Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4708: Two rookies

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"It turns out that! Thank you, Brother Bai Yu for solving the puzzle." Zhao Yuande nodded.

In fact, his heart was horrified at this time, and the situation Bai Yu said might be the Holy Lotus of Chaos!

No wonder Chaolian Shenglian is so detached, and even makes other strong races fear, this is not to fear her strength, but to fear her future achievements.

For example, a super genius, if it can’t be killed, and it can’t be drawn, then it can only be respected.

"Let's go! Through the world where our Xuanhu tribe is coming, let's go to other worlds to plunder and hit the sap!" Bai Yu waved his hand with determination.

"I remember there seem to be many races. Do the five worlds of eternal arrogance arrange according to a certain law?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"Yes, there are five kinds of constant rotation. The eternal gas in this world where our Xuanhu tribe descends, we call it feathers, and the three-legged snake world we call it sign, and I now get this kind of Half!" said White Feather.

"Your name is so weird!" Zhao Yuande felt a little big.

"No blame, no blame! Our Xuanhu tribe likes the rhythm the most, so we label it with five tones, and the remaining three are palace, monk, and horn." Bai Yudao.

"Then... there are only five kinds of five sounds, and how to distinguish the five kinds of the central world." Zhao Yuande asked.

"That's simpler. If the five sounds are over, then the five-tone sounds! Lips, teeth, nose and throat!" Bai Yudao said.

"This... is too rough!" Zhao Yuande felt that the five sounds in front of him were still a little bit mysterious, but what the **** are these tongues, teeth, noses and throats.

"Hey, it's just a code name." Bai Yu smiled.

"That... too." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Oh! Brother Zhao, you come along all the way, I don't know how many kinds of eternal air you got!" Bai Yu couldn't help but be curious, and at the same time, there was a kind of vigor in his heart.

He likes Zhao Yuande to say one and a half figures.

"Oh! It's better not to say, brother Bai Yu of the province is uncomfortable." Zhao Yuande blinked.

"It's okay! This bird is very bearable and will definitely not be uncomfortable!" Bai Yu patted his chest.

But at this time, his heart was shaking, according to Zhao Yuande, there must be more than one and a half, is it two and a half?

"Then I will say! Before I had crossed two worlds before meeting Brother Bai Yu." Zhao Yuande said.

"That's two and a half...wouldn't it be three and a half! Bai Yu looked at Zhao Yuande and his eyes were all staring out, "This bird really wants to rob you! "

"Brother Bai Yu, you are not such a bird!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Hey... All the birds of this bird have been seen through by you!" Bai Yu sighed.


Between their words, they have entered the world where Xuanhu is.

There is drizzle in this world, and the whole world is covered by water vapor, as if entering a dream world.

All kinds of strange plants, all kinds of strange animals, and even a kind of intelligent creature.

They are half human and half deer, and they have a very strange magical activation, which can let their companions escape.

The Xuanhu family is also a race that doesn't like killing, so they don't have to deal with the creatures of this world, they are considered to be in harmony.

Zhao Yuande felt another kind of eternal qi feather here, but Zhao Yuande did not give birth to the thoughts absorbed here.

He absorbs a little more, and the people of the Xuanhu clan absorb less.

This is Bai Yu's world, he would rather go across several worlds, and he can't do such a thing.

"Brother Zhao really has the right, there should be the eternal air palace, which is what we need!" Bai Yu took Zhao Yuande to the end of this world.

"Have you been there?" Zhao Yuande looked at Bai Yu.

"I've been there, but I was kicked back. My own strength is not enough, but if we add Brother Zhao, we should be able to get the eternal air we want from it." Bai Yudao.

"Insufficient strength?" Zhao Yuande looked at Bai Yu somewhat strangely.

This guy is very self-proclaimed. How could he say such things.

"Cough! It is indeed lack of strength. The world over there is called the chaotic clan control. They have created a world of killing in this world, and the blood of all the people killed in it has flowed into a river." Bai Yudao, "That is simply A group of lunatics, who do not know how they have proliferated for so many years, have not been wiped out by themselves."

From Bai Yu's remarks, it is clear that he is very jealous of this chaotic family and obviously has a psychological shadow.

"Such a race is interesting, let's go in and see!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Remember that when the two of us joined forces, the group of lunatics didn't even want to die in a fight. If it didn't work, it would be a burst of self-explosion and die with the enemy." Bai Yu urged.


The two passed through the mist of chaos and suddenly felt that they had entered a **** world.

There are blood colors everywhere, broken corpses can be seen everywhere, and there is a terrifying black and red gas floating in the sky.


Just before they traveled, there was a burst of excited laughter in their ears.

"Yes...they are here!" Bai Yu shivered slightly, and the mace in his hand had been taken out.

At this time, Zhao Yuande was slightly excited, looking forward.

"Another two rookies broke into our world, let me die!" Just at this time, the **** big palm seal had been flying towards them in the distance.

A terrifying blood!

The black and red colors floating in the sky seemed to be attracted by this **** big palm print, and suddenly merged into the **** big palm print.

Suddenly, the big palm print was even more bloody, and the breath was several times stronger.

"Look! This is their advantage! They will turn this into their **** world, and the more creatures they kill, the more blood evil will be formed. Blood evil will also take the initiative when they shoot." Bai Yukan With this **** big palm imprinted.

"Crush me!" Zhao Yuande shouted loudly, his figure disappeared.

A thick finger came down from the sky and pressed directly on the **** palm print.


The **** big palm print was directly crushed, and became a blood mist.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's figure had already appeared in the distance. With one punch, he was bombarded by a weird man with blood all over his body and his hair spread.


The weird man saw Zhao Yuande slamming with a punch and gave a roar.

His whole body was ten times thicker at once, as if turned into a blood man.


But it's useless at all. Zhao Yuande's speed is too fast, and this punch is all out.

The blood man on the opposite side was smashed directly, a figure was smashed to the ground, and the crackling bones rang continuously.

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