Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4723: Fierce battle

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The vast prairie that had been endless at that time now had many large lakes.


Just when Zhao Yuande didn't support it, and was repeatedly backed by the powerful force of the Golden Light Demon King, the three shadows behind him rushed forward.

Rat Han is the fastest, and his body has also expanded a large circle at this time, turning into a giant wolf.

The two fangs seemed to be two peerless swords at this time, and Daofeng Fengshen shot out.


But he did not expect that a bit of bitterness from Rat Han burst into a series of horror lights on the body of the King of the Golden Light Demon Ox.

They asked to see that the two teeth in the rat cold had just bitten the skin of the golden light demon king, and a golden light appeared, directly blocking the two teeth.


At this moment, even Han Han couldn't help but screamed.

Its sharp teeth are unfavorable, and it has once sneaked on an eternal powerhouse.

Although the other party did not kill the other party at the time, the poisonousness also made the other party uncomfortable.

Now even the opponent's defense cannot be bitten.

"Enter his body!" At this time, the voice of Zhao Hande came from Mouse Han's ear.

"That's right!" Mouse Han's eyes lit up at this moment.

This guy is so huge that he can devour the world even if he just opens his mouth casually.

The other party's skin is so hard, it can never be so hard in the body!

As long as you are poisoned by yourself, even the eternal realm will be distracted.

Mouse Han's body suddenly shrunk to the size of a fist, turning into a **** light and rushing directly to the giant mouth.


The King of the Golden Light Magic Bull saw this scene, and his mouth was a roar.

Suddenly a huge sonic ripple appeared in front of it, which not only blocked the body of Mouse Han, but also cut a deep scar of Zhao Yuande's body.

"The undead power gave me work!" Zhao Yuande shouted wildly.

At this moment he felt his body was about to be cut in half by the horrible sound wave.

"I'm Nibi Mi!"

Zhao Yuande also shouted loudly.

The six-character mantra of Buddhism turned into a huge golden figure striking towards the head of the Golden Light Demon King.

This roar contains almost all the spirits of Zhao Yuande, and his understanding of heaven and the understanding of the universe.

The golden figure is magnificent and full of sacred power.

The huge sound wave ripples oscillated as soon as they appeared.

Zhao Yuande felt the pressure on himself suddenly reduced.


It was also at this time that Ze Yunhua made the mysterious voice of Tao in his mouth.

This sound seems to have a strange power that can make people fall into it.

This power seemed to merge with the golden figure transformed by the six-character mantra at once, and turned into an illusory zen stick, and bombarded toward the King of Golden Light Devil Ox.

At this moment, even the two parties, Zhao Yuande and Ze Yun, were a bit stunned, which was simply too unexpected.


The King of the Golden Light Magic Cow screamed.

But there was a fear in this roar.


The illusory Zen rod directly bombarded the head of the Golden Light Demon King.

The king of the golden light magic bull staggered.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a little pressure on himself.

He did not delay this perfect opportunity, and kicked directly towards the mouth of the Golden Light Demon King.


One foot hit the big mouth of the king of the golden light magic bull, kicking it with a mouthful of blood.


At this moment, a black light burst out of the mouth of the golden light demon king.


Just a moment, the King of the Golden Light Demon Ox uttered a scream.

It can be seen that its huge mouth is constantly pouring dark blood outward at this time.


The king of golden light magic cow closed his mouth at once.

Zhao Yuande felt the other person's body, and it seemed to be burning an endless golden flame.

At this time, the King of the Golden Light Magic Cow wants to refining the rat cold in the body!

It was at this time that the golden light surrounding the body of the Golden Light Demon King dimmed.

"Kill!" Xue Ling, who had been unable to find a mobile phone meeting, turned into a silvery shadow.

A **** light spurted out, and the silver light and shadow transformed by Xueling cut a long wound directly on the neck of the golden light demon king.

But the King of the Golden Light Demon Ox did not open his mouth at this time, but the golden flame in his body was more and more scary and fierce.

Even at this time, the King of the Golden Light Demon Ox seemed to turn into a red golden furnace, refining the rat cold.

It was at this time that Zhao Yuande loosened a pair of horns of the Golden Light Demon King and grabbed the long wound on his neck.


Zhao Yuande urged all the forces in the body to slam it.


The skin of the Golden Light Demon King was torn apart by Zhao Yuande, revealing half of the blood-red flesh.

The blood fell down as if it were pouring rain.

But in the blink of an eye, the big pits on the ground were filled with blood.


The king of golden light magic bull finally couldn't help it, his mouth screamed with great pain.

A black light flew out of the mouth of the King of the Golden Demon Ox, it was Rat Han.

At this time, Mouse Han was burnt, and all flesh fluttered.

All the hair on it was gone, and even the two longest strands of beard on the lips disappeared.

"My beard! I'm going to kill you!" Mouse Han screamed with a shock.

Mouse Han directly rushed towards the place where the skin was torn off, and began to bite the king of the golden light devil.

Just a moment, the flesh and blood of the King of the Golden Demon Ox has turned into a dark color.

Everyone could feel that the breath of the Golden Light Demon King began to decline gradually.


The King of the Golden Light Demon Ox eyes were bloodshot at this time, as if they were two rounds of hot sun hanging in the sky.

It roared wildly, and suddenly a horrible golden light erupted outside the body, flicking away the rat cold that was constantly biting it.

"Dodge it!" Zhao Yuande also felt that the other party was crazy.

And the other party looks very powerful at this time, but in fact it is already a little bit of oil.

As long as they can persist for a period of time, I am afraid that this king of golden light magic cow will soon fall down by himself.

His body shrank sharply, and he began to dodge the attack of the Golden Light Demon King.

Others naturally know what Zhao Yuande means.

After the tea time, this huge king of golden demon ox crashed directly to the ground with a bang.

It seems that a sky dome collapsed directly, smashing the earth out of a huge pit.

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