Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4563: Jin Yuanzi

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"What! Sixth floor!" Jin Yuanzi felt that he had heard it wrong.

The sixth floor is his ultimate goal. Only three days have passed in a month. He feels that if he enters the sixth floor, he may become a bone shelf in an instant if he is alone.

Is the opponent really so strong?

The one he had talked to Zhao Yuande the most before was the descendant of the witch Shangguan Rong. He did not care much about Zhao Yuande's own strength.

I did not expect to hear such news now.

"Yes! The sixth floor!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Senior help me open the sixth floor!"

"Hey! Okay!" The Copper Ant clan nodded.

"Brother Jin Yuanzi, I am waiting for you on the sixth floor." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly to Jin Yuanzi and strode into the sixth floor.


Jin Yuanzi froze for a long time, then clenched his fists and strode into the fifth floor.

The time was in a hurry, and ten days later.

Zhao Yuande gradually felt that the sixth layer had lost its effect on himself.

At this time, a figure rushed into the sixth floor, it was Jin Yuanzi.

As soon as he rushed in, his golden hair was stained with blood.

"Brother Jin Yuanzi, you're here!" Zhao Yuande looked at Jin Yuanzi's pained expression and nodded slightly to him.

"You... so strong!" Jin Yuanzi saw that there was no wound on Zhao Yuande.

The gravel of the sixth layer had done no harm to him.

"Oh! Okay!" Zhao Yuande stretched his body, "This is no longer suitable for me, I'm going to the seventh floor!"

"Good! I hope not to leave after the end, I have something to tell you." Jin Yuanzi said.

Zhao Yuande was tortured in the seventh floor, and almost got cut into a skeleton when he entered.

Thanks to his immortality, this slowly got through.

No wonder when he was about to enter the seventh floor, the old copper ant clan strongly dissuaded.

It was only after he repeatedly dissuaded him that he opened it.

The seventh floor can only enter when it reaches the ecstasy realm, and Zhao Yuande is the cultivation practice of Chaos Domination Peak, which can be said to be a world apart.

Zhao Yuande practiced on the seventh floor until the last moment, only to be adapted.

But he did not wait until Jin Yuanzi entered the seventh floor.

"Brother Zhao! You are out!"

When Jin Yuanzi saw Zhao Yuande coming out of the seventh floor, he suddenly burst into his eyes and rushed straight up.

In his tone, there was no previous pride, but Zhao Yuande was completely regarded as equal.

"Brother Jin Yuanzi." Zhao Yuande smiled.

He felt a subtle change in the other party's attitude, which was the change brought about by his strength.

"Come! Let's go out and have a drink. I have something to say to Brother Zhao." Jin Yuanzi took Zhao Yuande away and acted very intimately.

"Hey! Wait for others, they have been suffering for so many days, and they want to relax!" Spider Lin also rushed out of the fifth floor at this time, heard the two talking, and couldn't help but hurried up.

"Become a normal person, otherwise I won't take you!" Jin Yuanzi glanced at Spider-Lin's eight long legs, which was too space-consuming, and there was no way to sit together normally.

"Cough! This is simple."

Spider-Man smiled, and her body became a voluptuous woman with a flick of her body, and there was a layer of black yarn on her body, which enveloped her perfect figure.

"Let's go! The best restaurant of the copper ant tribe, I will be the owner!" said Jin Yuanzi.

Spider-Man looked at Jin Yuanzi and felt that this arrogant guy had changed.

What exactly is going on?

Is there any special identity for this person called Zhao Yuande?

Spider Lin thought all the way, but did not want to understand what was going on.

"Brother Zhao, I received the intra-clan intelligence. The Mora clan seems to be working on you." Among the restaurants, the three sat across from each other, and Jin Yuanzi didn't avoid the taboo spider Lin, said directly.

"I guessed this!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "This is what the clans do. They will eliminate the stumbling blocks at all costs, especially stumbling blocks like me."

"What is your relationship with the witch you found? I think she seems to be very afraid of you." Jin Yuanzi said.

"I saved her in purgatory, but also accepted her as a servant." Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly, "If not, I think Mora will not be like this! They are worried that I will spread this matter!" "

"That's what it is!" Jin Yuanzi's eyes widened, and he smiled, "It seems that they are wrong! You said to us two listeners, but it is equivalent to telling people in the whole purgatory."

Zhao Yuande didn't really want to say anything, but now he has no choice.

As Jin Yuanzi said, as soon as he walked out of the Copper Ant Clan, he felt that there were several powerful killing intentions covering himself. If it were not for Jin Yuanzi's side, he might be killed on the spot.

And he also felt that the mixed beads of Shangguan Rong had completely failed.

Apparently, the strong man in the eternal realm used powerful magical powers to help her untie the shackles.

Zhao Yuande is not only worthless, but a scourge.

Although he had already realized this kind of consciousness for a long time, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he came so fast.

This is really a big joke!

They rescued their witch and brought her back to purgatory. They also protected her by thousands of miles and tried to make her return to the clan.

Waiting for this is the result! It's really annoying and resentful.

"Don't blame me for being injustice if they are not benevolent! They are totally envious!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Brother Zhao will come to my family! I promise you will be fine, and I will give you the same status as my cultivation resources." Jin Yuanzi said very earnestly.

Spider-Man was even more surprised to hear this. She wanted to know what happened between them?

Is this Zhao Yuande's potential strong?

Can the performance in the Yunliusha waterfall just compare with that of Jin Yuanzi?

If so, she would also like to win each other.

Jin Yuanzi is among the top ten geniuses even in the genius-like Devil Ape Clan. If he is only a genius of the younger generation, he can be ranked in the top ten.

However, there are some green and yellow in the spider spider family, and she is already the strongest genius.

However, the Devil Spider Clan is special. They can pay pei with geniuses of other races and then adopt special methods to conceive. The descendants of the Devil Spider Clan must be born.

Therefore, the relationship between the Devil Spider Clan and the four major ethnic groups is very ambiguous.

Spider Lin's gaze at Zhao Yuande was also burning.

"Brother Zhao...How do we make some transactions? Rest assured that you will not lose money..." Spider Lin's eyes circulated, and the special parts shrouded in black gauze all over the body appeared, making people dry out of his mouth.

"Go! While playing, don't harm my brother." Jin Yuanzi glanced at each other very unpleasantly.

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