Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4682: Vomiting blood

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Chapter 4682 is spitting blood

"You are really mad, if you let someone like you take control of Invincible God Realm, sooner or later, Invincible God Realm will be destroyed." Zhao Yuande sneered.

The man was still talking, but his figure had already appeared in front of Luo Tian, ​​and grabbed the purple bead in his hand.

"What... who are you?" Luo Tian looked at Zhao Yuande in disbelief.

In front of each other, the weak is like ants.

If the other party wants to die on their own, I am afraid it is also a matter of blink of an eye.

"I am Zhao Yuande." Zhao Yuande had no idea of ​​concealing his identity.

"You are Zhao Yuande! are not dead!" Luo Tian's eyes widened as if he saw something terrible monster.

"Of course I haven't died." Zhao Yuande unkindly put the bead directly into his storage ring.

"Let's go! Let's go back to the Holy City." Zhao Yuande looked at the Four Daoists and at the Fairy Mirror.

"Thank you Brother Zhao!" At that time, Xue Ba took the panacea, and his injury gradually recovered, and he bowed to Zhao Yuande.

"Okay! Let's go!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly to him and turned away.

The crowd hurried to keep up, and blinked in the sight of everyone.

After Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared, all the talents present could not help talking.

"This man is Zhao Yuande! That sensational super genius."

"I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to be alive, and become so powerful!"

"Just now his speed is probably about the same as that of the half-step eternal realm!"

"I have seen it before, even super geniuses like Luo Tian are like children in front of him, which is unimaginable."


The news that Zhao Yuande returned alive and easily defeated Luo Tian seemed to spread quickly with wings.

In just a short period of half a day, almost the entire invincible God Territory spread.

Luo Tian almost vomited blood.

The **** he described in this news was general and could not withstand a blow at all.

This caused his original ambition to be wiped out at once.

The most important word invincible invincible God Realm, their ancestors were invincible in the world, and achieved the invincible **** realm.

If these inheritors, if they have defeated, how can they inherit the invincible **** realm and achieve the invincible reputation.

"Young Master! Don't worry, in fact, your failure this time is nothing, because Zhao Yuande's realm is higher than yours. But he has reached the selfless state, and you are the ecstasy state, and there is a small realm in the gap. It can be justified!" A strong man with a whole body covered in black robes persuaded Luo Tian by this time.

The face of this strong man in black robe was covered by a grimace, but his voice did not seem old, he was a young man.

"What did you say... is it true?" Luo Tian's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again. "Grandpa, he shouldn't care about this! If he loses, he loses, it's irreversible!"

"No! I will help the young master to spread the news that Zhao Yuande is bullying the small, and will not take our invincible sage king in his eyes and let him lose his reputation!" The black robe strong sneered.

"Is this okay?" Luo Tian moved a little.

"When did I deceive the young master." The black robe said strong.

"Yes, you haven't really fooled me in these years." Luo Tian nodded. "If that's the case, go ahead and do it! But remember, don't let anyone see the horse."

"The young master rest assured that everything is wrapped in the body of his subordinates." The strong man in black robe assured him by patting his chest.

Watching the black robe strong leave in a hurry, Luo Tian's eyes became cold.

"Don't think I don't know, you are actually a spy, but I want to use you, I want to smash you all, and let my grandfather look at my means!" Luo Tian's decadence disappeared with a faint smile, "Invincible strength is not the most important thing. The important thing is invincible wisdom. You must all be my pawns in my palm! Zhao Yuande...I will one day avenge myself..."

Zhao Yuande they entered the Holy City, before they reached the restaurant, they saw a thin figure appeared in front of them.

"Master Zu!" Zhao Yuande saw this figure, and there was a moment of excitement on his face.

Before, he strayed into the dark world and escaped to the eternal dimension through purgatory. If there is no avatar that the ancestor left on himself in advance, he will probably die.

Now seeing this ancestor again, Zhao Yuande has not been fluctuating for a long time, and he can't help but get excited.

"Okay! Good boy, just come back!" Tianchi Taoist stepped forward to grasp Zhao Yuande and looked him up and down. The more he looked, the more shocked he was, and the more joy he looked.

"Wang Wang! Boy, you're back, what gift did you bring to Ben Sheng!" The **** dog rushed up.

"Hehe! Dasheng, long time no see!" Zhao Yuande touched Dasheng's head and stuffed a bottle of immortality.

"Wang Wang! So many medicines, this quality... this energy fluctuates... Ben Sheng can sleep again!" The **** dog turned around excitedly.

"Okay! Just knowing to be lazy, go back and give me a good practice, otherwise you will not be allowed to eat for a month." Although Tianci Taoist said so, he couldn't help smiling.

"Wang Wang! Ben Sheng heard nothing, and did not come out just now." The **** dog turned and plunged into the restaurant and disappeared.


Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"See Xuan Shizu!"

The Four Daoists had known the Heaven Eater Daoist before, and they didn't move forward just to salute here.

"Master Zu, I would like to introduce to you that this is Fairy Mirror and a disciple of the Heavenly King." Zhao Yuande introduced Jing Fairy to his side this time.

"Have seen seniors!" Mirror Fairy hurriedly saluted.

"Oh! The name Mirror Fairy, even if I have heard of it, is not simple or not simple!" Heaven Eater Dao winked at Zhao Yuande, the sentence was not simple with all fingers.

"Master Zu... forget it!" Zhao Yuande tried to explain, but stopped again.

Originally there was nothing, this explanation may be embarrassed by the mirror fairy.

"Let's go! Let's go back!" Tian Tian Taoist took Zhao Yuande into the restaurant.

"Master Zu, I have something very important to ask you." As soon as I entered the restaurant, Zhao Yuande's expression suddenly became very solemn.

"Oh! What's the matter, come to my secret room!" Tian Tian Taoist saw Zhao Yuande's solemn expression, and immediately knew the seriousness of the matter.

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