Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4559: Tongtian Demon Tree

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These are all strong men of the big horror family, and the profits they make in a round trip are enough to keep the whole family running for a hundred years.

The five big family forces actually have such people. They have mysterious channels and can travel to and from without danger.

Zhao Yuande really couldn't help but thump in his heart. If Shangguan Rong can become a witch, can he leave the purgatory through the mysterious passage of Mora.

Of course, there is actually a channel that everyone knows.

That is to climb the tree.

As long as you can withstand the test of the celestial magic tree, and can withstand the relentless attack of the eternal dimensional powerhouse on you, you can successfully enter the eternal dimension.

Climbing through the Demon Tree is the last resort, if it is possible to pass through the mysterious passage.

After leaving Tongtian Magic City, he traveled back and forth several times and returned to the Copper Ant City.

"Master, how?" Shangguan Rong looked at Zhao Yuande.

"It's quite rewarding. This time I should be able to exchange for a quota." Zhao Yuande smiled.

"That's good." Shangguan Rong nodded.

During the time Zhao Yuande left, Shangguan Rong felt as if he had lost the backbone of his heart, and was somewhat empty.

Now seeing Zhao Yuande return, a heart suddenly sank, and a smile appeared on his face.

Soon it was time for the copper ants to exchange places.

"Today is particularly lively in the city, there are a lot of strong people." Shangguan Rong said.

"It seems that I have competitive pressure!" Zhao Yuande pointed to a group of people in the distance.

Oh, not a person, but a group of demons.

For the first head of the ape, the golden hairs on the whole body, and a pair of eyes flashing golden divine light, it is a great heavenly saint.

Among the large group of apes behind the golden apes, there are purple, red, and black.

The three-color demon apes are the king group in the demon ape group, and the golden-haired devil apes are the king group.

This golden-headed ape must be an important member of the ape family, so this time I am afraid there will be one ape family.

Soon he saw another huge group of spiders.

This group of spiders is a human in the upper body and a spider in the lower body, and when you look at it, you will feel a horror.

The upper body of the first spider is a voluptuous woman. She is naked on the upper body, revealing the proud capital that has made countless women ashamed.

But no one dared to look around, and could only keep his head down silently.

It seems that this is a flood beast.

"The Demon Spider Clan is also here!" Zhao Yuande could not help looking at this huge group of spiders.

The Demon Spider Clan is also one of the five major races in Purgatory.

Although not as good as the Demon Ape Clan, the Mora Clan ranks last in power.

However, they are still the five major races, and they are insidious and cunning. They must report. There is no limit to doing things. Therefore, they are the most difficult to provoke among the five races.

Zhao Yuande was secretly anxious, which was not a good thing.

If there is another strong man of the five races, he is afraid that this time the plan will be defeated.

Even the copper ant tribes dare not provoke the five major races at will. If there are strong races among the five major races, they must do so first.

The more you worry, the more you will appear.

He soon discovered that a group of purple-skinned humans appeared in the field of vision.

This is a group of strong Mora.

The Mora are almost identical to humans, except that their skin is purple.

The first young man raised his head slightly, and looked around with a proud look.

When he saw the powerful apes and demon spiders, his face was suddenly full of smiles.

Although the Mora tribe claims to be the second-ranked race, it is second only to the Demon Apes.

However, the status of the man is not high among the Mora tribe, so he also had to pose low when he saw the magical beads of the golden apes and the arachnids of the apes clan.

"Brother Jin Yuanzi, Sister Spider Lin, you are here too!" The young Mora came forward and greeted enthusiastically.


The Golden Retriever seemed to be uncomfortable with the Mora youth, but turned his head with a snort and ignored him.

"Giggle! Mo Jiang, I haven't seen my sister in a long time, I miss you so much!" The demon girl of the Moshe clan saw the Mora youth with a charming smile on her mouth, and her voice was soft and full of heart.

If it is really a beauty, I am afraid there will be many people at this time.

But when they saw the eight dark legs with bristles, they couldn't help feeling cold.

There's something delusional about it.

"Oh! Sister Linlin, I miss it too." The young Mora Mo will grin reluctantly.

"Come here! Let your sister hurt you." The spider spider woman's voice is full of teasing.

" little brother still has some things to do." The Mora youth Mo will be so scared that his face will change greatly, and he will turn around and leave.

"Giggle! Mo Jiang, I see how you will hide me in a moment." Spider-Man's face showed a charming smile, but no one felt charming, but only felt the coldness in his heart.

"Let's go! This woman is really a headache... She can't be regarded as a woman!" Zhao Yuande stopped Shangguanrong and went to the palace of the copper ant clan.

The palace of the copper ant tribe is a small world, at this time there have been strong people of various races gathered together.

They all came for the three places of Yunliusha Waterfall.

However, when the powerful apes and demon spiders came in, the eyes of many racial strongmen suddenly showed fear.

They one after another opened a path for people of the two races to come forward.

"It turns out that the powerful apes and devil spiders are coming. The copper ant tribes are far away and welcome the two tribes to forgive their sins." The person nodded.

"Don't dare!" Golden Demon Ape and Spider Lin saw this strong copper ant clan suddenly became amazed.

This is the super power of the copper ant clan. Although it is only half-step eternal, its combat power is almost comparable to that of the eternal realm.

Even the powerful of the five major races dare not underestimate it.

The reason why the five major races are called the five major races is because they have the horrible existence of eternal powerhouses in their clan.

If the eternal realm can appear in other races, maybe the sixth largest race will appear in purgatory.

For example, the old goat, he can make a small step forward, no matter how weak his race, he will become the sixth largest race.

But how difficult this small step is.

A strong man like an old goat does not know how many there are in purgatory.

But that step can be entered, countless in hundreds of millions of years.

It is said that if you want to be promoted in purgatory, you need the approval of the Devil Tree.

The celestial magic tree gives a magic fruit, after refining it will have the opportunity to achieve eternity.

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