Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4679: Back to Invincible God Territory

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"Then I'm sorry, you can die! Your physical body will become the power core of a dimension, and you can be considered dead!" Zhao Yuande waved.

"Humph!" The black-faced old man snorted and closed his eyes.

Although Zhao Yuande felt that this guy was very stiff, but he was not weak.

Be ruthless to the enemy!

The black-faced old man was killed without any accident, and Zhao Yuande also saw that the group of strong men had already lost their interest in chasing him, and disappeared without a trace.

"Huh! It's finally over!" Zhao Yuande also breathed out slightly.

Now let him face a half-step eternal realm strongman, he can cope with it, but he has no way to live after so many come.

If it weren't for his speed to be a little faster than these strong men, it must have been beheaded now.

"Shall we go to the eternal dimension first? I think there must be a lot of powerful people who want to kill Brother Pan now. We two escorts you back!" Zhao Yuande looked at Panheng.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Zhao and Mirror Girl!" Pan Heng bowed slightly to the two.

"I have no opinion!" Mirror Fairy expressionless, at this time she was very uncomfortable.

Just after the first battle, he remembered the master. At that time, the master saved himself, but now he discovered that the master was actually a spy, which made him unacceptable in a short time.

Seeing Jing Xianzi's expression, the two couldn't help but stare at each other, only to speak comfortably.

"Miss Mirror, don't think about it! Everything is for the human race, for our survival." Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes, everything is for survival, we are forced." Pan Heng also nodded.

"I know, thank you!" Jing Xianzi nodded.

They quickly returned to the previous area according to the map given by Xuanyuan Sanniang.

Seeing Zhao Yuande's return, many people couldn't help but widen their eyes.

They couldn't believe that the three could return safely.

The Pan clan may have gotten the news that Pan Heng got the real blood of the pan clan, and has already been sent out of the nest. Twelve clan members have arrived.

Every Pan clan is a powerful existence of half-step eternal realm.

They were going to find Panheng, when they saw Panheng return, all of them suddenly showed excitement in their eyes.

"Grandfather, elder two, elder six..." Pan Heng saw these people, but his eyes were moist.

It's as if the bullied child saw the parent.

"Brother Zhao, it seems that you do not need your escort!" Pan Heng nodded to the two.

"This is the best, then we can rest assured!" Zhao Yuande nodded, but secretly said, "Don't give up your vigilance, the other party is likely to take the risk and send you the eternal power to stop you."

"Should not be it!" Pan Heng couldn't help but feel a little impossible.

"You have to think about the worst of things. I think the chances of the eternal realm strong are high, because your presence has affected their dominance." Zhao Yuande said.

"Also... I will be careful!" Pan Heng nodded. "However, you should never spread the truth about Pan's blood, or you will be mercilessly intercepted."

"I naturally know this, but even if I don't say it, someone will spread it, and there is no shortage of people who make rumors!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

They quickly separated and Pan Heng returned under the guard of a dozen powerful beings.

But Zhao Yuande and Jing Xianzi joined the team of Huntian God Realm.

However, their team was still on the way back, and they were successively attacked by several powerful enemies.

Huntian God Realm also led a half-step eternal realm strongman. Without the help of Zhao Yuande and Jing Xianzi, he almost died in the hands of the attacker several times.

"Young Master, this Zhao Yuande is the bane, we might as well..." This strong man naturally knows why they were attacked by others, so he secretly made suggestions.

"Why don't you go! I don't need you to guard." Mirror Fairy glanced at each other, his eyes filled with coldness.

This strong man feels that the character of Mirror Fairy seems to have changed a lot, making it a little unpredictable, as if it was lost.

Before, Mirror Fairy had a gentle personality and was very polite to these people, and she was also very respectful.

But now, these people are a little puzzled.

They also probed secretly, knocked sideways, and reached the conclusion that they were not taken away.

Is it the reason of this Zhao Yuande?

So these talents have a bad feeling towards Zhao Yuande.

"Don't be angry, Mirror Girl sees many secrets of the origin of the human race in the Broken God Realm, so I am worried that the future of the human race will be very bad. Don't blame you." Zhao Yuande saw these people's doubts and couldn't help but fists against everyone.

"The shadow clan's spy may be just the heavenly prince, these people may not be aware of it, you don't need to be like this." Zhao Yuande secretly transmitted a sound to Jing Xianzi.

"You, I am emotional recently, I'm sorry!" Jing Xianzi also felt that her attitude was too indifferent, and bowed slightly to everyone. "But Brother Zhao is my friend, we experience life and death together in the broken God Realm, I hope you don’t say anything before!"

"Yes! Young Master!" At this time, Mirror Fairy's strength has been infinitely close to half-step eternal realm, and also has the majesty of the young master.

After saying this, everyone nodded to understand.

Although this route is dangerous, it is still safe to return to the origin dimension.

"You go back and report to Master! I want to follow Brother Zhao to the Invincible God Realm and go out to practice, so as to consolidate the current cultivation." As soon as he entered the void barrier of the origin dimension, Mirror Fairy was humane to these.

"But..." The headed half-step eternal realm can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Do you still want to tie me back?" Jing Xianzi sneered.

"No! Young Master, please help yourself." The half-step eternal realm hurriedly shut up.

At this moment, he felt the amazing change of Mirror Fairy.

The other party has a kind of majesty of the superior, a kind of power that makes him a little palpitated.

Watching this group of people leave, they flew towards the east.

The Void Barrier they returned to was in the Heaven of Heaven, but not far away is the Invincible Heaven.

The two arrived in Invincible God Realm in just one day.

When he arrived at Invincible God Territory, Zhao Yuande felt his heartbeat accelerate.

Since the last time he fell into the dark world, he has never returned.

I don’t know what happened to Shizu and his old man, and I don’t know if the **** dog’s current cultivation practices have improved.


Soon after they entered the invincible **** realm, they saw the wind and thunder billowing in the distant sky, as if someone was fighting.

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