Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Zhao Yuande and the two flew in the air at this time, pointing to a ruin ahead.

"I... I think this building seems to be somewhat similar to our Panjia's architectural style." Panheng looked at these ruins with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Let's go down and see, maybe we will find something." Zhao Yuande fell in this ruin.

At this time it was getting dark, and they had been in this ruin for a day.

"How do I feel something is wrong!" Zhao Yuande fell in this ruin, and suddenly felt a little horrified.

"It seems that something terrible surrounds us!" Pan Heng is also an enemy.

"What? I haven't seen anything!" Zhao Yuande's God Realm space at this time, God Soul Realm is fully open, covering this area, but found nothing.

"I can't see it! But I feel that the terrible crisis is approaching a little bit." Panheng looked very dignified.

"Is it..." Zhao Yuande looked at the gradually darkening sky.


It was at this time that waves of creepy strange noises came from the sky.

The sky darkened at this moment, even though both of them couldn't see their fingers with their eyes.

But their gods and souls saw it at this time, and a dark cloud in the sky was falling towards them.

"It's a terrible breath!" Zhao Yuande's face suddenly became very dignified. "Ready to fight!"

"I'm ready!" Pan Heng clenched a big axe in his hand.

This great axe is very terrifying, and he hasn't taken it out once since he came to this broken **** realm, but this time he has already held it in his hands.

Obviously he knew that this time was extremely dangerous.

At this time, Zhao Yuande took out the Thunder Tower. In his knowledge, this dark thing should be most afraid of Thunder or Flame.


A burst of strange noises rang above their heads.

Their gods and souls are considered to be clear, that is a group of black strange birds.

These strange bird heads and birds have no feathers on their bodies but long black hair. A rotten breath passes between their nostrils, making them unable to feel a vertigo.

"Very poisonous!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

His undead force urged him, and the vertigo suddenly dissipated.

At this time, Panheng's body was covered with **** light, blocking all the rotten atmosphere.


Pan Heng suddenly shouted, and a horrible blood-light axe chopped out, suddenly slashing a dozen black strange birds.

These black monster birds did not spatter blood, but turned into a cloud of black mist all at once.

These black mists were suspended in mid-air and did not dissipate, as if waiting for something.


Zhao Yuande holding the Thunder Tower, suddenly turned into a Thunder God.

Thunder Godman holds Thunder Spear and waves constantly in the void.

Suddenly the black strange birds kept falling down, and there was a cloud of black mist floating in the air.

"What the **** is this, why is it turned into black mist!" Pan Heng looked at the black mist in the sky and suddenly felt some cold bones. He always felt that these black mist would bring them terrible results.

"Don't worry! Kill the strange bird first!" Zhao Yuande didn't stop, but the Thunder spear in his hand turned into a huge thunder net and enveloped towards the sky.


There were loud noises, and I did not know how many black strange birds were beheaded by the thunder net, turning into a cloud of black mist floating in the sky.


An extremely large group of strange birds swooped down.

These strange birds have the same appearance as the strange birds just now, but the hair color is blood red.

Their eyes flashed a faint blue light, looking at Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng as if a hungry wolf saw **** food.

"Be careful, these strange birds are very powerful!" Zhao Yuande asked.

There are not many birds in this group, but after they sprint down, the other birds no longer attack, but make room for this group of **** and long-haired birds.

There are dozens of these scarlet birds, and they seem to turn a blind eye to Zhao Yuande. At this time, their dark blue eyes are all looking at Panheng.


They all launched a charge, and launched a crazy charge towards Panheng.

"I rely on! Why only attack me!"

Pan Heng felt that his back was cold at this moment, and those blue eyes were really terrifying.


Zhao Yuande could not see Pan Heng under siege, he rushed up and stood with Pan Heng.

The war broke out in an instant.

The strength of these strange birds is very strong, and each end has the powerful strength of selflessness.

If Zhao Yuande is not around, I am afraid Panheng will be torn by these strange birds in a few rounds.

It was at this time that Pan Heng really felt the power of Zhao Yuande!

The opponent almost blocked two-thirds of the strange birds, and he was calm, but he blocked one-third, but it was very embarrassing.

He estimated that Zhao Yuande's strength might be a rare rival in a half-step eternal situation.

Unless they can cultivate to the real self, they are not opponents at all.

Now I can't hold on even a few rounds.

He also secretly rejoiced at the same time, when he asked Zhao Yuande to come with himself.

Otherwise, even if you can walk to this ruin, you might be torn to pieces by these black monsters.

"How about, can you persist?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"It's okay! I still have a hole card." Pan Heng gritted his teeth, although he didn't want to admit it, but now it's really time to show the hole card.


At this time, Zhao Yuande had almost figured out the strength of these scarlet birds.

So he started killing.

A thunderlight penetrated the chest of a scarlet bird, and the body of the scarlet bird exploded.


Zhao Yuande exhaled.

Finally killed one!

But at this moment, a black mist drifted over and suddenly enveloped the body of the Scarlet Bird that exploded.

The body of the scarlet bird recovered at an incredible speed, and it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

"What! The two exclaimed at the same time!" They were cold at the same time.

Before they had killed hundreds of black strange birds, and at the moment there were hundreds of black mist floating in the sky.

Assuming that a cloud of black mist can restore a scarlet monster, this represents hundreds of scarlet monsters.

Can they really overcome it?

But the shock was shocked, and the battle was still going to continue.

"Try to maintain physical strength, if they can stick to the dawn, they will probably retreat!" Zhao Yuande said solemnly.

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