Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"You will never cultivate to eternal realm, so you will only die here." The flame woman's face seemed a little angry.

"If you say this, obviously you don't know me! I can fight across the realm. When I reach the half-step eternal realm, I can definitely break this formation!" Zhao Yuande didn't care about waving, "Forget it, Talking to you more is just a waste of time, and you will know when you get there!"

After finishing talking, he closed his eyes and never spoke to the flame woman's face again.

The flame woman's face seemed to be irritated by Zhao Yuande's words, constantly attacking him with various languages.

But he was unimpressed and simply didn't bother to open his eyes.

"If you go on like this, I will kill your four teachers and nephews and kill your two friends!" The flame woman snarled.

"I'm sorry, you certainly can't kill them! Because you can't beat Panheng!" Zhao Yuande finally sneered at this time, "If you can defeat him, you won't be nonsense here!"

"You..." The flame girl's face was almost blown away.

But Zhao Yuande said it was really good.

Before, she once shot in person, wanting to capture Si Dao Ren and Wang Zhen, Luo Xiaoxiao.

The result was that the panhandle beaten by Pan Heng.

She was shocked to find that she was really not Panheng's opponent.

He is also very fortunate to trap Zhao Yuande here, otherwise Pan Heng appears in the tower of inheritance, and all her plans will be defeated.

Zhao Yuande was actually guessing, but when he saw the reaction of the flame woman, he suddenly felt relieved.

He knew that there was nothing wrong with his guess. The other party had already started the fight against the four people, but he was defeated by Panheng.

At this time, his heart was truly relaxed and he began to practice.

The flame woman's face found that no matter what she said, the other party kept her eyes closed, and the unbearable flames began to tremble.

But in the end she had no choice but to leave.

Time passed.

Pan Heng and the four Taoists, Wang Zhen and Luo Xiaoxiao still explore and search around the ruins.

Can't find Zhao Yuande, how could they leave.

And Zhao Yuande is quietly practicing.


On this day, the token in Zhao Yuande's hands made a slight vibration.

He immediately opened his eyes and knew that the semifinals were about to begin.

He did not rush to directly control the inheritance token to leave, but still waiting quietly.

He had to wait until the battle had reached a certain time, and then reappeared at that time. I am afraid that the person hiding in the dark might be particularly shocked and exposed.

At that time he could grasp the clues and pull the person out.

He didn't like the feeling of being counted very much, it was uncomfortable.

At this time, beyond the tower of inheritance, there were many people.

Countless practitioners rushed back from all directions.

This time there were more than 6,000 people.

Of course, 90% of these people will be eliminated.

They just want to verify their cultivation results during this time.

So they are also very self-aware, in case they meet the strong, they will admit defeat without hesitation.

"The semi-final of the Heritage Tower begins!" Just under a mechanical, emotional voice, thousands of people outside the Heritage Tower were instantly sent away.

In a vast space, there are ten huge incomparable continents suspended in the air.

Everyone was divided into ten groups at random, and each group of people fell on a continent.

There are countless seats around the continent, allowing people to rest, but in the middle there is a huge battle platform with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

There is no prelude to the battle, and the teleportation starts directly.

At the same time, wars were launched on the ten continents.

When they encountered almost the same fighting power, they began to fight hard and fight as hard as they could.

Therefore, the battle is very slow, and some battles can last for a day or two.

In some battles, it is very fast, and they just concede defeat as soon as they come to power.

Especially the sons of light, the sons of darkness, God knows no boundaries, the fairy fairies and their super powers, all who meet them will voluntarily admit defeat, without exception.

Time passed a little bit, and in a flash, ten days passed.

The fighting on the ten continents was fierce and brutal.

Many people have tried their best to fight before, but they will lose their balance in fighting.

So soon the life and death were separated, and there were casualties.

Many of the people present are of the same age, and they are also divided into many sects.

At this time, the contradiction broke out, and there was an endless battle of death.

But no matter what they do with the children of darkness, no one can challenge their status.

So all of them are detached, watching the development of things coldly.

However, some of them were very puzzled why they did not see Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng.

Is he dead?

Or is it trapped in a terrible danger?

But these people are very happy and very happy.

Without the two strongest people, Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng, they should have a greater chance of being passed on.

Zhao Yuande decided to leave at this time, he felt the time was almost up.

He urged the inheritance token and soon went outside the inheritance tower.

"The controller of the inheritance token, do you need to join the semifinals?" The voice of the heritage tower is still cold and ruthless.

Zhao Yuande did not answer, but unfolded his speed and flew towards the endless ruins.

He unfolded the fastest speed, and in just half a day saw the vast expanse of ruins.

At the same time, I felt the breath of persistence among the ruins.

Although he had expected it for a long time, he was still very moved.

The other party did not leave!

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Zhao Yuande appeared with a smile on his face.

"I knew I couldn't trap you!"

Several Pan Heng people were originally sad, but when they saw Zhao Yuande appearing, their faces suddenly showed excited expressions.

"Then let's go! I want to see who designed to trap me!" Zhao Yuande's mouth slightly curled.

"No matter who it is, I will beat him to cry and cry!" Pan Heng clenched his fists, his eyes showing a fierce light.

"Go! It's too late to go back now!" Zhao Yuande took everyone and urged the inheritance token.

They instantly returned to the heritage tower.

"The controller of the inheritance token, do you need to join the semi-finals?" The inheritance tower is still the same sentence.

"Can I take them all in?" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes, but this kind of authority is only used once, are you sure to use it?" Although the voice and the cold machinery, but what was said, it made Zhao Yuande happy.

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