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Chapter 4662

"Lao Goat, I will definitely guarantee the safety of the owner!" Lao Goat patted his chest to ensure.

"What! A half-step servant of eternal realm!" There was also some surprise in the voice of the face.

"Your power can't crush me now, and my Xiaoqing continues to devour your power. What do you think? Do you want to change your mind!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Humph! Do you only have this backhand when you are the master?" The face sneered coldly.

The force of crushing around disappeared, but from the wall of this branch hall, an inconspicuous bronze statue was alive at this time.


Twelve bronze statues lived on the walls around the hall immediately!

The twelve bronze statues are not tall, only one foot tall, but they release a powerful and dangerous atmosphere.

They walked out of the branch hall neatly and surrounded Zhao Yuande and the old goat.


The old goat kicked towards a statue.


The bronze statue was kicked out suddenly.

The bronze statue rolled over several times and hit the wall hard, but it was not hurt at all, and it still climbed up and walked towards them.

The bronze statue only had a hoof mark on its chest, but it was not deep.

"It's really weird! They are obviously not as strong as me!" The old goat rushed to the bronze statue.

He deserves to be a half-step eternal powerhouse, and his speed and power have reached an incredible level.

Especially the horror incarnation it released seems to be a collision between heaven and earth, which makes Zhao Yuande unable to bear it, and even retreats to the corner of the hall.

"Is this the power of the half-step eternal realm?" Zhao Yuande felt frightened.

He knew that if it weren’t for Lao Goat’s precise control, he would be torn apart by the aftermath.

"Nope! Nope! There is no way to fight!" Soon the old goat was disgraced.

Because those bronze statues are not as powerful as him, they cannot be destroyed.

They are also proficient in a powerful formation, and are constantly extracting the power of the old goat.

The old goat felt that if he continued, he would soon be sucked up by these statues and dragged down.

"So powerful!" Zhao Yuande looked at these twelve bronze statues and couldn't help but look helpless.

"Yes! I'm afraid the old goat will lose soon, so you can still find a way to take advantage of it now!" said the old goat anxiously.

"Since it is so simple, let's do it once and for all!" Zhao Yuande smiled, swept the old goat with his big sleeves, and directly escaped into the main world.


The bronze statue in the main hall lost its target and all stayed in place.

"You went there? It's impossible! The ordinary world inside the world can't be hidden in this hall, what the **** is going on!" The flame-transformed human face screamed, and the voice was full of terror .

"I told you a long time ago, you can't kill me, all the resistance you have done is in vain! Then you will see yourself swallowed a little bit!" Zhao Yuande's voice was cold.

"You want to kill the master, that is impossible! Xiaoqing must devour all of you!" Xiaoqing naturally sees all this in his eyes, and his voice is full of hatred.

"Hey!" The flame-transformed face couldn't help but sigh.

He knew it was finished this time.

Now it is faced with a choice whether to destroy or succumb.

Not only did he face this choice, the other three branch halls also faced this choice.

Since the opponent can do this to him, he can do the same to the other three temples.

Eventually, all four of them will be broken, and the fire spirits of all four of them will be swallowed.

All the immortals and treasures must also be obtained by the other party.

More importantly, not only that, their four fire spirits will also be extinguished in smoke, which has made Chaos Qinglian Fire.

"Three, do you still continue to watch the show? Let's discuss it!" The voice of the flame's face turned the whole hall.

"Do we have other options?" There was a voice from the east branch.

"There is no choice! But we, the fire spirit created by the prince's parents and children, cannot do anything that violates the prince's order."

"But what we do is in vain. If we can't kill the man, we will be devoured one by one." The south branch said.

"Since there is no choice, then I advocate opening the authority to this human being, but there are some restrictions that cannot exceed our bottom limit." East Side Branch Road said.

"Do we really want to do this? We can directly destroy the branch hall we belong to, so that he can get nothing." The west branch said.

"Even if it is destroyed, we are going to be devoured sooner or later. I don't want to be destroyed here. I still want to go out and see." South Branch Road said.

"Okay! I don't want to die! I... I agree to open permissions!" West Side Branch said.

"Since this is the case, let's think about how to..." The Eastern Branch Hall began to think about how to restrict Zhao Yuande's authority.

"Okay... I'll wait until I wait, otherwise my power will be swallowed up!" The flame-transformed face finally couldn't help it.

"Okay! Come and negotiate with him!" East Branch said.


The other three halls agreed.

"Young man, I succumbed! What authority do you want to say!" The flame face looked somewhere in the void.

"Oh, that's right! As we said earlier, the relationship between us will not be so tense!" Zhao Yuande's voice came out, "I want to be very simple, as long as you make the panacea."

"Just a panacea!" The face couldn't help but be surprised. "It's that simple?"

The face of the face couldn't help but be full of difference.

"It's that simple! Do you think I need anything else?" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"This..." Huo Renmin thinks carefully, the other party really has no other needs.

Their four branch halls are not used for fighting, so the four furnaces are not suitable for fighting. Although these fire spirits are powerful, they cannot defeat the chaotic green lotus fire no matter how powerful they are.

"How about it, promised or not!" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Promise! Promise! I said earlier that you only need immortality, and we don't need this anymore!" Huo Renren smiled bitterly.

"Then what are you waiting for," Zhao Yuande said.

"Please accept it!" Flame Man said with a face.

Just as the sound of the flame face fell, a torrent of immortality rushed out of the branch hall.

All of these immortality medicines are all fist-sized, releasing a strong breath, each of which is almost equivalent to a strong man in the Dao Realm.

At this time, the torrent of elixir was like a galaxy falling from Jiutian, which made people dazzled.

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