er... the reincarnation of the powerful existence before the infinite years can compete with it.

Who is this young man? Is he a descendant of the eternal realm of origin?

"I still don't believe it..." The woman in red had a stubborn strength, and after a while, the soul again controlled a silver-winged thunder snake and rushed to Zhao Yuande.

It was easier to be killed for the third time. Zhao Yuande had found the weakness of the silver-winged thunder snake, which was resolved in just a few breaths.

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