Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4627: Wangyoudan

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"Chaotic dimension, it's not bad!" Zhao Yuande had already appeared outside this dimension, with a smile on his face.

"Now the chaotic dimension is all in the building, so it takes a lot of power, and all other dimensions have been suspended! However, once the chaotic dimension has undergone the first complete transformation, then the power will be fed back to my mother, you are the same You will also receive feedback, and it will be difficult for you to improve your behavior." Void Hulu said.

"Cultivation is not to look at the state of mind? Forget yourself, no one! This is the name of the state of mind!" Zhao Yuande shook his head.

"Oh! Mentality is also a manifestation of Tao. When the Chaos Dimension reaches its first transformation, it is not just power that is fed back to you. There will be infinite fragments of Tao in the power. Promotion is not a problem at all!" Void Gourd Road.

"It turns out so! I'm really looking forward to it!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up when he heard the other party's explanation.

"Look forward! I look forward to it!" Void Hulu said, "At that time, you can really grow up and never fear other people."

"Don't talk, I said that I want to retreat all of a sudden until that time!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Let's go out now! A month's time is coming! Your third brush selection is about to begin!" Void Hulu said.

"What!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be surprised.

He just felt a dozen breaths just now, but he didn't expect it to be a month soon.

He hurriedly left the main world and returned to reality.

After receiving the Zhenlong Pagoda, he only knew that twenty-nine days had passed since he was asked.

There is only one day left for the third screening day.

The God Territory space radiated out, and he was stunned directly the next moment.

The area radiated by his Divine Realm turned out to be ten times larger than before!

At this time, the Tower of Inheritance is already within the range of his soul's radiation.

With just one thought, he can go directly to the tower of inheritance.

At this time, he felt that he felt more clearly and more in control of the various senses in the space of God's domain.

Although his Soul Realm has not grown much, as long as everything in the Soul Realm can be nuanced, even he even tried to use the identification technique to succeed.

Therefore, it is not necessary to face each other in the future, as long as they can be used within the envelope of the Soul Realm.

"What!" Zhao Yuande's face changed suddenly at the next moment.

His figure disappeared.

At this time, the four men of heaven and earth Hongmeng were chased again and fled everywhere.

Wang Zhen and Luo Xiaoxiao were not with him.

Thanks to Xuan Tianzi's promotion to ecstasy, he could barely stop the large group of chasers behind.

"This group of lunatics!" Xuan Dizi screamed in anger.

"No way! Even the temptation of the reward, I'm afraid we can't resist it!" Xuan Tianzi smiled helplessly. "If I didn't escape when I was promoted all of a sudden, now the four of us might be dead!"

"I don't know what happened to Brother Wang and Miss Luo now?" Xuan Hongzi had wounds all over his body at this time.

"Where did Uncle Shi go? The three others haven't appeared yet. They won't be hurt by the son of darkness!" Xuan Tianzi was sad all over.

"It shouldn't be, they are all people with good luck, and there are strong people in the eternal realm behind them. It is impossible to kill them!" Xuan Mengzi shook his head.

"Then why the son of darkness is so arrogant, and still come up with that kind of thing to reward our lives." Xuan Tianzi smiled bitterly.

"Kill... the four of you don't run away, there is simply no chance to escape. Obediently follow us, you may still have a trace of vitality." Behind the large group of powerful people chased up again.

At this time, there was a person who had been promoted to ecstasy.

These people are all human races, showing greed and madness in their eyes.

"Brother, let's not run away! Big deal!" Xuan Dizi gritted his teeth.

"Fight with them! Kill one and you won't lose money!"


"Haha! All four of you are going to die!" The strong man who led the ecstasy shouted with excitement, and the greed in his eyes couldn't hide it.

At this moment a black ray of light came and went from the void, and the fast speed made this ecstasy's powerful person unable to respond.


The black light directly penetrated the head of the ecstasy, and shredded his sea of ​​knowledge directly.

"Do not……"

The ecstasy strongman gave a scream of unwillingness.

"Uncle Shi!" Xuan Tianzi saw this black light, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

"Uncle Shi finally appeared!" Tears burst into the eyes of the four Taoists.

Zhao Yuande's figure appeared in front of them, his face showing anger.

"What! It's Zhao Yuande, he's back! Run!" The group of chasing people saw Zhao Yuande's figure, and suddenly turned pale and turned away.

"You all die!"

Zhao Yuande snorted.

The black light suddenly turned into hundreds of millions of roads, weaving a huge sword net in the void, cutting all over thirty strong men into meat.

"Uncle Shi!" The four Taoists saved their lives, and all of them were paralyzed on the ground.

All of them had bruises on their bodies, almost miserable than the last time.

"What happened?" Zhao Yuande looked at the four people.

"Uncle Shi! You don't know, the Son of Darkness has been out of the customs twenty days ago. He cultivated to reach the ecstasy, and his power swept everything! We can only hide in Tibet." Xuan Tianzi said, "But this **** If you can’t find anything, we offer a reward. As long as you can kill us or catch alive, you will be rewarded with a forgetful pill!"

"Wuyoudan? That kind of powerful panacea that can be promoted to ecstasy? Where did he get it?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change his face when he heard that.

If you have the Forget-Worry Pill, you can be promoted to the ecstasy state with 90% of your grasp.

This immortality medicine has basically been lost, and it has been basically not seen in several major dimensions. It can only be excavated in the ancient ruins occasionally.

The other party's elixir must have been obtained in this broken **** realm, or the other party has discovered a secret place in the cave that has never been discovered.

"Pang Heng and God Wuya, and the Fairy Mirror? Others?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"They are all in retreat, and they haven't gone out now. It is estimated that they haven't broken through the ecstasy. They should only appear on the last day!" Xuan Tianzi said, "Brother Wang and Miss Luo fled separately from us. They should have dived into the sea. Is hidden."

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