Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4634: You're out of luck

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Chapter 4634 is bad luck for you

"You should take the medicine!" Zhao Yuande handed over the red bottles to them.

"Take medicine?" The six were even more puzzled.

"Yes, take medicine!" Zhao Yuande motioned to open the Dan bottle.

The six people were puzzled and opened the pill bottle.

Suddenly Zhao Yuande heard the sound of breathlessness.

"This is... Wangyou Dan... or three!" Wang Zhen exclaimed.

"I am also forgetting Dan... and the third one!"

"Haha! Forget Dan... I can finally be promoted to the ecstasy!"

"I'm...Void could it be...three Void Pills, this is Bu Tian Pill..." Xuan Tianzi was about to exclaim.

"Take the pill sooner and faster, and we will be promoted to ecstasy together! As for your Xuan Tianzi, it depends on your luck. If you can be promoted to non-self in the third screening, then you have the ability to protect them. Now!" Zhao Yuande also took out three forgetful pill.

After you forget it, the soul will enter an inexplicable state, which will make you feel some essence of the ecstasy.

Three Forgetful Pills, even if the qualifications are poor, they can be promoted to ecstasy.

This is definitely the best among the medicines. If you forget a worries dan in the outside world, you can exchange for a top-grade Daoyan soldier.

None of the six people are ordinary people, they are all geniuses.

They calmed down as quickly as possible, and began to use immortality to improve their realm.

Just one day later, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes and he broke through.

No difficulty, I just want to eat and drink as simple as water.

Even he felt that if he swallowed a large amount of Bu Tian Dan, he would be able to elevate the realm to the peak of the ecstasy realm, and then after eating a few Void Dans, he could be promoted to the selfless realm.

But he didn't want to do this. It's not necessarily a good thing for him to improve his level so quickly.

Anyway, his current strength is basically not afraid of anyone in the half-step eternal realm.

After three days, everyone except Xuan Tianzi was promoted.

But Xuan Tianzi's cultivation at this time is also about to reach the peak of the ecstasy realm. If he is given another ten days and a half months, he really has the hope to be promoted to the selfless realm.

"This is your panacea, enough for you to be promoted to a selfless state!" Zhao Yuande gave each a red bottle.

"This..." The crowd was excited.

"Okay! Don't say anything else, let's go to the third screening!" Zhao Yuande looked at everyone.

"Okay!" There was excitement on everyone's face.

Zhao Yuande swept his sleeves and suddenly disappeared with six people.

The originally huge palace, the inheritance of the immortal prince of the Emperor Danwu, became an empty dark cave.

I don't know if the Dark Son will be mad if he comes here again.

You know, the child of darkness only got some immortals on the periphery, each of which is less than a hundred.

In particular, the Void Pills are only three, this is the panacea that is ready to allow the inheritors to go through the test after being promoted to the selfless state.

Seven of them appeared outside the Heritage Tower and saw a large number of practitioners gathered outside the Heritage Tower.

Everyone was lining up in an orderly manner, waiting to enter the Heritage Tower for the third screening.

Ninety-nine practitioners know that they have no hope of being inherited at all, they just want to continuously improve themselves in this trial of the inheritance tower.

Many people saw the appearance of Zhao Yuande's seven people. They also chased down the four Daoren and Wang Zhenluo Xiao, but this time they can only be seen.

But soon someone noticed something was wrong, and all of them were promoted to ecstasy, one by one.

Suddenly everyone's eyes turned to Zhao Yuande.

They knew that only Zhao Yuande had this skill, which would allow them to promote themselves to ecstasy in just three days.

"Zhao Yuande, how did you escape? How could you escape!" The child of darkness saw Zhao Yuande appear, his eyes widened suddenly, his face full of incredible colors.

"Oh! Who has no life-saving means." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

The child of darkness gritted his teeth, and his face was extremely unsightly.

But he also knew that what Zhao Yuande said was not wrong, even if he fell into that kind of place, he would not die, and he had a way to escape.

It's just that he was really not reconciled, and finally trapped the other party, thinking that the other party would delay the third screening because of this, leaving him permanently disqualified for inheritance.

I did not expect the other party to come out now.

But at this time it was the turn of the child of darkness. He gave Zhao Yuande a hard look and stepped into the tower of inheritance.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but chuckled at the corner of his mouth.

Don’t look at your arrogance now, I hope you won’t cry.

Zhao Yuande

Root bone 10

Potential 10

Luck 10

The first screening comprehensive score 10

Slash the Devil Viper 659

Lord of the Devil Viper 18

Lord of the Devil Viper 6

Second screening comprehensive score 10

Overall ranked first.

When Zhao Yuande walked into the Tower of Inheritance, the message immediately appeared in front of him again, but finally added the overall ranking.

Zhao Yuande didn't care too much, he wasn't the first to be surprised.

"The third screening begins, everyone will randomly send into a small world. The small world will open for ten days, during which time the small world will gradually shrink, and the time on the tenth day will shrink to 100,000 miles. All the remaining people after the day will enter the fourth screening!" The cold and ruthless voice rang in his ears.

He had expected the third screening long ago, but he did not expect it to be so cruel.

This is to let everyone kill each other, and finally the remaining people can enter the next screening.

But a little advantage is that there is no limit on the number of people.

You can admit defeat and surrender.

This gave some ordinary cultivators a little bit more life.

Shuttle through the void, he soon appeared in a small world.

His divine space radiated out, not completely enveloped, and did not even feel the margin.

This shows that this small world is very large, even larger than some small dimensional worlds.

But he discovered that many practitioners appeared around him.

"Well! It's you!" Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared quickly.

When he appeared again, there was a man in front of him.

"You... you are Zhao Yuande!" When the man saw Zhao Yuande, his eyes were round, his face was full of fear, and he kept screaming, "No... don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"It's strange not to kill you." Zhao Yuande sneered and slapped the person in front of him into meat sauce.

"Nan Li family, you're out of luck!" Zhao Yuande's mouth smiled coldly.

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