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Chapter 4487: Where is Sacred

This is probably the power to destroy the sage.

He has now restored his original appearance and is not worried about being seen.

He did not believe that the power of Qinglian Divine Sovereign could be extended here, and even if it could be extended, I am afraid that he could not find anyone who could fight him.

Zhao Yuande found a few luxurious treasure buildings, called Yuntian Baolou, and strode in.

He heard people say that this Yuntian Baolou is the property of Yuntian Shenjun.

There is much hatred between Yuntian Divine Monarch and Eastern Divine Monarch, and the two are now fighting outside.

So he felt that he could get the information he wanted here.

"This VIP, what do you need?" An old man with a smile on his face greeted him.

Although the old man smiled all over his face, the eyes were continuously glancing up and down at Zhao Yuande, as if he could see through everything about Zhao Yuande.

"Are you holding treasures here?" Zhao Yuande held his head up, showing a proud look.

"We Yuntian Baolou can buy all the treasures, no matter what you have, we can digest it." The old man with a smile on his face patted his chest.

"Well! Very good, take me to the VIP room!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"You come with me, distinguished guests!" The old man's face seemed to be smiling with laughter when he heard Zhao Yuande's request.

This shows that Zhao Yuande is really doing big business.

Fragrant tea, Xianguo served, accompanied by a beautiful maid.

The old man looked at Zhao Yuande with much more expectations.

"Ninth-order Chaos Divine Soldiers!" Zhao Yuande looked at the other party. "But I want to explain first, the price should not be too ridiculous, this son is not a fool!"

He said that he took out a storage ring and handed it to the old man.

The old man was a little unhappy at first. Are you not planning to give the old man a chance to make money?

But when he took the storage ring, he sat straight back in his chair.

"This...this...these are all for sale!" His voice trembles, he can't believe his eyes, is he wrong?

Among the storage rings, twenty Nine Order Chaos Divine Soldiers were neatly arranged, and the dazzling glory released from above made him dizzy.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande took a sip of tea and said lightly, "So I said, don't make the price ridiculous, otherwise I won't do this business!"

"Hey! The price guarantees your satisfaction! Hurry up, bring my thousand-year-old Yunzhi Shencha, and ask my granddaughter to come and help me settle the bill!" The accounts are cleared.

Zhao Yuande was not in a hurry, so he waited slowly.

Sure enough, a beautiful woman walked in beautifully, a jade pot in her hand exuded a radiant brilliance, and a faint fragrance came from it to refresh her heart.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Yuande looked at the jade pot and the woman holding the jade pot, not knowing which one was complimenting.

"Son, please drink tea!"

The beautiful woman is graceful and walks like a willow, even Zhao Yuande feels dizzy.

But he saw the disgust in the eyes of the beautiful woman, who must think he was a playboy.

He didn't blame the other party, but pretended not to know and took a sip of tea.

"Let's talk about the price!" Zhao Yuande looked at the old man with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone knows the value of the Ninth Order Chaos Divine Soldiers. We also sell them in the treasure house. The price of an ordinary Ninth Order Chaos Divine Soldier is around 100,000 Yuan Jing. The treasure house has a prescribed price for the treasures to be recovered. It is not allowed to exceed 50% of the selling price, so I can make up to 50,000 for a 9th-level Chaos Divine Soldier, which is already the limit!" said the old man.

The source crystal here is also a kind of currency unit, but it is the higher substitute from the origin, and its value is similar to the points earned by Zhao Yuande in the battle.

"What? Fifty thousand!" Zhao Yuande suddenly changed his face when he heard the number. He put down the tea cup in his hand, reclaimed the storage ring, and turned to leave.

"Hey... Master! Don't worry! There is something to discuss! Good to discuss!" The old man hurriedly pulled him, his face covered with bitter smiles, "I am just a steward of the treasure house, and the authority is only so much You son... don’t embarrass me too much."

"Oh! I can't be the Lord, right! Then call someone who can be the Lord, I have patience!" Zhao Yuande sneered with a sneer, "I don't believe it, if you don't accept Yuntian Baolou, other Baolou will also Rush to call my uncle."

"Uncle! Please sit down! We have something to discuss!" The old man gave a look at the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman hurriedly left with several maids, and looked at her grandfather before leaving, with a complex look in her eyes.

Only Zhao Yuande and the old man were left.

"Why! Have you taken away everyone's intentions to start with this son?" Zhao Yuande's eyes stood up, killing him.

"Uncle! You are my dear grandfather!" The old man suddenly felt a terrible murderous intention over him, and he almost sat on the ground, "I just want to give you an explanation!"

"Say!" Zhao Yuande said coldly, "The son said is not happy, and will leave immediately!"

"Seven percent! This is already the highest recycling price in the Holy City, of course, the specific depends on the goods!" The old man touched a cold sweat.

Although he knew that the price of Qicheng was not earned this time, but such a large number of 9th-order Chaos Divine Soldiers would definitely make it happy.

The ninth-order Chaos Divine Soldier is a hard currency. It is something that all major forces are fighting for. Even in Yuntian Shenshan, it is the most needed thing for all geniuses.

"Well! It's almost the same!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly. "You can take a closer look at this son. There are a few good items among them. Don't be a fool!"

"Yes! Yes!" The old man nodded again and again.

After confirming the time of the tea and counting, the 20 pieces of the ninth-order Chaos Divine Soldier finally sold the price of 2.1 million Yuan Jing.

"You're honest!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the old man and nodded slightly. "Since you are so honest, then the boy will take care of your business today! Look here."

Zhao Yuande took out a storage ring again and handed it to the other party.


The old man took the storage ring, dived into the soul, and then sat on the ground stiffly.

"Mom! Son... You... where are you!" The old man finally sat down again, and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes with awe.

In this storage ring, there are more than fifty or so 9th-order chaos soldiers.

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