Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4650: Pan's True Blood

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Chapter 4650: Pan's True Blood

"This is the undead power! It is also my biggest secret. Please also ask Brother Pan not to tell anyone!" Zhao Yuande said very seriously

"Brother Zhao is assured that even if I die, I will not reveal this secret! I swear..." Pan Heng swears very solemnly.

The undead body is almost the dream of all people's dreams. Having an undead body is equivalent to having countless lives. Unless your blood is dried up, you will never die.

If the eternal realm has an undead body, the fighting power may be improved by many times.

Because you reach this level, you can extract the power of the dimension for your own use. You don’t need to consume your own blood to regenerate the energy of the body. You can regenerate the power of the dimension directly.

Of course, if a strong man in eternal realm is resurrected, I am afraid that he will directly drain a dimension world.

"I haven't helped you reshape your bloodline as your flesh. You still need to reshape your bloodline from this shriveled heart." Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay!" Pan Heng's eyes gleamed brightly, striding in front of his shrivelled heart.

The shrivelled heart seemed to feel the breath of Panheng, and suddenly a sudden change occurred.

There was a star-shaped shrivelled heart, and at this time, it gradually began to collapse into it and concentrate.

But in the blink of an eye, the heart the size of a star turned into a golden bead full of a house.

"It turned out to be the real blood of the ancestors! The ancestors actually left the real blood!" Pan Heng saw this scene, his eyes suddenly burst into tears, and his voice began to become sobbing.

"Pan's true blood!" The void gourd also took a breath of air, and his voice shivered a little, "This is developed, you can get the Pan's blood and you can also achieve the Pan's bloodline, and you have an undead body, forming The bloodline is more pure than the one that is permanent!"

"This..." Zhao Yuande was a little unimaginable.

"But you shouldn't be complacent, Pan's true blood will not be able to be refined in a while, according to my estimation, even if you are to be refined for hundreds of years!" Void Hulu said.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande suddenly stiffened when he heard hundreds of years.

At this time, Panheng had begun to divide the golden beads of the size of the house in front of it into two halves.

He swallowed half of it all at once, and sent the other half to Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Zhao, it may take a long time to refine my Pan's real blood, but you can first put it into the sea of ​​blood! It can gradually release energy to transform your body." Pan Hengdao.

"But!" Before Zhao Yuande approached the half golden beads, he felt a terrible pressure.

"Oh! I forgot!" Pan Heng smiled bitterly when he saw this scene, "You don't have my Pan's breath!"

He said he was groping above his head.


A clear sound came.

Panheng pulled out a thick golden hair from the top of his head.

"This is my Pan's real hair, and I only have three. As long as one can bring your breath close to my Pan's, it can accept you!" Pan Heng handed that blond hair to Zhao Yuande's hands.

Zhao Yuande took it, and immediately felt extremely heavy, weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds.

And he held the blond hair in his palm, and the repulsion of the half golden beads suddenly disappeared.

"It's magical!" Zhao Yuande also swallowed the half golden beads into the sea of ​​blood.

"This is actually the essence of our Pan's bloodline, which also contains that terrible curse, so Brother Zhao must be careful. Seal this hair, don't let the curse in it into your body." Pan Heng continued, "However, it doesn't matter, my Pan's real blood can fully extract the curse."

"Thank you!" Zhao Yuande felt the breath in the blonde hair, and there was a very strange feeling.

He nodded his head to seal the blonde hair and sent it to the sea of ​​blood with half a golden bead.

As soon as he entered the sea of ​​blood, Zhao Yuande felt that half of the golden beads began to continuously release a powerful force.

These forces slowly temper his body, transforming his infinite blood in the sea of ​​blood.

Although the speed is extremely slow, but it is ongoing.

According to Zhao Yuande's estimate, if such a natural release of power, it may take tens of thousands of years to complete the transformation of his body.

But he was not in a hurry, and after this time he went out, he began to refine.

At this time, Pan Heng's breath became stronger and stronger, but in just a dozen breaths, he returned to his peak state.

Even at this time he had a feeling of faintly breaking through.

"I have reborn the bloodline, but to get rid of the curse, and really return my bloodline to ancestors, it takes a long time." Pan Hengdao.

"Then let's go out!" Zhao Yuande's thought moved, and the figure of the two of them reappeared in the previous space.

At that time, the huge skeleton had been destroyed by a terrible explosion, and the ground was covered with white bone meal.

"Unfortunately, I haven't known how many years this skeleton has been lying here! Most of the essence has been absorbed by the plant, otherwise how would it break under this explosion." Pan Heng was a little sad at this time.

He opened up his own world and collected all the white bone meal on the ground.

"I'm going back to bury this ancestor in the family land, and I can't let him wander away!" Pan Heng's eyes rolled down, and he couldn't help it.

Zhao Yuande also silently took out a storage ring to help him collect these ashes.

The two quickly cleaned up the ashes, and then began to find the next way.

"Are we going to leave here directly next?" Pan Heng looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Now less than one-third of the time has passed in a month. Now go back to what to do and continue exploring!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Ok, continue to explore."

The two turned around in this space and found no exit. The previous entrance disappeared.

Even the fragile voids before have completely disappeared.

Obviously, this was done intentionally by someone behind them, and they didn't want them to continue exploring here.

"We will come back and continue exploring after we go back!" Zhao Yuande took out the inheritance token at this time.

"Yes! Anyway, I can't fly much, I want to see who is controlling in the back." Pan Heng gritted his teeth too.

"What! They can leave here!" When Zhao Yuande and the two disappeared, an angry voice came from the void, "It seems that I really underestimate them! But these two are really difficult to deal with, Especially the man named Zhao Yuande is simply terrible! I am now fighting alone, I am afraid that I may not necessarily be able to win him... they are gone, no matter what!

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