Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4545: Purgatory

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The crowd fled chaotically towards the distance.

At this time, Zhao Yuande seemed to be a two-fold battle of ice and fire, which would be pushed out once and pulled back again.

It's like breathing!

This maelstrom is like a person's nose, breathing.

Just when he thought this way, the water suddenly soared in the maelstrom.

The whole maelstrom seemed to turn into a huge fountain, and the huge amount of seawater turned into a huge water column directly into the sky, breaking through the dark sky.

"This is..." Zhao Yuande seemed to see a portal with a dazzling purple light on it when the water column soared into the sky.

Is the legend of the Shangguan Rong family true?

Is there really a passage to purgatory?

That purple portal is the door to purgatory!

Get this speculation, Zhao Yuande suddenly widened his eyes.

He felt he needed to make a choice.

Would you like to go back to the Dragon Palace and leave this dark world through the fetal feast, or explore the purple portal here and enter the unknown world of purgatory.

Cherish the present!

Zhao Yuande made a decision in an instant, his body was infinitely high, and he began to fly towards the sky-high water column.

This water column is like a pillar that connects heaven and earth.

He flew dozens of breaths without seeing the end.

I just felt that the pressure around the space was getting bigger and bigger, even making him a little unbearable.

At this time, it was not just him. Some powerful beings also saw the purple portal above the water column.

How could they not be curious, and they all rushed upward.

"Master! Bring me together!" Zhao Yuande heard a familiar voice, and turned out to be Shangguan Rong.

At this time she was holding a bead in her hand, and the bead released a powerful force to continuously push her up.

Zhao Yuande's gaze narrowed slightly, and the beads were definitely not simple.

Able to break through obstacles, even approaching behind him.

He stopped, grabbed his hand, and took Shangguan Rong directly, and took her to his side.

Seeing Zhao Yuande's gaze, Shangguan Rong hurriedly handed the beads to Zhao Yuande.

"This is an expressive bead in my family. It is said that it was the grandmother’s personal possession. It had been bleak and unremarkable before, but just now it burst out of a terrifying power. It seems that there is something above that is constantly pulling. "" Shangguan Rong explained.

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande was a little suspicious and reached out to take the orb. He suddenly felt that the orb seemed to be affected by some kind of force.


With a joy in his heart, he swept the Shangguan Rong with his big sleeves, and no longer bound the power of Orb.


He felt that the power to pull Orb was getting bigger and bigger, and he almost couldn't hold it anymore.

Soon he saw the top of the water column and the gate with a faint purple light.

"It must be purgatory after the gate!" Shangguanrong shivered with excitement. "I felt the power exuded from it seemed to resonate with some kind of blood in my body."

"It seems true!" Zhao Yuande also felt one of the evil and mysterious forces, which was full of vigor and vitality.

"Do you want to go in?" Although Shangguan Rong asked Zhao Yuande, his body was shaking with excitement.

"Go in!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

At this time, the powerful digital presence had arrived in front of the purple gate, and the body directly entered the purple gate.


Without further hesitation, Zhao Yuande took Shangguan Rong directly into the purple gate.

As soon as he entered the gate, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a strong vitality coming.

This is a channel shrouded in purple light. The end of the channel seems to contain endless vitality. The vertical channel rushes like a tide.

The faces of the strong men who rushed in all showed an uncontrollable color of excitement.

They are breathing the air here, absorbing the infinite vitality here.

Zhao Yuande did not stop, though the vitality here was useless to him.

He shone with Shangguan Rong and saw the end of the passage within a few breaths.

At the end of the passage is a purple world.

Almost everything here is purple, even the big day in the sky is purple.

Plants, demons, demons...except people, they are all purple!

When he rushed out of the passage, he saw a huge mountain range appear.

They are standing at the peak of the mountain at this time, there is a huge formation.

The stage looked very old, but this time it was released with a glorious glory.

Zhao Yuande estimated that it was the excitement of this array that allowed the passage below the vortex to surface.

"Here is purgatory! That's the legendary Ziri! It's so warm and comfortable!" Shangguan Rong felt the light and warmth brought by Ziri, and the whole person became excited at once.

It was at this time that her body burst out with purple radiance, which seemed to resonate with Ziri.

"You...your skin...changing!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but slightly shocked.

Because he saw the black skin of Shangguan Rong, the speed at which he could see it started to change, and gradually turned purple.

"I... changed..." Shangguan Rong looked at his skin in disbelief, and his eyes suddenly became wet.

"Where is this place!" Several strong men of the dark world appeared here, looking at this purple world, all eyes froze.

"I see! This is the legendary purgatory! It is purgatory! We escaped!"

"Haha...for the rest of my life...for the rest of my life I can escape from that ghost place alive, it's really heavenly!"


The group of strong men above the broken ground roared wildly, excited hands dancing.

"Go! Let's leave here and go over there!" Zhao Yuande pointed to the distance.

A majestic giant city could be seen vaguely in the direction of his finger.

"Are we...will it be popular?" Shangguan Rong's eyes widened and he looked at the giant city with expectation, which was both excited and uneasy.

"There should be no problem." Zhao Yuande smiled slightly, "It's a big deal that we have changed to become the natives here."

"But..." Shangguan Rong looked at Zhao Yuande, then his eyes widened, " also changed..."

"Hehe!" Zhao Yuande just smiled.

He was not invaded by the dark world at all, and now he wants to change what he wants.

"Where did you come from? Why did you appear here?" Just as they wanted to take off, dozens of powerful breaths descended on this mountain peak.

Zhao Yuande looked at it, these are not human.

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