Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4585: Into eternity

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Chapter 4585 Entering Eternity

"As long as it doesn't resist, it's very simple, let my mother plant the soul species in its soul, as long as it dares to resist, it will be drained directly!" Void gourd said.

"It's that simple?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but believe it. "It's a half-step eternal realm!"

"Now its strength is at most equivalent to the powerlessness of the selflessness, and then let the soul species continue to grow in its body, and when it recovers, the soul species will control its knowledge of the sea! By then, even if it is The eternal realm can't escape!" Void Gourd proudly said.

"Okay! Just do it! A half-step eternal goat, I will use it as a mount!" Zhao Yuande can be regarded as a hatred of the old goat.

Treating it as a mount is even the biggest revenge against it.

The dialogue between them is only instantaneous.

At this time, the old woman and the girl in red above Tiandi Bridge couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Because they saw that Zhao Yuande actually put the burnt old goat into the body world.

"Grandma! included, can you suppress it?" The girl in red couldn't help but worry.

"This...if it's replaced with Zhen'er...I'm afraid I can't suppress it!" The old woman shook her head slightly.

"Is he really stronger than my brother?" The girl in red didn't want to believe it, but she couldn't help but believe it.

"It's not necessarily, it's just a means. I don't know if the real fighting strength hasn't been beaten." The old lady looked at the disappointed red girl in front of her and said in disbelief.

"Uh!" the girl in red responded.

"Save him up first and say it again!" The old woman looked into the void in the palm of her hand and directly grabbed Zhao Yuande who was struggling against Thunder.

Zhao Yuande felt that he had been caught and had no resistance at all.

But he felt that the owner of this big hand was not malicious, knowing that the other party was saving himself.

The next moment he suddenly saw his eyes light up and appeared in a huge palace.

No, it's not a palace, but inside a huge furnace.

In front of me, a kind-hearted old lady was looking at herself with a smile on her face, and a young girl in red was looking at herself curiously.

"Thank you senior for your life-saving grace!" Zhao Yuande bowed deeply to the old lady.

"Okay, young man, no need to be polite! Come and sit down and talk." The old woman pointed to a white jade carved chair beside Zhao Yuande.

"Thank you Senior!" Zhao Yuande nodded hurriedly.

"Introduce yourself and talk about why it appears in purgatory?" The old lady smiled. "My little Yu'er is very curious about you!"

"Yes! Yes! I remember you should be the origin of the dimension, why did you appear in purgatory?" The girl in red opened her eyes, full of curiosity.

" do you know?" Zhao Yuande's eyes widened incredulously, looking at the girl.

The more he looked, the more the girl seemed to be familiar with that kind of breath...really familiar.

It shouldn't be! I have never been to the eternal dimension, how can I feel familiar?

"You... are you! The man who controls the silver-winged thunder snake in the space node!" Zhao Yuande suddenly woke up.

"You guessed it!" The girl in red nodded, not surprised. "Now answer our question first."

"Okay!" The shock in Zhao Yuande's heart could not be concealed.

This is too coincident!

But he could feel that the two were not malicious to himself, but saved him instead.

"I..." He didn't hide it, he said how he entered the dark world, how he entered the world of purgatory, and then how to escape.

This is three hours, and he is a little dry.

"There are still such bizarre things!" The red girl's eyes are round, all eyes are full of longing, "If only I could have such a wonderful trip!"

"Little Yu'er, don't be so tall, you are still a little low-cultivated," the old woman said.

"However... Brother Zhao... He is the same as my cultivation base!" The girl in red is a little bit upset.

"That...this..." The old lady didn't know what to say.

Is it that he is a genius, are you mediocre?

"Okay! Xiao Yu'er, you don't have to envy. Didn't you say you want to enter the Broken God Realm? That's where the real adventure begins!" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"Yes! Broken God Realm, so looking forward to!" The girl in red was already a little excited at the moment.

"Young man, what are you going to do next?" The old woman looked at Zhao Yuande.

"I... I want to return to the origin, and my missing friends must be very worried." Zhao Yuande said.

"Actually... there is no need to worry. Didn't you say that your ancestor avatar appeared before? Your ancestor must know your current situation." More than a few months later is the day when the Broken God Realm opens. At that time, we will take you to the entrance of the Broken God Realm, and then you can naturally see the people of the origin dimension."

"Is this... okay?" Zhao Yuande was slightly embarrassed.

"Why not, I'll take Xiaoyuer with me at that time, and I'll take you with you!" The old lady, with a kind smile on her face, looked at Zhao Yuande just like looking at her son and nephew.

"Then... thank you senior!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

The other party is so kind and difficult, but he is not easy to refuse.

He saw it, the other party seemed to see his details, and wanted to let himself and this little Yuer...

However, he was not disgusted. The other party saved his life.

As for this girl, he also felt very good, just to be a sister.

"Okay! Little Yu'er, grandma is here to stay. You can take Zhao Xiaoyou out to see! Show us our magnificent rivers and mountains, the wonderful beauty!" The old lady waved her hand.

"Yes! Grandma!" The girl in red looked slightly red, but her big eyes kept spinning around Zhao Yuande.

She knew what grandma meant, but there was nothing in her heart.

Knowing Zhao Yuande's wonderful experience, she became very interested in it.

Hearing what grandma said about Zhao Yuande, she was also very curious. What is Zhao Yuande's true strength?

Is it really as grandma said, even his brother is not as good as him?

As soon as the old woman waved her hand, Zhao Yuande and Xiao Yuer felt like they were in the clouds.

They appeared in a prosperous city.

Zhao Yuande walked on the street, watching the practitioners coming and going.

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