Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4615: Cooperation

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"Don't you just ask me?" Zhao Yuande wondered.

"..." The Eternal Son couldn't help being speechless for a while.

"Actually, I know that it was you who attacked the crown prince just now. You have the third deck and I also have a deck. I want to find you to kill the person with the main deck. What do you think?" Zhao Yuande suddenly said This kind of words can't help but let the opposite son's face change for the first time.

He never dreamed that Zhao Yuande would say so.

"This... Brother Zhao... You are too direct!" Eternal Son couldn't help stuttering at this moment.

"What's the matter? When we come to our state, what else can we hide." Zhao Yuande smiled wisely, "You agree or don't agree on the Eternal Son!"

"I... how about letting me think about it?" Many of the preparations of Eternal Son's original heart were completely disrupted by this call by Zhao Yuande.

He needs to calm down and think about it. What the other party wants to do?

Does he really want to cooperate with himself, or does he want to plot himself?

"You think about it first, I will wander around for a while!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand and disappeared with a flash of figure.

Seeing Zhao Yuande disappear, Eternal Son's face became very unsightly.

He did not expect that Zhao Yuande would take the initiative to find him to cooperate.

Isn’t the legendary Zhao Yuande a loner?

But then he was relieved when he thought about it.

Faced with a group of super geniuses similar to themselves, the other party might not dare to guarantee victory.

So looking for an alliance is the best choice.

The two dimensions of the opponent and the light and dark are rivals. It is impossible to join forces with them. If they can join hands, they will be free.

So the other party finds themselves to join forces, and can barely pass the time.

In fact, Zhao Yuande didn't know that he had just made a big mistake just now.

However, they always thought that inheriting the token and part of the primary and secondary, but did not expect Zhao Yuande to pass the correct message to them.

As for the vice cards, they always thought that there were only four, but they did not expect Zhao Yuande to say that it was five!

This makes the Eternal Son more believe in Zhao Yuande's words.

With Zhao Yuande, he is naturally very willing.

This is the only powerful existence with a comprehensive score of 10.

He also had to admit that he was not as good as the other.

But what he was most worried about was that the other party shot himself while cooperating.

"Get everyone and stop them from practicing the formation!" Eternal Son ordered a man.

Before long, a smile appeared on the face of the Son of Eternity.

He learned from all the prisoners what kind of person Zhao Yuande was.

"Brother Zhao, I promised to join forces!" Son of Eternity soon found Zhao Yuande with a sincere smile on his face.

"Oh! Then I hope we can cooperate happily!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, not surprisingly.

"I don't know what Brother Zhao wants to do next?" Eternal Son looked at Zhao Yuande.

"The Son of Eternity... This is really strenuous to call, I don't know the name of Xiongtai." Zhao Yuande said.

"My name is Panheng!" The eternal son said.

"It turned out to be Brother Pan, and the next man planned to go out to hunt the Devil Viper Tree and strive to get a higher score." Zhao Yuande laughed.

"Or... do we join forces when we kill the Devil Viper Tree?" Eternal Son said.

"This...I'm only myself, and you still have such a group of people, wouldn't we want to take advantage of you if we join forces?" Zhao Yuande said.

"What's this! It's just a score, it doesn't have any practical meaning!" Eternal Son shook his head.

"Then we will join hands!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Brother Zhao must know that I am about to siege an imperial devil tree. If Brother Zhao joins, I am afraid it will be much easier!" Eternal Son laughed.

This is his real purpose.

He had previously fought with the Devil Viper Tree, and the ordinary Devil Viper Tree on the periphery was nothing, but when approaching the Devil Viper Tree Emperor, there were two Devil Viper Trees that were about to evolve to block his footsteps.

He almost lost his life directly under the joint of these two Devil Viper Trees and the Devil Viper Tree Emperor.

If Zhao Yuande joins hands with him, he can guarantee that he can kill two powerful Devil Trees, and eventually he can successfully kill the Emperor of Devil Trees.

"We don't talk secretly, and I don't go in circles. Whom should this Emperor Viper Tree kill?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"It's not as good as this!" the Son of Eternity said, "This time the Emperor of the Viper Tree was discovered by me first, even if it is mine! And the next time I encounter the emperor or the king again, it will be Brother Zhao! We will How about this reciprocating cycle?"

"Oh! This is a good proposal." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

After a day, they set off.

It was an extremely dense jungle, a kind of devil tree emperor.

All around the black pressure is the devil tree.

Far away, everyone felt a terrible breath echoing in the void.


The sky suddenly thundered, as if there were terrible gods coming to the world.

"Why is there a thunder? Does anyone want to attack this Devil Viper Tree!" Pan Heng's face showed a trace of anxiety.

The emperor of the Devil Viper Tree is something in his pocket. He has prepared for this for a long time. If it is robbed by someone, he might be crazy.

"Someone is approaching, in the other direction." Zhao Yuande's Divine Space has long enveloped this space, and suddenly found that there is also a team on the other side looking at the Mohe tree.

"I know, it is the son of light! He has a powerful formation mage, and he is particularly good at the Thunder formation!" Pan Hengdao.

"Son of light! How can we kill him. His value is much more than that of a devil tree emperor!" Zhao Yuande said.

"This person is very powerful, and it's much more difficult than the devil tree emperor. If it's not at the end, it's better not to fight with it." Pan Heng shook his head slightly.

He knew that Zhao Yuande and his opponent had a deep hatred. He didn't want to be a knife in Zhao Yuande's hands.

"In that case, forget it!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly and didn't care.

But at this time, a variable has occurred, and he prefers it.

Soon they saw another team.

Sure enough, the first person is the son of light, and the light on him seems to be a blazing sun almost impossible to look directly at.

"This guy is a little more powerful! It really is a strong enemy!" Pan Heng saw the son of light, his face showed a very dignified expression.

Zhao Yuande compared the son of light with Panheng, and obviously Panheng was not as good as the other.

But he also noticed another person beside the son of light.

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