Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4734: Forbidden

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Shenhui's eyes fixed on Mouse Han, his voice full of anticipation.

"No! Your opponent is not Rat Han, but me!" Zhao Yuande's mouth turned slightly and stepped forward to face Shenhui.

"You are a human race, ants-like things are also eligible to fight me! Get away!" Shen Hui smiled coldly, a golden light shot out of his hand, directly over Zhao Yuande.

The speed of this golden light is beyond people's imagination, everyone has not yet reflected that golden light has shrouded Zhao Yuande's body.


Seeing that Shenhui had already started, the mouse drank coldly and rushed directly to the three people of the Xuanshui tribe.

He did not worry about Zhao Yuande's trouble, because only three of them knew how powerful Zhao Yuande really was.

"Your opponent is me!" Shenhui suddenly saw Rat Han rushing behind him, and immediately wanted to rush up to stop the other party, to complete his major affairs.

But Mouse Han didn't even look at him at all, and was almost in front of the three Xuanshui tribes.

"Your opponent is me!" Shenhui's ear also remembered the same words.

He turned his head suddenly, only to find that Zhao Yuande didn't know when he had appeared beside him, and a punch was being bombarded towards his face.

"How is it possible!" Even Shenhui felt a little weird at this time.

The move I made just now was a sneak attack. I'm afraid that even the speed of the mouse might not be able to escape.

Why didn't he use that trick against Rathan? That's because he wanted to overcome Rathan in an upright manner, and let Rathan's heartfelt persuasion be able to truly attach himself.

In this way, the God Eater family may be affected, and become a subsidiary race of the Tenjin Palace more smoothly, rather than the allies and collaborators they want to become.

In fact, the real purpose of Shenhui's coming here is to subdue the rat cold.

It is also a long-term plan of their family, and his victory or defeat this time is the most critical part.

But at this time, it was a sudden outburst, and a human race was killed opposite.

After the shock was anger, Shenhui's eyes suddenly released a terrible godman, staring at Zhao Yuande's voice with a terrible killing intention.

"Since you are looking for death, then don't blame me!" The voice of Shen Soul fell on his body and his fist seemed to turn into a fiery Shenyang at this time, and greeted Zhao Yuande's fist.

He is one of the young masters of the gods, has the most powerful talent, and has a powerful **** body.

He has never seen anyone who can compete with his own body.

Today he is about to kill Zhao Yuande alive here, and let Han Han see his true strength.


The fists hit together in an instant.

Then the two flew out together.

Zhao Yuande flew out and covered hundreds of feet before gradually stopping.

Shenhui was backed by 80 feet.

But at this time Shenhui's eyes again showed an incredible light.

This is the second time, he feels that the other person's body is probably not much weaker than himself.

The opponent's speed is beyond his imagination, and the flesh is so powerful.

Shenhui suddenly felt something was wrong.

The other party is hiding his strength. He just wants to stop himself, and then let Han Han kill his three companions.

At that time, he would fight alone, and he naturally knew the strength of the mouse cold, if he joined forces with the human in front, plus the other two were messing around.

He felt he had no chance at all.

It was at this time that he thought of his companion, and it seemed a little late.

"So you are hiding so deep!" Shen Hui's thoughts changed, but he didn't go to see Han Han.

He had to kill this human race first, even if he paid a certain price.

"It's just that you have no one in your eyes!" Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly, "Okay! Don't be wordy, you must be trying to kill me now, what's there to use as soon as possible! Otherwise your three teammates will die Now!"

Shenhui heard Zhao Yuande's words and couldn't help but pay attention to the battle on the other side.

Sure enough, he saw that Mouse Han had bitten the neck of the white man, and the white man suddenly screamed mournfully.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the boy in white seemed to be a leaky balloon, but it suddenly shrivelled into a human skin.

Seeing this scene, even Shenhui felt some scalp tingling.

It was at this time that Zhao Yuande launched an attack.

He did not use other tricks, but only used his teleportation and powerful flesh.

Scary speed, scary fists.


Shenhui lost his mind for a while and was seized by Zhao Yuande.

The fists of the two collided one after another. Although Shenhui was not at a disadvantage, he felt his arms numb.

And the attack speed of the opponent is getting faster and faster, which makes him feel overwhelmed.

But at this time, he also saw that Zhao Yuande's fist had begun to show cracks, and blood was splashing.

Obviously the other person's physical body is weaker than himself.

However, this weak advantage has no effect at all. According to this degree, I am afraid that my 30 breaths may not be able to win the other party.

"It looks like a waste of cards!" Shen Hui's face showed a pity.

Since he made the decision, he didn't hesitate.

There was already a **** long sword in his hand at this time, and the black brilliance wrapped around the long sword.

If you look closely, you can see that the black brilliance turned out to be a miniature black dragon.

As soon as this **** long sword came out, the void trembling around all of a sudden, the whole battlefield seemed to be shrouded in a terrible breath.

"Dragon Soul Sword!" In the stands at this time, the Yuan patriarch could not help being slightly shocked.

"It seems that the Celestial Race this time was determined to let this young master get the first place, and even this treasure was given!" Xuan Hao couldn't help but sigh slightly at this time.

Obviously he saw this Dragon Soul Sword, knowing that Nether Kong might not be able to defeat the opponent.

Their Xuanshui tribe may become second this time.

However, the second place is okay and is expected.

"Tianjin Race is really too particular! This is a forbidden device!" The Yuan Patriarch could not help biting his teeth at this time.

"People are Celestial Clan, the masters here, they can do whatever they want! Why don't you pay attention to it, if we don't have the strength, even if we can only be a mermaid, let alone these little guys!" Xuan Hao Faintly said.

"Hey!" The patriarch of the Yuan tribe couldn't help but regret.

He should lend his treasure to Zhao Yuande.

But regret at this time is no longer useful, he just expects Zhao Yuande not to die in Shenhui's hands.

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