Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4557: Yunliusha Waterfall

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Chapter 4557 cloud drift sand waterfall

"The old gluttonous man just followed them. The soul has covered the whole city for a long time, and the slightest trace of traces can't escape his eyes. We will die when we go out!" Zhao Yuande laughed, "We just wandered around the city Fan, and then go tomorrow, confusing audiovisual."

"I know!" Shangguan Rong nodded silently.

She felt that she was still too naive. If she really walked into the vortex of the Mora tribe, she might not even have any bones to eat.

She more and more did not want to return to the Mora tribe, fighting for the witch's place.

"Okay! Let's go around this big city now, remember not to show anything unusual, we just try to integrate into it!" Zhao Yuande asked.

"I know!" Shangguan Rong nodded.

They left the restaurant and started hanging out on the street.

Soon they purchased a map with an overview of purgatory.

Purgatory is actually not very big, a domain that has no origin.

However, there are many cities and dense population.

The living environment is harsh and full of vicious challenges.

There are four areas of southeast, northwest, centered on Tongtian Demon Tree. Each area is ruled by a prince of eternal realm.

In the Tongtian Demon City, there is a purgatory supreme commander, purgatory sage.

In fact, this strength is not the strongest among all the sages, he only represents an era in the long history.

When there was no celestial magic tree, the celestial city was ruled by the ancestors of the purgatory prince.

Later, the Tongtian Demon Tree appeared, the five big families rose, and finally the five big families divided the entire purgatory.

Only the five big families of Tongtian Magic City and the purgatory sage rule together.

However, the purgatory monarch is actually basically destroyed. He is already a commander of the bare rod, and is actually an aerial character.

The Qilin City belongs to the jurisdiction of the Mora people.

After learning all this, Zhao Yuande also understood.

Lao Goat is too trusting his old friend, forgetting that this old friend is actually a Mora person.

Of course, the Mora tribe is also divided into the witch faction and the opposition witch faction, as well as the neutral faction. The old gluttonous people should belong to the strong opposition against the witch faction.

"We can't go directly to Hei Luo City this time even if we send it away. I'm afraid they will definitely supervise and inspect the people going to Hei Luo City. Let's go here first..." Zhao Yuande pointed to a city on the map.

"Here...Copper Ant City!" Shangguan Rong said with a puzzled face, "Here has the sphere of influence of the Mora."

"Yes! We have to get out of the control of the Mora tribe, and then transfer from here to Tongtian Demon City." Zhao Yuande said, "Only in this way will the other party not pay too much attention to us."

"Everyone listens to your son!" Shangguan Rong is obedient to Zhao Yuande and admires his care.

They still hang out on the street and stop in front of many stalls, it seems that they are really just picking treasures.

In the end, I sold a few things, but most of them were very cheap and obscure.

Half a day later, they came to the hall of transmission.

"Where are you going?" The guards of the teleport hall inspected the two and saw that they weren't very tall and didn't care and asked.

"We're going to the Copper Ant City. I heard that you can buy good refining materials there. Our brothers and sisters lack a battle armor, so I thought..." Zhao Yuande whispered.

"It's done! Go! The third teleportation array in the east is the Ten Thousand Copper Ant City." The guard waved irritably.

"Thank you Brother! I don't know what happened over there? Why are there so many people around? Is the teleportation array broken?" Zhao Yuande pointed to the direction of the teleportation hall, his face full of curiosity.

"Don't inquire if you shouldn't inquire, get away!" The guard was very impatient.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly pulled Shangguan Rong onto the teleportation array leading to Tong Ant City.

As soon as he entered the teleportation hall, he saw a group of strong men surrounded by a teleportation array.

They all have a strong breath, and everyone who enters the teleportation circle is subject to very strict scrutiny.


The teleportation array opened, and the two figures disappeared.

"The Lord of the City Master orders, everyone who enters the Hall of Transmission must be carefully checked!" Just as the two figures disappeared, a command came, and the entire Hall of Transmission suddenly became more tense.

Zhao Yuande they came to a strange city.

There are not many strong humanoid figures here, and most of them are a kind of copper-yellow ants.

These ants have a strong breath, and their flesh is shimmering bronze luster, and they feel the surging blood before they get close.

"The flesh of these ants is so strong!" Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked, "The flesh of the copper ants in the same level as me is almost comparable to me! What about the more powerful copper ants? Is the flesh stronger than me?"

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel terrified!

Are they inherently strong, or is there any way to refine them?

"This should be the copper ant clan known for its flesh under the five major races. We also bought their intelligence before." Shangguan Rong took out a jade jade and took it in his hand.

"There is a Yunliusha waterfall here! These copper ant tribes were tempered in the Yunliusha waterfall as soon as they were born. Unfortunately, the Yunliusha waterfall is the core of the copper ant tribe, otherwise they really want to go in and practice." Zhao Yuande also The flesh is strong, and when I hear this kind of good place, I look forward to it.

"Looking at this jade note, it seems that this is not impossible. The Yunli desert resource where the copper ant clan is located is scarce. They will get three places every year in exchange for cultivation resources, as long as they get one place. Enter the Yunliusha Waterfall and refine the flesh for a month." Shangguan Rong said.

"Take me to see." Zhao Yuande heard this and couldn't help but feel anxious.

If he can get a quota, the flesh will rise to another level.

He looked at the introduction on the jade jade, his face showing ecstasy.

"I must get a quota!" Zhao Yuande clenched his fists.

His physical body is now able to contend with the strong man who has just entered the first small realm of the Dao Realm.

If he can ascend again, his physical body may really be able to contend with the real powerhouse.

"Shall we stay in the Copper Ant City?" Shangguan Rong suggested.

"I'll use a avatar to send letters to the old goats. We will stay in Tong Ant City for the time being and wait for the quota to appear." Zhao Yuande's excited body shivered slightly.

Because he just learned from the jade slips that the Yunlisha Waterfall of the Copper Ant Clan is about to open, and the quota will be publicly exchanged among the Copper Ant Clan.

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