Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4703: I promised you

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Chapter 4703, I promised you

No wonder many powerful people at that time saw the huge octopus and were so scared that they didn't dare to say much.

It's just that these non-selfless octopuses are so powerful that they are not even weaker than him.

I don't know how powerful their true achievements will be after half an eternity!

But when he wanted to recapture the second head with his old skills, he felt that the opponent was already prepared.

He realized that although these octopuses have their own independent will, their spirits may be connected.

"It doesn't seem to work, let's run away!" Zhao Yuande felt that countless octopuses around him had surrounded him again.

And this time the other party has a premeditated unified action, they are connected with each other by heart and soul, and the union will be more powerful.

"Then escape quickly, I'm afraid I can't escape anymore!" Void Hulu also felt the situation was not good.

Zhao Yuande didn't delay much, his body kept moving, and he escaped from the octopus circle again and again, and finally rushed to the edge of this forest world.

"Huh!" Zhao Yuande was relieved when he saw the chaotic cloud.

Under the continuous teleport, he has rushed into the chaotic cloud and disappeared.

Countless octopuses made an angry roar.

But they looked at the chaotic clouds and mists and seemed to be afraid, and dared not rush to hunt down Zhao Yuande.

After waiting for a whole day here, this group of octopus gradually dispersed, and each returned to their own lake to continue to absorb the eternal air.

At this time, Zhao Yuande has appeared in a vast yellow sand world.

There are ten suns in the sky here, releasing terrifying heat to scorch the earth.

In the endless world of yellow sand, there is only one plant, a dwarf tree of fiery red color.

These dwarf trees are less than three feet tall, but thick enough to be embraced by more than a dozen people in Xu Ya.

The crown of the dwarf tree is not large, only a few tens of feet in radius, but below it is an ice blue beast lying prone.

"These strange beasts are strange. Although in this scorching environment, they exude a cold breath." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked.

"Look inside the sand!" the void gourd reminded.

Zhao Yuande looked and found that among the yellow sand beneath these beasts, there seemed to be some strange protrusions.

"It seems to be the root of this tree." Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! It's the roots. These monsters are absorbing the essence of these trees, and they can only survive on these trees." Void gourd said.

"The eternal air next to the big tree is relatively strong. Let's take a look!" Zhao Yuande saw which strange beasts' strength was not strong, so he didn't care about them.


Just as he approached the dwarf tree, there was a sound of vibration under the earth, a root of the root protruding from the ground, and punctured towards Zhao Yuande.

"These low trees don't seem to welcome us! What do they mean?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but slightly understand.

"It's still necessary to ask me, you don't know if your appraisal technique is used!" Void gourd said.

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande patted his head.

He performed an appraisal technique, and soon looked strange.

"I thought they were the natives of this yellow sand world. I didn't expect them to absorb eternal gas like me!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly. "Even if this kind of beast is raised by them."

"Sure enough," the Void gourd said, "Do you feel that their roots are deep under the earth and are constantly swallowing the eternal air under the earth."

Zhao Yuande nodded, a hint of enlightenment appeared on his face.

"It turns out that the eternal spirit of this world is underground. Even trees must be afraid of flames." Zhao Yuande nodded, and he summoned the flame orb.

His body flashed into the ground as soon as he flashed, and there seemed to be an invisible force around him to support a small space, so that he would not be submerged by the endless yellow sand.


As soon as he entered the ground, there were countless whiskers entangled.


He brandished the chaotic Qinglian sword, chopping at the tangled roots constantly.

Those root beards met the chaotic green lotus fire and suddenly retreated as a viper.

"Xiaoqing, can you destroy the root of this tree." Zhao Yuande said to Chaos Qinglian Kendo.

"Yes!" Xiao Qing answered yes.

A cyan flame flew out and disappeared directly into the yellow sand.


But in an instant he heard a terrible voice from the depths of the earth.

He covered the space of God's domain and suddenly saw an amazing scene.

Although this dwarf tree has a low trunk at the top, the root beard at the bottom is well developed.

The huge root system radiates tens of thousands of miles, as if it were an underground kingdom of roots and whiskers.

But at this time, in the center of the Kingdom of Roots, a cyan fire was burning.

Zhao Yuande could vaguely see a twisted face in the blue firelight.

"Forgive me! I'm willing to give you the three-half of the eternal energy I absorbed!" The distorted face screamed in horror, constantly sending a voice to Zhao Yuande.

"Oh! Isn't half of the eternal energy missing?" Zhao Yuande smiled. "Dedicate all the eternal energy to me, and I will spare your life. You can continue to absorb eternal energy here. If you are angry, otherwise you will have only one way to die."

"You...too ruthless!" not only begged for distorted faces, "or else sixty-thirds will give me..."

"Xiaoqing, get started! Burn it to death, I don't like bargaining people!" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"It's the master!" Xiao Qing replied.

"No... I promised you!" Although distorted face is unwilling, but he knew he had no choice.

Suddenly, Yuanyuan Zhao felt that a fist-sized milky white liquid was slowly flying out in the middle of the huge roots.

Zhao Yuande didn't dare to carelessly. After the appraisal of the appraisal technique, this was considered to be brought to his own.

"These are too many differences. I have calculated. You need to rob 36 small trees to be able to use you." Void gourd said.

"Thirty-six strains, if they are all so easy, don't waste too much time." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"I still have something to ask you, I hope you answer truthfully, if you are satisfied I will leave immediately, if you are not satisfied you will still die!" Zhao Yuande recalled Xiao Qing and said.

"Excuse me!" the distorted face replied feebly.

"You belong to that big universe, how many of your kind come to this world, and how powerful are your ethnic groups." Zhao Yuande asked his own question.

"We... don't have our own world, just wandering in the chaotic sea of ​​the universe, where we are floating is our home!"

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