Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4721: surrender

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If you do not prepare in advance, directly fight with this group of golden light magic bulls.

I am afraid that this group of Yuan ethnic youths will lose their resistance and become cattle and sheep slaughtered.

Without ten breaths, they would be slaughtered clean.

It can be imagined that the Yuan tribe who first met the Golden Light Demon Ox was definitely miserable at that time.

I don't know how much the experience of the death of the ancestors before they have their tactics.

Zhao Yuande's figure shuttled through the Golden Bull Demon Herd, and every punch could always end the life of a Golden Bull Demon Bull.

Xue Ling also turned into a silver fox, and her body seemed to be dancing gracefully.

But her enemies were also the most miserable. The huge bull head was cut directly, and it was all over the ground.

Rat Han shrank, turned into a long-biting God Eater, and shuttled under the herd.

Wherever they passed, the golden demon cow shriveled down and turned into cowhide spread on the ground.

Only Ze Yun didn't turn into Bai Ze at this time, but kept slamming a tortoise shield in the herd.

The tortoiseshell shield is very extraordinary, with only a terrible resilience.

The Golden Bull Magic Bull slammed on the tortoiseshell shield, and it will be suddenly back by the power of terror.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the Golden Light Demon Ox seemed to be hit hard, lying down and twitching constantly.

On the other hand, this group of Yuan ethnic youths are not as relaxed as they are, they are very embarrassed.

Without Zhao Yuande, the four of them are present, I am afraid that this group of golden light magic cows can make them go out.

Zhao Yuande approached Ze Yun intentionally or unintentionally, and his battle was very simple, that is, bombardment with fists.

At this time, there was already an invisible void vortex that was slowly turning around him, and the force of engulfment was not attracted.

"Huh! What is this human race kid to do?" At this time in the white bone hall, the Yuan patriarch frowned slightly. "His goal seems to be... that Bai Ze? What is he going to do? Is it? Do you want to exclude aliens first?"

"It was not allowed at first, but... although the white zeitaki is not weak, but it is a strange number, it doesn't seem to be in harmony with the human kid." The patriarch's face showed a hint of difficulty, but soon He shook his head slightly, "If you let it do anything, if you get caught in a real battle, it's awful! Seeing that he saved my daughter, I shouldn't have seen it!"

At this time, Zhao Yuande saw Ze Yun being stared at by two golden light magic cows, and the two golden light magic cows rushed over at the same time.

Although Ze Yun resisted the two golden light magic cows at the same time, his body couldn't help but flew backwards.

It was at this time that Zhao Yuande's figure quietly missed with Ze Yun.

The powerful force of engulfment suddenly exploded. With the help of Zeyun's body, Zeyun disappeared directly.

All this flow of clouds and water, even a breath is useless.

At this time in the main world, Ze Yun's eyes widened unbelievably.

It saw the giant gourd vine, saw the world of dimensions, and saw many incredible scenes.

"Where am I going?" Ze Yun quickly awakened from the shock and couldn't help whispering, "Is it accidentally swallowed into a dimensional crack and reached another universe?"

"Haha! Your imagination is really rich." At this time, Zhao Yuande's figure appeared in front of him.

"How do you... how are you? This is your world!" Ze Yun couldn't help but be frightened, his face full of horror.

"Yes! It's my captive now! Honestly become my servant, I will let you go and continue fighting, otherwise you will die here!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other with a sneer.

"Why do you want to target me? I am afraid there is no hatred between us!" Ze Yun calmed down quickly. "Do you know the consequences of doing this? You killed me privately, I am afraid the Yuan patriarch will not spare you of!"

"Well, I am not worried! Because I am stronger than you, my value is greater than you! Even if I kill you, he will not treat me because he still needs me to fight for the Yuan race. Good ranking." Zhao Yuande smiled faintly.

"Are you not afraid of being strangled by our Baize family, I am afraid that your group will also be ruthlessly hit by that time!" Ze Yun said.

"I know the calculation power of your Baize family, but unfortunately you can never calculate my head! Do you not see what is here? My world, my universe!" Zhao Yuande laughed, "even if it is It is impossible for your ethnic group's eternal realm to make a shot to me."

"What do you...what do you want to do!" Ze Yun heard that it was a real complexion.

"I want you to be my servant, driven by me, and get the first place in the battle of the five races!" Zhao Yuande said with a smile, "Only in this way can you truly obey and accept my orders."

"Why me! Why not the other two?" Ze Yun gritted his teeth.

"Because only you have shown strong hostility towards me!" Zhao Yuande said, "And Xueling has already formed an alliance with me. As for the Devourer, I have not felt hostility from him, and I also think it is a Calm guy, he should know the benefits of working with me."

"I... I can swear, my oath of chaos, I will definitely cooperate with you, and will never be an enemy with you! We might as well turn it into a jade silk!" Ze Yun looked sincerely to Zhao Yuande.

"I won't believe you no matter what you say. Now I will give you two choices. One is to submit to me as my slave, and the other is to die!" Zhao Yuande said coldly.

"I... don't force me!" Ze Yun clenched his fists.

"Three, two, ..." Zhao Yuande counted the numbers, making the other party's heart confused.

Death is impossible, and finally became one of the future successors of the Baize family, how could he be willing to die.

Become a slave to the other party...and have a chance to live, as long as you live, there is hope.

As long as there is a little hope, he will not give up.

"As long as you behave well, maybe I'm in a good mood and you can be free." Zhao Yuande spoke lightly at this time, giving the other party a look of hope and a glimmer of hope.

"Okay! I promise you!" Ze Yun seemed to have drawn the strength of his whole body, and almost collapsed to the ground.

"Then don't resist..."

This kind of thing is more familiar, but in the blink of an eye, Ze Yun's spirit was planted with a ban. As long as Zhao Yuande had a thought, he would die.

Although it sounds like they have been in the main world for a long time, it is actually just a short-lived thing in the outside world.

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