Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4719: Happy cooperation

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This race is the most powerful.

Zhao Yuande punched the black giant wolf's claws away with one punch, only to feel his body tremble slightly.

The strength of the opponent has exceeded him, so he can not help but shocked.

"Brother Zhao, let me help you!" Xue Ling's voice came at this time.

Zhao Yuande saw only a silver fox all over his body, and the light and spirited body crossed an arc in the air, leaving a blood mark on the claw of the black giant wave.

The blood on the wolf claws suddenly seemed to be pouring down.

Zhao Yuande saw a purple light flicker between the claws of the silver-white fox, and at the same time a pressure of Heavenly Dao came down.

It's a heavenly treasure!

Zhao Yuande knew in his heart how the genius of such a big family could come out empty-handed.

This day is the treasure, I am afraid that it is just an ordinary weapon on the other side.


The black giant wolf was cut and suddenly gave a roaring roar.

Its eyes suddenly turned blood red, and the body began to swell, and a powerful pressure came down.

"No, it is using secret methods to improve its strength! Continue to continue, I am afraid that its power is comparable to ordinary eternal realm strong!" Xue Ling was a little shocked in her voice at this time.


Zhao Yuande also felt the terror crisis, knowing that if the other party really succeeded, I am afraid they would be chased around.

It may even die in the hands of the black giant wolf.

At this moment, he also used his most powerful means, with more treasures in his hand, and he suppressed them fiercely toward the other party.

The Zhenlong Pagoda is also a heavenly treasure at this time, but in fact it is composed of a very complicated and large formation.

This repression, suddenly the whole void was trembling, and the world was sinking.

The black giant wolf seems to be carrying this huge world at this time, and his four legs tremble slightly.

It was at this time that Zhao Yuande increased the output of the world power of the main world, which reduced his physical body from powerful restraints.

His speed has become several times faster than before.

A flash of his figure had appeared in front of the black giant wave, and a punch slammed into its nose.

The black giant wolf was instantly suppressed by the Zhenlong pagoda, how could it escape Zhao Yuande's punch.


The nose of the black giant wolf was instantly crushed by a punch, and even the giant mouth was broken in half at this time, and the blood spewed out of the wound like Tianhe.


A cicada-like blade in Xue Ling's hands was shaking slightly.

The cicada wing blade turned into an arc of light and directly slashed towards the neck of the black giant wave.

The blade of the cicada wing suddenly turned into a huge golden cicada in the air, and during the whistling, the golden cicada issued a burst of strange buzz.

A dizzy voice entered the ear of the black giant wolf.

The body of the black giant wolf shuddered, as if under some kind of blow, and the blood in his eyes gradually began to return to normal.

It was at this moment that the blade of the cicada wings had been cut on the neck of the black giant wolf.


Blood shines.

Although the neck of the black giant wolf has not been completely cut off, it has been cut in half.

The endless blood spewed out of it like a river bursting.

Suddenly blood flowed across the earth.


The body of the black giant wolf crashed to the ground.

Although its body is still twitching constantly, it has gradually lost its vitality and vitality.

Zhao Yuande withdrew the Zhenlong Pagoda, and his heart gradually returned to normal.

He looked at Xue Ling in amazement, looking at the thin cicada blade that gradually disappeared between Xue Ling's claws.

"Happy cooperation!" Xue Ling recovered his human body and smiled slightly at him.

"Happy cooperation!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

His gaze soon fell to another place on the battlefield.

He saw the divine rat rat cold, which was so dazzlingly fast.

Each time, the sharp sharp teeth were able to leave a terrible scar between the black giant wolf's throat.

These black giant wolves were ripped open and their throats weren’t fatal, but the blood they ran out instantly turned dark purple.

The huge wolf body gradually shrivelled, and finally only a complete wolf skin was left on the ground.

All blood, musculoskeletal and visceral... everything is eroded by venom in a short period of time, and melts into the invisible.

In just a few short breaths, there were seven black giant wolves that died in the cold of the mouse.

On the other side, Zeyun's battle is the flow of clouds and water, not so **** and cruel, but with a spirit of fairy spirit.

Ze Yun also turned into a real Bai Ze at this time, the horn on its head released a strange sonic ripple, as long as it spread on those black giant wolves, the speed of the black giant wolf began to become incomparable slow.

However, this kind of sound wave ripple has no effect on the youth of the Yuan tribe.

As long as Zeyun walked by, all the black giant wolves slowed down, and in a blink of an eye, they would be beheaded by the Yuan ethnic youth.

It just walked in the black giant wolf group, leisurely and complacent.

The group of black giant wolves didn't seem to see it at all, nor did they attack it at all.

"It's really a powerful ability!" Zhao Yuande could not help admiring this scene.

"Although the ability is strong, Ze Yun's mentality is much worse and wasted!" Xue Ling shook her head slightly at this time. "If it can be united with us, if the four of us join hands, it is really possible. Get the first place! Pity, pity!"

"Or, ask him to discuss?" Zhao Yuande looked at Xueling.

"It's useless. The Baize family is not what it used to be! They have been corrupted, and now they are extremely arrogant." Xue Ling shook her head slightly.

"Otherwise, let's move some hands and take him down?" Zhao Yuande's sentence was secretly transmitted.

"You... you are not afraid to go out and be stared by the Baize family! They are vast, not only have this kind of talent, they are also proficient in calculation techniques! You can definitely find your heels." Xue Ling said.

"It's okay, they can't calculate us!" At this time, the voice of the empty gourd passed into Zhao Yuande's ears.

"Why?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"Because you are the main world, and the main world is you! And you are the heaven of the main world, you can shade yourself at will. If they calculate you, they will calculate an unknown world, and they will definitely get nothing." Void Hulu said.

"If so, there is really something to be done." Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up.

"Are you really going to do this?" Xue Ling was surprised when she saw Zhao Yuande's eyes.

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