Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4739: Desperate

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Xuan Hao was staring at him at this time, making his heart tight.

"What chaos means, how could it be chaos means, you and I saw that Your Majesty was killed by the thief, and there is no disciple of His Majesty." Chaos refers to the head of Yuan tribe with a smile.

"Isn't it? I feel like it!" Xuan Hao's eyes were a little puzzled and seemed full of recollection.

Seeing the other person's expression, the Yuan patriarch sneered.

He would never believe anyone at this time, especially this old Xuanwu turtle.

Although he did not directly turn to the evil spider family back then, his performances in recent years have made people wonder.

"Hey! I also want to mean chaos, if it is really the inheritor of His Majesty the Emperor, we will really have hope!" Yuan patriarch sighed.

"Yeah! How many years have passed since this moment, Your Majesty... treat me not that bad, but I hate that we were coerced, and let go of the amount of money will be trapped in this place." Xuan Hao also sighed.

The old guy doesn't need to talk, I won't talk.

The contempt in the Yuan patriarch's heart did not appear on the surface.

The battle was fierce at this time.

Zhao Yuande exhibited his strongest speed at this time, shuttled among many black lights.

He was also very shocked at this time, as if the other party disappeared all at once, and he could not find it by any search.

The other side seems to be in harmony with the whole world. This world is the other side. If you want to find the other side, unless you break the whole world.

"Right! Break the whole world!"

Zhao Yuande suddenly became enlightened.

The other party can't get out of this space anyway. As long as he can smash the world, the other party will naturally appear.


He roared, his strength gathered in his hands, and the Zhenlong pagoda was once again used as a weapon by him, and he bombarded the sky.


Two blood lights rushed up, he didn't have time to dodge, and his body was penetrated by two black lights.

Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked at this moment. What the black light was, could even penetrate his body effortlessly, which seemed a bit scary.

At the same time, he also felt a powerful corrosive force eroding his body, making his blood and flesh begin to become black.

"What!" Zhao Yuande was not surprised at this time, and hurriedly urged the undead force to repair its damaged place and lifted that terrible corrosion force.


It was at this time that the Zhenlong Pagoda in his hand directly shattered the world.

The void seems to be broken directly like a mirror, and a lot of void fragments fell.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Zhao Yuande at this time, a black light shot from his hands, and silently shot at his back brain.

Zhao Yuande felt the warning sign suddenly, his body disappeared directly in place.

"No matter how powerful you are, how can you escape, and now you are poisoned by my eclipse of the sky, you're done! Take it away! I can help you get rid of this poison, or you will die in darkness and numbness." Ming Kong appeared in place and gave a loud laugh of excitement.

"Really? Your poison is indeed very powerful, but it will not cause me any influence." Zhao Yuande's figure flashed, and the Zhenlong pagoda in his hand kept bombarding each other.

"Good! You're not afraid of death, let's wait, I see how long you can hold on." Ming Kong wasn't worried, just a slight smile, a little confidence on his face.


Waiting for him is Zhao Yuande's fist, and it is a fierce terrorist attack.

Although Ning Kong is powerful, he is not good at the flesh, and now he is forced to retreat again and again by Zhao Yuande.

If he hadn't been waiting for the poisonous attack, I'm afraid he would use his hole cards now.


Ning Kong was wiped out with a fist, and the whole person flew out with a blood arrow in his mouth.


He couldn't help it anymore. Although he saw that the other party's wounds were still dark, the blood was flowing like ink, but he was always a little uneasy.

He can only consume his own source, and opened the magical power of the Nether Realm again.

It is a pity that Zhao Yuande is already familiar with this supernatural power. The infinite black light fills the whole space. He used the Zhenlong pagoda to block these black lights, and then shattered the void again.


Ning Kong spurted blood once, and he felt that he was really suffocating.

"I'm fed up with you! You die for me!" Nether Sky roared, a dark light radiated from his body, and turned into a long black knife falling into his hands.

There was a terrible power in the long knife, and as soon as the whole space appeared, it seemed to begin to collapse inward with it as the center.

"Dark Sky Sword! This treasure was taken by him in this hand. This time... I'm afraid I really have to lose!" Many people saw the black long knife, and their faces began to change.

Zhao Yuande also felt the horror of this long knife at this time.

"Hey! It's really life-threatening! When will I be able to recover. Now it feels bad to be held as a stick in people's hands!" Zhenlong Pagoda said with resentment.


Zhao Yuande and Gu Ding were still talking nonsense with Zhenlong Pagoda. At this time, he felt the threat brought by the long sword, which was no worse than Shenhui's Dragon Soul Sword.

Both handles are high-level heavenly treasures, and he can only desperately face such treasures.

He frantically moved Zhenlong Pagoda, hitting the opponent's Dark Sky Sword again and again, and every time he felt the power of his body being drawn by Dark Sky Sword along the Zhenlong Pagoda.

Only ten times in a row, he felt that one-tenth of his strength was taken away by the strange dark sky knife.

In this case, he will be drained in less time, and he will fall here.

"What should I do?" At this moment, his mind began to work wildly, thinking about ways to solve the dangerous situation.

"Come out!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

At this time, he gave up and confronted each other, and began to constantly urge the teleportation technique.

He felt that the other party would not be easy to use the strange long knife. As long as the other party spent a lot of money, he could attack again.

In this way, who is stronger in the game, who is more able to endure.

"What's wrong! Are you scared? You have been evading and daring not to fight me head-on!" Ming Kong sneered.

In fact, he also knows the other party's idea, that is to consume!

But he was really desperate at this time, his own eclipse poison did not cause too much image of the other party.

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