Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4566: Ten times more powerful

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Chapter 4565 is ten times more powerful

"Two hundred years!" Zhao Yuande shook his head again and again.

He missed the opening of Broken God Realm in more than two hundred years, and he does not know how many years it will be next time.

He could vaguely feel that this time the broken **** realm is very important to him, and he must not miss it.

So he wanted to go back in every way and enter the Broken God Realm.

"So well! Brother Zhao only has this way to go." Jin Yuanzi couldn't help but slightly disappointed.

Zhao Yuande is definitely a good opponent. If they can constantly fight and learn, his strength can definitely be improved quickly.

But since the other party is determined to go, he has no choice.

In fact, what he valued more was Zhao Yuande's future achievements.

According to his experience, Zhao Yuande should have no problem in achieving eternity.

Once the achievement is eternal, it is true power, and having such a friend is also an invisible deterrent.

"Brother Jin Yuanzi, do you have any material that Tongtian Demon Tree believes more." Zhao Yuande asked.

"No, it's not enough. I can take you to find it." Jin Yuanzi smiled slightly, "I know there are such materials, and there are maps."


Jin Yuanzi took Zhao Yuande away from the Demon Ape Clan and came to a prosperous street.

"There is a tea house on this street, which is a gathering place for some old guys. One of the old guys used to be the leader of the last purgatory and eternal war, but because our army was defeated, he took a team of people from the heavenly tree After retreating, a group of people almost died in the end, and they also remembered a road that was barely considered a way of life!" Jin Yuanzi took him all the way to a tea house.

Zhao Yuande saw that the teahouse was full of old and powerful people of all ethnic groups, most of whom were physically impaired, and their breath even began to decline.

"Why aren't their bodies reborn?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but point at the strong ones.

"Hey! Being hurt by the Eternal Furnace and losing their vitality, they have no way to repair it, and their lives are coming to an end, so they have become desperate and needless. This time we may return without success." Jin Yuanzi sighed.

"It turned out so." Zhao Yuande was secretly surprised.

Such an overbearing eternal furnace can actually directly destroy the source in the body.

"Good old generations!" Jin Yuanzi walked into the teahouse, arched his hands slightly at these old guys, the respectful expression on his face made no mistake.

"Xiaoyuan, you're here! This also brought an outsider." Among the group of old guys is another one-armed golden ape.

His breath was a little weak at this time, the fur on his body had lost its luster, and the skin on his face was even wrinkled, like the old bark.

At this time, he seemed to be a real old man with a wind and candle, and he was about to reach the end of his life.

"Grandpa Nine, this is my friend. We want to find out the news of Tongtian Demon Tree." Jin Yuanzi respected the Golden Retriever ape very much, and went up to gently beat his shoulders.

"Senior is good!" Zhao Yuande also hurried forward to fight against many old guys.

"It's a person! How dare you come here!"

Suddenly, there was a scarred old man with a pair of horns, seeing through Zhao Yuande's thin bottom, his eyes reddened suddenly.

"Humans! Damn humans!" Some old guys all stood up suddenly, squinting fiercely.

Suddenly there was an atmosphere of swords and crosses, and these old guys, who looked like wind candles, seemed to have turned into fierce monsters.

"Seniors, don't be angry, this one is not from the eternal dimension, nor is it a real human, he has the blood of the Mora tribe." Jin Yuanzi hurried forward to stop these old guys, he was really afraid There was a conflict.

"The Mora... there is indeed a hint of Mora." The scarred old man with horns sniffed hard, and then he wondered, "But... he came from peace? This thing Xiaoyuan You have to make it clear, otherwise our old guys will not welcome him."

"I came from purgatory." Zhao Yuande simply said directly.

"Purgatory... How did you escape from that kind of place?" the old man with scared face couldn't help but startle.

"I actually..." Zhao Yuande didn't hide, he said how he saved Shangguan Rong and how to get here through the gate.

"It's really the Mora's style, ungrateful, and adulterous villain!" The old scarred face gritted his teeth when he said these words. After a long time, his face was smiling. "The old man blamed you just now. , Don’t mind your little one!"

"How dare I blame the seniors!" Zhao Yuande lowered his heart.

His story just seemed to resonate with this scarred old man. Apparently the other party was also pitted by the Mora.

"Why did Senior Niu lead the team from the Tongtian Demon Tree to kill them back? It was because of the Mora relationship that they were betrayed!" Jin Yuanzi on the side hurriedly added a fire.

"It turns out that our predecessors also had this kind of encounter, and we are really sympathetic to each other!" Zhao Yuande knew that Jin Yuanzi was assisting himself and hurriedly sincerely said.

"That group of smelly ladies, I think it's disgusting now!" The scarred old man gritted his teeth and said, "It made my brother almost die. If it wasn't for disagreement within the family, I really wanted to fight the Mora. field."

"Senior Niu, this time I have a chance to pit the Mora. I don't know if Senior wants to help?" Jin Yuanzi said.

"What! With this opportunity, I must help! Absolutely help!" The old man with a scarred face stood up suddenly, emitting fierce light in his eyes. "You say! How can I help."

"The Mora tribe wants to kill Brother Zhao, but they have no chance now, and if Brother Zhao can step on the Heavenly Demon Tree, the other party will not miss this opportunity and will definitely send someone to chase it." Jin Yuanzi Road.

"Send someone to chase down! Isn't this brother Xiao Zhao dead!" The old man with scared face could not help shaking his head.

"According to the urinary nature of the Mora people, the genius within the family will definitely be dispatched to treat this chase as a trial, and the strength of the Zhao brothers will definitely be beyond the imagination of the Mora people, and they will definitely kill them!" Jin Yuanzi A smile appeared at this moment, "Think about it! The Mora geniuses fell, would they be very distressed."

"Absolutely will be very distressed!" Many old guys couldn't help but their eyes lit up after hearing it, but the scarred old man was a little disagreeable. "How powerful is Brother Zhao?"

"Ten times stronger than me!" Jin Yuanzi said in a low voice.

"What!" All the old guys couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"No doubt, it is definitely ten times stronger than me! We entered the seventh floor among the Yunliusha waterfall!" Jin Yuanzi said.

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