Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4583: Coincidentally

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Chapter Four-Five-Fifty-Three

"Little Bunny, don't let me catch you! Otherwise I will eat you alive!" The old goat roared again and again, his eyes were about to breathe fire.

"Wait until you can catch me!" Zhao Yuande looked at the miserable state of the old goat and couldn't help laughing.

Dozens of hundreds of treasures all fell down.

He couldn't resist it at all, there were always treasures falling on him.

He didn't have a good place on his own, but now he even shows his bones.

There was even a black light rushing into the body of the old goat, where he was madly destroyed.


The old goat roared, gathering the little power left in his body, and finally shook that black light into powder.

Before the terrible five kinds of disasters, the old goat was basically tortured for half his life. These tens of hundreds of treasures fell down and took away his few strengths.

Now it is as weak as a candle in the wind, and may not even have one thousandth of the power in its heyday.

Even so, Zhao Yuande felt that he was still not his opponent.

He was still swiftly moving upward, and he increasingly felt a familiar breath pass from above.

Yes... it seems...

Zhao Yuande hadn't remembered where he was familiar.


A thick thunder fell from above, slashing **** his head.

Almost hacked him directly.

"Haha! Little Bunny, you are finally unlucky! There are also thunders here, and they are more powerful than the ones below! You continue to go up!" The old goat suddenly showed a gloating expression on his face when he saw this scene.

"I know! This is the breath of the eternal furnace! Here is the same as the space node!" Zhao Yuande felt the breath of Tianlei and immediately remembered, "Hey! I am a human being, what do you hack me to do! The one below It is a powerful creature in purgatory, you should hack it!"

The old goat listened to Zhao Yuande's exclamation and did not know what he was talking about.

However, it obviously felt a bit bad.


However, Zhao Yuande had just finished speaking, the thunder was like a waterfall, and he poured down and drowned him directly.


Zhao Yuande scolded the truth, but the above is the eternal furnace, which is equivalent to a superpower in the eternal realm.

He didn't dare to scold.

At this time, above the channel.

In a magnificent and huge palace, an illusory **** furnace exudes a breath of air.

A kind-faced old lady is talking to a somewhat lovely girl in red.

"There is another purgatory guy who wants to break through our blockade, really looking for death!" The girl in red looked disdainful.

"Hey! I don't know why recently, there is something going on in the purgatory, as if something big is going to happen." The kind-faced old lady sighed softly.

"Grandma! What are you sighing for! There is a furnace of eternal gods, and no more powerful people can come up." The girl in red didn't even care.

"Little Yu'er, don't talk nonsense, do you know how the Purgatory and My Eternal Dimension War happened before?" the old woman said humanly.

"Well... I don't know." The girl named Xiao Yuer shook her head.

"It's the tree below! The Devil Tree! It's more powerful than the Eternal Furnace! It can break through the blockade of the Eternal Furnace at any time as long as it wants, and send the endless purgatory strong!" the old woman said.

"What! More powerful than the furnace of eternal god... How is this possible? In this case, we... our eternal dimension will exist." Xiao Yuer shook her head again and again, expressing disbelief.

"The sky-demon tree is like our great cosmic will. It is a high existence. Unless the whole purgatory sacrifices it, it will not wake up! Of course it will not participate in the war between purgatory and us!" The old lady explained .

"It turns out this way..." Xiao Yu'er breathed out, and his face was relieved.


"What! That's a human!" The girl in red suddenly screamed at this moment, her finger pointed at the light curtain in front of her, and her body could not help but tremble. "Yes... yes... so it would be him... grandma, am I here?" dream?"

"Who?" The old lady paid attention to the scene on the light curtain, and suddenly saw a young man who was somewhat familiar. "It's... that young man with a chaotic Qinglian sword... how... this is possible!"

Both the old and the young were stunned!

The two of them just moved from the space node of origin to the space node of purgatory, but did not expect to see Zhao Yuande again.

"Xiao Yu'er, this young man is destined to you!" The old woman's eyes were dazzling.

"Grandma! What you're talking about is clearly related to us." The girl in red looked slightly red.

He thought of what grandma had said before.

"Don't worry, let's talk before we talk!" The old lady was now focused on the light curtain.

Suddenly saw clearly that Zhao Yuande was constantly escaping, and the old goat below was chasing with his teeth scorched.

"Who...who is he! It was not long ago, and now he is in purgatory again? I remember grandma, you said, purgatory is our dark dimension of eternal dimension, not connected with any other dimension." Red The girl in clothes is very puzzled.

"This...I don't know." The old lady didn't know how to answer at this moment.

No matter how deep his experience is, no matter how many storms he experiences, he can't imagine how bizarre Zhao Yuande's experience is.

"He wouldn't be a purgatory of the purgatory creature!" The girl in red said a little uneasy.

"Impossible! The Eternal Furnace can tell the truth!" The old woman shook her head. "I have just confirmed with the spirit of the Eternal Furnace just now. It is this young man."

"Then... let's just save him!" said the girl in red.

"Don't worry, the eternal God furnace is here, he can't die! I want to see his limit." The old woman smiled.


At this time, Zhao Yuande was undergoing an endless thunder baptism, but the Thunder did not have much impact on him.

But the old goat below suffered.

Having just experienced the baptism of the earth, water, wind, fire, thunder and the five catastrophes in the heavenly magic tree, this has ushered in a new round of the test of the eternal furnace.

The thunder fell like a waterfall, all striking it.

It hurt so screaming again and again.

But what made the old goat not give up is that this kind of thunder is not coming according to cultivation, but all is the same.

Although these thunders made him flesh and flesh, but they were not fatal.

They chased and fled, getting closer and closer to the exit shrouded in the furnace of the Eternal God.

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