Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4537: Taboo love

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Chapter 4557 of Taboo Love

"Why should I take you away?" Zhao Yuande looked at the woman.

This woman's facial features are actually very beautiful, but she was delayed by the black color.

If she was allowed to return to the ordinary world and restore her true appearance, he felt even more beautiful than Qing Lan.

The origin of this woman must be extraordinary, Zhao Yuande thought so.

"I am a slave on this big boat! After our Shangguan family was destroyed, I was bought by the owner of this big boat at a high price." The woman said, "He originally planned to go to the whirlpool event as a gift for me Some geniuses didn't expect the son to appear, and I was sent here."

"Oh! Then what secrets do you have for me to shoot?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"I... I have a secret in Shangguan's house. In fact, our Shangguan's house was also destroyed because of this secret." The woman thought for a while and gritted her teeth. "That secret is about the outside world!"

"Oh! It's about the outside world? Are you not afraid that I will get your secret and kill you?" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"I... I have a special ability since I was young... I can feel a person's heart! I can feel whether a person is hostile to me! For example, I can feel your emotions at the moment, only curious but not killing !" Women's Road.

"There is such a capability!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but startle slightly.

Although this ability sounds nothing, it is very abnormal.

"Can you feel anyone?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Yes! Anyone... including powerful beings, such as the strong without the realm!" The woman nodded, very sure.

This is abnormal, this ability can instantly identify the enemy, so that you can be an absolute first in the face of other people's hands.

For example, in the face of the palace master of the Dragon Palace, this guy is very clever and fierce, no one can guess what he is thinking.

If you have this ability, you can recognize it in advance and know exactly what he wants to do.

No secrets about the outside world are needed, only this ability is enough.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but get a little excited, and it was absolutely useful to bring this woman around.

"Okay! I promise you!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly, "I can take you away, but you want to follow me for the time being and help me identify the authenticity."

"As long as the son takes me away, I will listen to the son!" The woman's eyes brightened.

"Okay! You call that man!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Yes!" The woman turned happily and left the room.

"Regarding the secrets of the outside world?" Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of this, and could not help but twitch his lips slightly, "If it is better to get the secret, it doesn't matter if it's not, it is enough to have this ability."

Soon the woman took the big man to the room.

"Brother, are you looking for me?" Dahan was very polite.

"I'm fancy this woman, want to let her follow me, don't know what needs to be paid?" Zhao Yuande looked at the big man and spoke directly.

"This...this..." When the big man heard it, his face appeared embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yuande's eyes were cold.

"This... she has already been booked, and is the blue scale son of the Maelstrom Alliance. I have already transmitted the image to the blue scale son." The big man smiled bitterly, "I don't have such a woman on this big ship to hand over Young scales, if the other party knows about this, I am afraid that... and you... will not be too happy!"

"Young Blue Scales!" The woman suddenly shook her body when she heard the name, and there was a look of terror on her face.

"Young Master Saves Me! Young Blue Scale is a beast, a pervert, if I fall into his hands, there is no way to live!" The woman knelt in front of Zhao Yuande and gave him a knock.

"All right! Since I promised you, I won't regret it." Zhao Yuande flicked his sleeves, but the woman stood up involuntarily.

"Brother, why don't I change your individual..." Dahan asked cautiously.

"No, I only want her! You choose!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Then...Okay! I promised you brothers, but I hope you don’t want to be arrogant. It’s best to put her in the body world when you are on the whirlpool island! I told the blue scales that this girl was eaten by the sea monkey. Hey... I don’t know if I can hide the other party." Dahan handed him a soul bead and walked out of the room with a wry smile.

"Thank you, son!" The woman saluted again at this time, showing gratitude on her face.

"No, I don't listen to you. You need to do things for me now, become my servants, and be restricted by me." Zhao Yuande said.

"Master, please do whatever you want!" The woman was very sincere.

"Okay, now it's time to talk about your situation, such as name, origin of your ancestor, your secret..." Zhao Yuande pointed to a chair not far away.

"I'll just stand." The woman was slightly nervous.

She was originally a family pearl, a talented girl.

But the family was destroyed and she was captured by the other party.

Because of his beautiful appearance and good qualifications, he trained well and sold it for a good price.

Because the owner of this big ship is going to develop on the vortex island, he bought the woman and prepared to give it to a big powerful son on the vortex island, the blue scale.

And because the big man wanted to meet Zhao Yuande, he sent the woman to Zhao Yuande in advance.

In fact, the big Han was not embarrassed before, but wanted Zhao Yuande to remember his friendship.

That's why Dahan can say those embarrassing words.

After the woman was caught, she was trained for several days, and she has been trained to be a good little sheep.

Although he was rescued now, he still has anxiety in his heart and feels that the world is not safe.

"As you like." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

"My name is Shangguan Rong..." The woman spoke very nicely, and soon she said everything from beginning to end.

"Well! It's really miserable." Zhao Yuande said.

"It is said that our Shangguan family was a super family of eternal dimension before being suppressed, because the collusion between our family's ancestor and a witch in purgatory caused a great chaos of eternal dimension, so we were exiled and suppressed here. "" Shangguan Rong said.

"Eternal Dimension..." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, "Is your Shangguan family still there?"

"It is said that our Shangguan family was extremely powerful, but it was one of the five forces of the eternal dimension. At that time, only the old ancestor was suppressed. That's wrong, and the witch of the purgatory...that is our grandmother!" Shangguanrong said softly.

"The combination between the human race and the purgatory witch is really a taboo love!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help shaking his head.

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