Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4561: Reveal identity

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There are many men among them, and this son is Mo Qingjun's son, although the status will not be too high on the surface.

But after all, mother and son!

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but stunned when he heard the name Mo Qingjun.

He felt that today seemed like a good opportunity.

However, this is indeed a bit risky, and if they fail, both of them may be killed here.

But if you seize the opportunity, you may save too much trouble.

"Haha!" Zhao Yuande smiled back to the sky, "Come on if you have the ability! I think you are going to kill yourself together?"

He said that he removed his cloak, revealing his true face.

"What! Are you... how is this possible!" The strong hooked nose looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes widened, all of them incredible.

"Who are you, dare to pretend to be my Mora!" The young Mo Jiang yelled at this moment, and forced him directly towards Zhao Yuande. "The predecessor of the copper ant clan, this person pretended to be Mora. Clan, I also asked my senior to allow me to wait for the shot to capture it, I must have a good reward for the Mora!"

"Oh! Say I'm posing, who knows if you're real, I also say you're posing!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again.

"I! Posing!" Mo Jiang couldn't help laughing at this moment, with a sneering expression on his face, "Who doesn't know Mo Mo at the scene, I might be posing like this!"

"It turns out that you are true, then that's easy! Don't hurry to come and give this gift!" Zhao Yuande stepped back slightly and let Shangguan Rong shrouded in the cloak out.

Mo will see at a glance that this black cloak is a woman, and there is a very wonderful breath on the other side, it seems to be the same as his own!

"Briefing! Are you crazy!" Mo Jiang pointed to Zhao Yuande. "Aren't you a foreigner? Want to use the branch of the foreigner to press me?"

"Have you not figured it out yet? Mo Qingjun's son is really disappointing!" Shang Guanrong was lifted out by Zhao Yuande at this time, and her heart was full of ups and downs, but she still spoke coldly.

At this time, the people around were stupid. What the **** is going on?

Even some people dare to speak like this, Mo Qingjun is one of the most powerful people in purgatory.

A high-ranking eternal realm might dare to call someone by his name, and even belittle him.

This person is either a madman or a great man.

At this time, all of them were guessing the identity of Shangguan Rong.

"Isn't she the descendant of the witch who has been circulating recently?" Jin Yuanzi couldn't help but slightly shocked.

"Isn't it said that the descendants of the witch have already died in the gluttonous city and were killed by the Mora clan?" The spider spider of the demon spider clan looked at Shangguan Rong with the cloak.

"Why is the witch descendant so easy to calculate, I think it's just an excuse!" Jin Yuanzi guessed.

"It is very likely that the appearance of the descendants of the witch will definitely cause the Mora clan to hunt down. They must not be allowed to enter the Mora clan, otherwise the alien will lose their current power, how can they be reconciled! The witch descent quietly sneaked into Mo The La people are the right way, if I would choose so." Spider Lin nodded.

"It seems that the Mora tribe will have a huge shock! Their second ranking can't be guaranteed!" Jin Yuanzi's corner of the mouth looked slightly at Spider Lin, "Don't you, the demon spider tribe, take the opportunity to improve your ranking? "

"Cough! It's said that Brother Jin Yuanzi is resourceful. Are you trying to provoke the war between my demon spider tribe and Mora tribe?" Spider Lin stared at each other without blinking.

"Provoking war? What benefits does this have for our Demon Apes? Our Devil Apes' status has long been unshakable." Jin Yuanzi smiled disdainfully, "I just give you a suggestion!"

"This..." Spider Lin's eyes flickered.

What the other party said is really true.

Demon Apes are the well-deserved first force in purgatory.

The terrifying existence of the three eternal realms in the clan, combined with the horror fighting power of the Demon Ape Clan, can almost sweep the other four forces.

"You... who are you!" Mo Jiang's eyes widened and he stared at Shangguan Rong.

"Also invite seniors to block the news of this small world." Zhao Yuande suddenly said to the powerful copper ant clan, "I believe that the Mora tribe will be grateful for the senior's actions."

The strong copper ants nodded slightly, and he also saw the subtlety.

He directly blocked the entire small world without hesitation, so that all information could not be transmitted.

"You... what are you going to do!" Mo Jiang felt cold at this time.

"We will do nothing, notify your mother immediately and let her come to the Copper Ant Clan to meet the witch descendants!" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"" Mo Jiang's strong-armed nose behind him blinked, "You dare to pretend to be the descendants of the witch, this is a great crime, the son must take them down, otherwise the mother will... "

"You should be a foreigner!" Zhao Yuande looked coldly at this time.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The man with the eagle nose heard Pan Zhao said, and he couldn't help but panic.

"Why would you say this if you are not a foreigner!" Zhao Yuande sneered. "The inner people will be happy to hear the return of the witch descendants. You look at other people's eyes, they are all brilliant, and you... are full of murderous opportunities! Even if you are an inner race, I am afraid you are also a traitor of the inner race... Don’t say you are right!"

In the last sentence, Zhao Yuande can use the power of the six-character mantra of Buddhism.

"Yes!" Mo Jiang was still hesitating just now, but under the power of the mantra, his head suddenly woke up, "Get me!"

Several other strong men also felt that Zhao Yuande was very reasonable. After hearing Mo Jiang's words, he immediately rushed up and grabbed the strong hooked nose directly.

"What are you going to do! How could I be a traitor, I..." The man with a croak nose screamed in fright.

"Are you a traitor, waiting for your mother to come to know her own!" Mo will glance at him coldly, and then send a message directly.

The strong copper ants did not block this message and let it pass smoothly.

"This brother, just offended! Please forgive your sins." Mo Jiang faced Zhao Yuande no more anger at this time, but apologized to him, "The quota is brother!"

But he didn't go to see Shangguan Rong, because his mother was coming soon, and he wouldn't be rude to wait to see him again after the mother confirmed.

"Oh! Since all are brothers, then I'm welcome!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly.

He still had some uneasiness at this time, and he was about to see a powerful existence of eternal realm.

He didn't know if the other party could recognize himself.

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