Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4656: Spirit of all things

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Chapter 4656 The Spirit of All Things

Zhao Yuande is dead, and he can't live, so he can only desperately.

The result was so ruthless, the attack of the three seemed to have fallen into the quagmire, and could not harm the black figure at all.

The black figures seemed to be playing with them at this time, as if the cat had caught the mouse.

"Pan Brother! Pan Brother! You are awake, we should go!" Zhao Yuande kept sending voices, trying to wake Panheng.

He had a headache at this time, and this guy Panheng was good, but sometimes he would fall into madness.

If he wants to grab the opponent at this time, he may be attacked by him.

"Master, let's escape!" Almost all the old goats were desperate.

"No, you must take away Panheng!" Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth.

Escape alone, has exceeded his limit, Zhao Yuande will not do such a thing even if he died.

"Void gourd, what is this in the end, do you have a way?" At this time, Zhao Yuande can only help the void gourd.

"This...should be a projection of an eternal realm, this is still an extremely powerful eternal realm, and I don't know how many years have survived. His projection may be an eternal realm before, probably because of the previous war Suffered from injury, and fell to the point of half-step eternity." Void gourd said.

"This is between life and death, the other party does not want to kill us now, otherwise we may be dead!" Zhao Yuande said anxiously.

"Don't worry, he won't kill you like this. If I guess well, he should want to absorb your power, devour your soul memory, and want to leave here and leave the broken **** realm through your body!" Void gourd road.

"Why didn't it do it?" Zhao Yuande said.

"He should be a strong man who will control the emotions of the will. What he needs is your anger, your fears, all your negative emotions! When these negative emotions accumulate to your peak, it is time for him to kill you !" Void gourd said.

"Do you... is this analysis reliable?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

He has never heard of this situation!

What a strong man who will control the emotions of the will, unheard of!

"There is such a record in my inheritance memory. The strong man is called anger! I think this is the projection of anger!" Void gourd said, "So don't be afraid, don't be afraid! You and the old goat first slowly To control my emotions, I will first study my memory."

"Good!" Zhao Yuande can only trust the Void Gourd.

He transmitted the sound to the old goat, so that his emotions gradually stabilized.

Sure enough, as the Void Gourd said, the other party let two people and one sheep attack crazy.

But it didn't mean to shoot, just waiting for something.

"You are too weak, surrender now, and I will leave your life and let you be my servants!" The black silhouette constantly plucked the hearts of Zhao Yuande and the old goat.

They have been reminded of the Void Gourd, and although they seem very angry on the surface, they are actually sneering in their hearts.

"Your cultivation is too superficial, these supernatural powers are too rough, if you become my servants, I will teach you more powerful supernatural powers!"

"you guys……"

The black figure keeps saying, either temptation, or provocation, or anger.

However, whatever he said, Zhao Yuande and Lao Goat were able to keep their emotions stable.

This battle has a full hour, the black figure has gradually stopped talking at this time, it seems that the other party is hesitating.

"I haven't found a way. This guy is probably unbearable. He will start working on us." Zhao Yuande was anxious at this time.

"It's over!" Void Gourd is also helpless at this time, "Those memories are too fragmented, and there are too many missing, I really can't find a way! Let's escape! I use the power of the mother to tear the void directly, it should be The opportunity to escape."

"Take away Panheng!" Zhao Yuande emphasized reminding.

"Relax!" Void gourd helpless.

He also knows that this is the limit of Zhao Yuande, the other party usually looks nothing, but by this time it became a stubborn donkey.


The void in front of Zhao Yuande shattered at once, and an invisible big hand directly grabbed Panheng who was madly attacking there.

Their figure is about to rush into this broken void.

"Haha! What I am waiting for is this moment!" The black figure sneered at this moment, instead of beheading them, but rushed into the broken void directly with them. "It's interesting to just kill the three of you. What I want is more interesting souls, and I want to devour more souls to regain my peak! Shake it! Tremble! Human race!"

When Zhao Yuande heard it, he was shocked.

But now that he has opened, he has no way.

Others die, and his friends die, he naturally has a choice.

And at this time there are powerful geniuses in the Broken God Realm, such as God of Mirror, Fairy Mirror, Child of Darkness, and Child of Light.

They all have powerful cards and means, maybe their means can restrain this black figure.

"What should I do now? He actually followed us..." Zhao Yuande asked the void gourd.

"Hey! This is my plan!" Void Hulu smiled coldly.

The broken void came to an end all at once, and in front you could already see the endless broken ruins, and you could already see countless vigor and vitality.

Old goat Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng will go in directly.

The black figure followed.

But at the last moment, the black figure seemed to be repulsed by some kind of force at once, and he couldn't enter at all.

"No! This is not the place I'm going to! You come out to me!" The black figure growled, grabbed them directly with a big hand, and grabbed them back.

"What! Why can't he enter the main world! Why!" At this moment even the Void Gourd couldn't help but panic.

"Because I am the spirit of all things, I am the ruler of all things, and the spiritual world naturally rejects me!" The black figure sneered coldly.

"You can hear my voice!" This time the gourd was more shocked.

"Everything is under my control, including your heirs against the sky!" The voice of the black figure carries a kind of supremacy and a kind of dignity to control the whole situation. , This is my biggest fish, and the one I want to catch the most. You can be valued by the anti-sky gourd, your soul will be extremely beautiful...I really look forward to it!"

"This..." Zhao Yuande's eyes widened, completely incomprehensible and totally unbelievable.

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