Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4497: Xuan Chi City

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"I also heard that if there is a broken Dao Shengguo, you can even make a delicious food, which will increase the chance of impacting the broken Dao Realm!"

"Yes! I have heard of such things." Qing Lan nodded again and again.

"Oh! Where is the broken Dao Shengguo? We might as well buy some, and then go to Huntian God Realm to find someone to make delicious food." Zhao Yuande was also moved in his heart.

If there is such a thing, he can help many people break through.

Big Black Dogs, they are now half-step breaking the road, if they enter the breaking road, they will also get strong arm assistance.

"That thing...basically cannot be found. Legends can be found occasionally in the Broken God Realm. And even if it appears on the market, we may not be able to afford it. Ten thousand Yuan Jing." Qing Lan shook his head slightly.

"Millions of Yuanjing... It's not impossible to afford it. Start your relationship! If there is such a thing, I will buy it! When the time comes, I will make a delicious meal, and you will have a copy!" Zhao Yuande nodded while touching his chin. .

" have ten million Yuanjing!" The two eyes widened.

They are people with strong backers behind them. Even so, Ten Thousand Yuanjing is a distant number for them.

Zhao Yuande even said that he had ten million Yuan Jing, and the two of them immediately felt hit.

Ten Thousand Yuan Jing can buy a Daoyan Divine Soldier!

What they don't know is that Zhao Yuande killed all the way and didn't know how many treasures he had.

There are dozens and hundreds of Chaos Divine Soldiers of the ninth order, and there are even a few pieces of Dao Yan Divine Soldiers.

Now, if one or two are sold, it is not impossible.

"Huh?" Zhao Yuande suddenly showed a happy face at this time.

"Brother Zhao, what's wrong?" Man Heng curiously said, "Is there anything good?"

"Yes! The treasure I bought from someone is now gone." Zhao Yuande smiled. "I will let that person come here. You two will have to eat quickly."

"What kind of treasure? Can Brother Zhao rejoice?" Qing Lan suddenly became interested.

Such a treasure as Zhao Yuande, which can make his heart move, is definitely not ordinary.

"It's a small sword!" Zhao Yuande did not hide, and showed the image of the small sword in front of the two.

"This little sword is indeed familiar, I saw it at an auction before!" Qing Lan said.

"Good! There are a lot of such small swords! I have already obtained the one at the auction, and now it is in the vein of the mysterious mythical bird." Zhao Yuande said.

"Xuan Chi God Bird has a vein, I'm some acquaintances, if you need it, I can help you!" Qing Lan smiled, she was reflecting her value.

"That family is a bird. If they dare not hand it over, I will take someone to destroy them!" Man Heng is even more domineering.


The old man of Yuntian Baolou is still in the future, but the other one has already arrived.

But as soon as this man entered Yunlanju, he turned around and ran away.

"Dongfang Ming, you dare to run Lao Tzu to your house!" Man Heng shouted.

Dongfang Ming suddenly trembles in his legs, almost kneeling down to the ground.

He knew how terrifying this Shaxing was. Few people in the entire Holy City dared not give him a face.

What's more, this time Fairy Fairy wrote a letter for him to come.

"Dongfang Ming! You are also the arrogance of the Dongfang family, how can you be so disdainful!" Qing Lan looked at Dongfang Ming and her brows were closed, "This time you apologize to Brother Zhao and come up with some compensation. Can help you to make peace from it!"

Zhao Yuande didn't say a word at this time, just looked at Dongfang Ming.

He knew that in the Holy City, it was unrealistic to want to kill the Eastern Mingna.

The other party said that they are all descendants of the Eastern Goddess, he is still a scrupulous peerless genius in the Eastern family.

It would be better to give Qing Lan a face and let her help solve the matter.

"I..." Dongfang Ming looked at the three people.

He knew that it was planted here today, and he could not afford any of the three.

I originally thought I was safe in the Holy City.

But now the other party has not only got acquainted with Barbara Heng, but also met Fairy Lan.

These two men have huge energy, especially the shameless dad of Fairy Lan, who will not give face.

And it's also very shameless and has no lower limit.

Offending such a person is simply looking for your own way.

So now he can only give in.

"I confessed it! Brother Zhao was my fault before. You can punish whatever you want!" The Eastern Ming looked stupefied and sat on the ground. "If Brother Zhao needs any compensation, let me say that as long as I can Don’t be stingy with it."

"Oh! Since that's the case, you will follow us in a moment." Zhao Yuande thought for a moment, "You can help me get the little sword from the veins of Xuanzhi God Bird, and this matter will be cancelled in one stroke."

"Good!" After hearing Zhao Yuande's words, Dongfang Ming suddenly came to spirit.

This matter is not difficult to deal with. Xuanzhi God Bird is not a powerful race. There is only one strong person in the race, and he can't give up his face.

"Then wait here!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Three people eat food, but Dongming can only stand and stare.

At this time, Dongfang Ming had a strong curiosity in his heart. How could these two be so familiar with Zhao Yuande?

Especially for Qinglan, almost ten people could see the undisguised appreciation of Zhao Yuande in her eyes.

This made Dongming Ming's heart neither tasteful, but full of jealousy.

But he did know that this person should not provoke him.

It is the second time now, and the other party completely forgives himself because he sees the reason here as the holy city.

If this is still in the space node or the refining city, I am afraid that the other party will have been slapped to death.

Soon the old man of Yuntian Baolou came.

He saw so many big men in front of him could not help revealing a shocking color that could not be concealed.

Although he is only a middle and low-level character, he is well-informed, and all these powerful geniuses are known by Fengyun characters.

He was still thinking about how to persuade Xuanzhi God Bird to shoot that small sword in one vein. Now when he sees these three men, he is immediately relieved.

As soon as these three appear, I am afraid that the other party will also give Xiaojian both hands.

With enough food and drink, they are on the road.

Through the teleportation to a small city east of the holy city, it is called Xuanzhi City.

Xuanzhi City is a territory belonging to the Xuanzhi Shenbird family, which is located on a huge volcano.

The temperature here is so hot that ordinary people are reluctant to live in the city. Most of them are settlers who practice fire magical abilities.

The old man seems to be very familiar with this place, and he soon appeared in front of the largest building complex in the city with everyone.

"Who are you?" A strong man with fiery red armor stopped them.

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